Monday, December 31, 2012

Call on BN Perak Government to cancel the approval of prime lands to cronies and UMNO/BN related companies as it is still not too late in law.


  1. Call on BN Perak Government to cancel the approval of prime lands to cronies and UMNO/BN related companies as it is still not too late in law.
  2. Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir owes the public an explanation why these lands were approved to these companies.
  3. These lands should be awarded through open tender with strategic areas reserved for public amenities.


The pro UMNO media and UMNO leaders recently brought out the issue of my involvement in the reforestation project in Gua Musang, Kelantan to divert public attention from the land scandals that I have exposed against the BN Perak Government in the State Assembly.

Amongst the many land scandals that I have exposed are the following:-

  1. 5.0 acres of prime land in Mukim Lumut approved to Reality Axis Sdn Bhd.
  2. 32.07 acres of prime land (lot 6593) in Mukim Kamunting approved to YBU Holding Sdn Bhd.
  3. 147.84 acres of prime land in Mukim Lumut approved to be developed by Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd.
  4.   58 acres of town land in Bandar Lumut approved  to J & S Holdings Sdn Bhd.
  5.  40 acres of prime land at Perak Tengah (Sri Iskandar) approved to Toyo Chemicals Sdn Bhd.

The people behind the abovesaid companies are UMNO/BN leaders and cronies.

I have now been given to understand that the statutory approvals (Form 5A of the National Land Code)  for the above said lands have not been issued and premiums for the above said lands have not been paid. I have  sought legal opinions and have been informed that the above said approvals can still be cancelled without any adverse consequence to the State Government.

I call on the BN to cancel the above said approvals and have them offered for development through open tender. Some areas of the said lands must be reserved for the building of public amenities which will be required in future.

Dato’ Seri zambry Bin Abdul Kadir the BN Perak Menteri Besar has avoided answering me in the Perak State Assembly recent sitting with regard to the above said approvals.

BN Perak State Government owes the people an explanation why the above said lands were approved to the above said companies.

BN has scrutinized and questioned  the award of the 1.1 acres of land approved by PR Penang Government in Taman Maggis even though it being awarded through open tender. I challenge the BN leadership to support my call for the above said prime lands worth Hundreds of Millions ringgit to be re-awarded through open tender if not we know they are mere hypocrites.

Dated this 31st day of December 2012.

Chairman Of DAP Perak
MP For Beruas & State Assemblyman For Sitiawan

Monday, December 24, 2012

受封拿督课题不应分裂行动党领导层; 卡巴星应把这课题带进中委会讨论





木威区国会议员 兼

Conferment of titles should not divide the DAP leadership. Sdr Karpal Singh should bring this issue before the Central Executive Committee


I refer to the view expressed by Sdr Karpal Singh to the media with regard to the Datukship titles conferred on Sdr Teng Chang Khim and me.

I believe honour is gained by the way we live our lives.

I would like to state that when I was the Senior Exco member of the Perak State Government, I had never sought to be conferred with any honour or title. However, His Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak on his own accord conferred on me the Datukship title. This is his right and discretion to exercise.

The matter was brought up for discussion before the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the DAP before I accepted the award. Sdr Karpal Singh was against it but the majority of the CEC was of the view that I should accept the award and that this issue should not be allowed to distract the party from the more important and urgent task of governing the State of Perak well.

I hope Sdr Karpal Singh will accept the majority decision of the CEC and move on. This issue should not cause any division to the party leadership. If Sdr Karpal Singh feels strongly about his view,  he should bring it before the CEC for a review.

Dated this 24th day December 2012.

MP for Beruas &
State Assemblyman for Sitiawan

Thursday, December 13, 2012








Wednesday, December 12, 2012












Monday, December 10, 2012




来自爱大华的车主李珠梅(45岁)透过国会议员让全马来西亚人民知道她所面对的冤屈。从以上的文件可清楚看出李女士本身的Honda City(车牌号码AFK 2924)早已在25/09/2012 trade in给陈唱汽车经销有限公司(Edaran Tan Chong Motor SDN BHD)。

不幸的是,李女士最近收到一张AES罚单写明在19/11/2012,9.52pm在南北大道仕林河(Slim River)375.9公里处以160km/h超速行驶,触犯了1987年陆路交通法令,罚款300令吉。李女士对这起‘被罚款’的事情大表不满,声称受到不公平的待遇。






Thursday, December 6, 2012


(实兆远 6日讯)实兆远州议员拿督倪可汉欢迎国阵霹雳州政府延续民联的利民政策,只向红土坎永宁华小象征式收费一千令吉地价。



Tuesday, November 20, 2012





Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sepakat Menuju Putrajaya



地点:红土坎海洋名胜礼堂(Marina Island hall)

讲员:公正党(PKR)--阿兹敏(YB Azmin Ali)和  Dr Mohd Nor Manuty

            行动党(DAP)--拿督倪可汉(YB Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham和 陆兆福(YB Anthony Loke)

         伊斯兰党(PAS)--尼查(YB Dato' Seri Nizar)和莫哈末沙布(YB Mat Sabu)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012



(实兆远 24日讯) 赵宗逸(21岁,菜农)不满被便衣警察狂殴和羞辱,报警一星期后警方还是没有采取行动,今天连同母亲郑圣玉(48岁,销售员)在行动党的协助下召开记者会,揭发警方的恶行。















Friday, October 19, 2012


为什么拿督斯里赞比里几乎把整个红土坎地区的土地开发权,以不公开招标的方式颁布给Kinta Berkat有限公司?国阵政府又以什么附带条件来批准这项计划?首相拿督斯里纳吉应确保赞比里透明化来处理这件事。

在2012年10月5日,我已揭发赞比里以不公开招标的方式,并且以对方有利的条件,把实兆远市中心6英亩黄金地段批准给Kinta Berkat有限公司。直到今天,赞比里还是拒绝回答我对这课题所抛出的问题。

2.该片6英亩黄金地段地价为马币472万9587令吉,为什么州政府只向Kinta Berkat收取马币5万2000令吉的地价?

配合首相拿督斯里纳吉官访曼绒县,我要揭发赞比里另一项没有公开招标的计划。赞比里把147.84英亩,相等于红土坎整个面积大小的土地的计划再次批准给Kinta Berkat有限公司。这家公司与我之前揭发没有经过公开招标及便宜的地价获得实兆远市中心6英亩黄金地段开发权的公司是同一家公司。
人民有权知道为何这么庞大的计划不需要公开招标就直接颁布给Kinta Berkat有限公司?包括发展合约条款的内容也理应公开让人民知道。


木威区国会议员 兼



Exposed! ‘BN Sapu Tanah Negeri. Tiada yang Tertinggal. Tiada yang Terpinggir (BN sweeping clean state lands. None Left Out. None Sidelined) II

Exposed! ‘BN Sapu Tanah Negeri. Tiada yang Tertinggal. Tiada yang Terpinggir (BN sweeping clean state lands. None Left Out. None Sidelined) II’ 

Why  Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir approved almost whole of Lumut Town to be developed by Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd without open tender? What are the terms for the approval? Dato’ Seri Najib Bin Tun Razak must insist that Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir be transparent.

On 5th October 2012, I have exposed that Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir had approved a 6 acres piece of prime land in the Sitiawan Town Centre to Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd without open tender with very favourable terms. I have asked numerous questions which Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir has refused to answer until today.

I have asked why no open tender was called. I have also asked why premium was reduced from RM4,729,587-00 to only RM52,000-00. Will public funds be use to construct the 44 units of government quarters and the local government depot that were demolished to give way for the project? My 5th October 2012 media statement is attached herewith.

In conjunction with the Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Najib Bin Tun Razak's visit to Manjung District today, I would like to expose that Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir has approved 147.84 acres of land, almost the whole of the Lumut town land belonging to the State to be developed by Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd, the same company that was approved to develop the above said 6 acres land in the Sitiawan Town Centre.

The people have the right to know why such a huge development was approved to Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd without a open tender. What are the terms for the above said development?

The people demand that Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir be transparent with regard to the above said projects. If Dato’ Seri Zambry wants to hold public office, he has a duty to answer the people, failing which he must resign.

The Prime Minister who was instrumental in installing Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir as the Menteri Besar of Perak must insists that Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir discloses fully the terms of the above said projects otherwise, his purported transformation programs are mere rhetorics!

Dated this 18th day of October 2012.

Assemblyman for Sitiawan &
Member of Parliament for Beruas

Friday, October 5, 2012





一些巫统和内部人士对这种情况忍无可忍,不只决定提供民联领袖一些机密文件,还打趣的形容国阵州政府的行为有如本身那号称照顾人民的口号’Sapu Tanah Negeri,Tiada Tertinggal,Tiada Terpinggir’



6英亩所涉及的土地位于实兆远市中心。那是曼绒市议会(MPM)所拥有的44个政府宿舍单位和车站。市议会不公开招标,表面上以附带条件批准这块土地给Kinta Berkat SDN BHD这私人公司。这块土地是在实兆远水晶酒店隔壁,环球百货公司(The Store)对面。

根据霹雳州土地局(Perak Land Rules)所制定的地价,这块土地价格理应是马币4729587令吉,国阵州政府把这土地切割成52个单位,回扣给这公司,每个单位只售马币1000令吉,总共只售卖马币52000令吉。而根据市价,周边的商业单位价值高达马币30万令吉。如果根据市价售卖这片土地,州政府将可以净赚高达马币1560万令吉。州政府应该在这合资计划上赚取更多的收入。



1)        为何这项计划没有公开招标?
2)        为什么Kinta Berkat SDN BHD这间公司获得州政府青睐取得这项计划而不是其他公司?
3)        4729587令吉折扣至马币52000令吉是否意味着Kinta Berkat SDN BHD是最终受益者?
4)        为何该土地申请不按照正常手序直接向土地局申请呢?
5)        谁将承担曼绒市议会须要安置或重建已被拆除的44个政府宿舍单位和车站的费用?人民的钱会否被用在这计划上?
6)        曼绒市议会和国阵州政府会否同意公开与Kinta Berkat SDN BHD共同发展的合约条款?
7)        Kinta Berkat SDN BHD的股东与赞比里是什么关系?


Exposure on ‘BN Sapu Tanah Negeri. Tiada yang Tertinggal. Tiada yang Terpinggir'

Questionable approval of a 6 acres piece of prime land in the Town of Sitiawan by BN Perak State Government. Dato Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir required to answer 7 questions.

At the State Assembly on 25th September 2012, my question asking the BN Perak State Government to list out the lands that have been approved since their grab of power on 6/2/2009 until now was reject on a ridiculous ground that the same can be obtained from normal reference books. We all know that the answer cannot be found in any reference book. The real reason behind the refusal to answer is that the land approvals by BN Perak Government are questionable.

An answer given by the State Government in the State Assembly on 15/8/2011                     stated that the BN Perak Government had approved 68,503 acres of during a short period of 29 months from    6/2/2009 to July 2011 at very cheap premium rates. Thereafter, the BN Perak Government has refused to entertain any more questions on lands approved by the State Government.

Some UMNO members and internal sources could not stand what is going on and have now supplied PR Leaders with information on what is happening in Perak administration and they aptly describe what is happening as ‘BN Sapu tanah Negeri. Tiada yang Tertinggal. Tiada yang Terpinggir’, an adaption of BN’s slogan purportedly caring for the people of Perak.

The PR Government’s policy is to use state land to provide for the public, to provide public utilities and infrastructures for the people. In cases where there is a need to jointly develop a piece of land with the private sector we will have a transparent open tender system to enable to get people to get the best deal out of the land.

Today I am exposing the first questionable land approval by the BN Perak Government. There are many more to come.

This involve a choice 6 acres piece of land in the centre of Sitiawan town. It is a depot of the Manjung Town Council (MPM) with also 44 units of Government quarters. It was on the surface approved to Manjung Town Council but with an expressed condition that it be developed by Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd, a private company without an open tender. The land is located next to Crystal Hotel and opposite the Store Supermarket.

The premium to be paid under the Perak Land Rules was RM4,729,587-00 but the BN Perak Government  reduced it to a nominal a sum of RM1,000 per lot or RM52,000-00 for the 52 lots on the said land after subdivision. A vacant commercial lot in this location is worth about RM300,000-00. Therefore, had it been subdivided and sold it would have reaped the State Government a handsome sum of about RM15,600,000-00. In a joint venture situation State Government should be getting a better value for the said land.

Manjung Town Council will have to replace (build) the 44 government quarters and the depot that were demolished under the condition for the approval of the said land.

The said land application was said to have by passed the land office.
The following questions arise that need BN Perak Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir to answer in order to be accountable to the people of Perak:

(i)                 Why was an open tender not called for the said project?

(ii)               Why was Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd chosen to undertake the project and not any other company?

(iii)             Was the reduction of premium from RM4,729,587-00 to a nominal sum of RM52,000-00 meant to ultimately benefit Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd ?

(iv)             Why the land application did not follow the normal procedure of going through the land office?

(v)             Who will bear the costs of building the 44 units of government quarters and the depot? Will public funds be used?

(vi)     Will MPM and the BN Perak Government agree to disclose the terms of the joint venture agreement between MPM and Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd?

(vii)           What is the relationship of the shareholders of Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd with Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir?

The people demands answers to the abovesaid questions. Unless Dato’ Seri Zambry answers the abovesaid questions satisfactorily, we know here is another project benefitting BN’s crony at the expense of the people. Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Najib Bin Tun Razak who was the mastermind behind Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir’s Perak power grab on 6/2/009 is also answerable to the people of Perak.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


(实兆远 3日讯)  实兆远州议员拿督倪可汉今日预告将会在来临的星期五(5/10/2012)早上10点在实兆远水晶酒店隔壁土地一一揭发国阵的丑闻。

倪可汉今日发表文告说,红土坎区民联三党将会在上述时间和地点推介国阵抢夺霹雳州土地的运动(Campaign)。他手头上有州政府土地没有公开招标的证据,涉及的金额让霹雳州人民损失过百万。他透露,涉及这丑闻的主要人物是霹雳州的高官显要,是大家耳熟能详的名字,惟详细内容要在当天才会一一公布。他说,此运动推展的目的是反对国阵朋党优先,把霹雳州土地抢完(Sapu),就如国阵的口号‘Tiada Tertinggal,Tiada Terpinggir’!


Sunday, September 30, 2012


(实兆远 30日讯)  实兆远州议员拿督倪可汉今日公开感谢国阵霹雳州州政府愿意跟回民联掌权时所设定的美好政策,即非营利机构可赦免门牌税,地价只需偿还40元和从农业地转换至非营利用途只收取象徵性一千令吉转换土地费。倪可汉欢迎国阵跟随民联的利民政策,但同时也谴责国阵霹雳州务大臣赞比里和霹雳州行政议员拿督马汉顺在实兆远中华基督教会土地事件上邀功和误导人民。


遗憾的是,国阵以不民主的方式抢夺霹雳州政权后,无法继续实行民联的利民政策。唯有在倪可汉施压下,赞比里和马汉顺才基于压力点头让实兆远中华基督教会跟回民联的政策。倪可汉挑战赞比里和马汉顺宣布所有非营利机构可免门票税,地价只需偿还40元和从农业地转换至非营利用途时只收取象徵式一千令吉转换土地费能够成为一项制度化的政策,而不是每次让民联领袖揭发后,基于安抚民众和选票压力而 ‘释出善意’ 照回民联的政策。他说,制度化的政策,胜于一时的糖果。

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Soalan-Soalan Bagi Mesyuarat Kedua, Penggal Kelima, Dewan Negeri Yang Kedua Belas Perak Darul Ridzuan

 Soalan-Soalan yang memerlukan jawapan lisan:

1.                 Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk menyatakan langkah-langkah yang telah diambil oleh Kerajaan untuk mempromosikan Muzium Gangga Negara di Beruas sebagai satu pusat pelancongan.

2.           Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk menyatakan tindakan yang telah diambil oleh Kerajaan untuk membolehkan pekerja-pekerja estet memiliki rumah mereka sendiri dan berapakah antara mereka telah berjaya memiliki rumah sendiri dibawah rancangan Kerajaan Negeri.

3.                      Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk menyatakan samada Kerajaan masih meneruskan polisi kerajaan yang diputuskan pada tahun 2008 untuk memberikan cukai pintu percuma, bayaran cukai tanah sebanyak RM40.00 sahaja dan premium tukar status tanah daripada pertanian ke bangunan sebanyak RM1,000 sahaja harta kepunyaan pertubuhan-pertubuhan yang tidak berunsur keuntungan (non-profit organization) yang layak.

Soalan-Soalan yang memerlukan jawapan bertulis

  1. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk menyatakan samada pusat pembuangan sampah di Teluk Mengkudu, Segari sudah siap disediakan. Kalau belum, kenapa ?

  1. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk menyatakan langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh Kerajaan untuk memberikan tanah tambahan untuk SJK (Tamil) Maha Ganesha, Sitiawan yang bilangan muridnya semakin bertambah. 

  1. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk menyatakan berapakah jumlah wang yang diperuntukkan oleh Kerajaan untuk Jabatan Hal Ehwal Bukan Islam Negeri Perak setiap tahun sejak 2008 sehingga sekarang.

  1. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk menyatakan sejauh manakah program pemberian tanah samada secara berhakmilik atau secara tanah reseb berkelompok sebanyak 8 ¼ ekar kepada setiap keluarga orang Asli yang diluluskan oleh Kerajaan pada tahun 2008 telah dilaksanakan.

  1. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk menyatakan berapakah jumlah tanah yang telah Kerajaan luluskan secara berhakmilik atau secara pajakan sejak 6/2/2009 hingga sekarang. Nyatakan kategori-kategori tanah tersebut dan keluasannya. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Media Statement by Ngeh Koo Ham on his tweet‏

Media Statement

I retract and apologise to any Muslim who is offended by my tweet as it was never intended to be so.

It was 1.43 am 17th September 2012, after seeing world news on CNN, BBC and Al Ajazeera showing violent protests in various parts of the world where lives were lost, many injured properties gutted and unrest ensued in response to the video produced by Sam Bacile, and after reading the news in that YB Khairy Jamaluddin has planned to hold massive protest coming Friday (21st Sept 2012) with regard to the same matter that I tweeted the following words

'Khairy wants muslim protest against Same Bacile. For Islam or for his political gains? Are muslims wasting to much time and energy on this?'

In the context of the violent protests round the world and the many demonstrations to be held that I posed the question ‘Are muslims wasting too much time and energy on this? I was wondering if too much time and energy have been spent in response to the 13.5 minutes video produced by a mad man in the name of Sam Bacile. I wanted our society to think deeper with regard to the way we response to any provocation or issue that confronts us. I have been taught and have always emphasized to the young never to react but always to respond.

I want to make it very clear my following stands:-

1. I strongly condemn the video and its producer for belittling the faith/religion of another person and reiterate support for the stand that has been taken by DAP on this issue which is contained in the media statement issued by my party’s Secretary General on 16/9/2012.

2. I totally support the rights of a person to hold peaceful demonstrations. In my 23 years of active political involvement, I have organized scores of demonstration in Perak. I was arrested by the police in Bersih 2.0 and was there at Bersih 3.0.

The abovesaid tweet has now been twisted by UMNO/BN to say I belittle Islam. This is a total lie. However, having explain the context in which my question was posed, any muslim who is still offended by the question I posed, I apologise as that was never intended.

I feel comforted that a leading Muslim cleric Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, head of international union of Muslim Scholars, Encik Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya, the Executive Committee Chairman of Malaysia Young Ulama Assembly and Encik Musa Awang, the President of the Syarie lawyers of Malaysia have also come forward to call for restraint in the response to this video issue.

Dated this 20th Septemebr 2012.

Ngeh Koo Ham
Chairman Of DAP Perak
MP Of Beruas & Sitiawan Assemblyman

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Soalan-soalan yang ditanya oleh YB Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham untuk Mesyuarat Ketiga,Penggal Kelima,Parlimen Ke 12

Pertanyaan Bagi Jawab Lisan :

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan

a)      Jumlah peruntukan yang disediakan oleh kerajaan untuk Skim Perumahan Pekerja Ladang Tun Razak yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1973/1974 untuk kawasan Parlimen Beruas dan seluruh Negara; dan

b)      Jumlah rumah yang telah dibina untuk pekerja estate di bawah Skim tersebut di kawasan Parlimen Beruas dan seluruh Negara. (1/10/2012)

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan bilangan permohonan yang diterima daripada Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah atau PIBG sekolah-sekolah bantuan modal di ladang milik syarikat kerajaan (GLC) seperti Sime Darby untuk:

a)      Menukar status menjadi sekolah bantuan penuh dari tahun 1990 hingga Jun 2012.

b)      Jumlah permohonan sedemikian yang diluluskan. (2/10/2012)

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi  menyatakan jumlah syarikat dan individu yang mendapat kuota subsidi minyak kelapa sawit/minyak masak dan bagaimana cara pemilihan dan pengagihan tersebut dijalankan. (3/10/2012)

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan menyatakan syarikat-syarikat yang telah diberikan lesen untuk mengimpot dan memproses gula di negara ini dan apakah criteria syarikat-syarikat tersebut dipilih. (4/10/2012)

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan dasar, syarat dan halangan, sekiranya ada untuk penganut agama Kristian melawat Jeruselam bagi tujuan keagamaaan.  (8/10/2012)

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Pengangkutan menyatakan bilakah kerja naik taraf jalanraya daripada Sitiawan ke Simpang, Taiping yang telah diumumkan sekian lama akan dimulakan dan jumlah nilai kontrek untuk kerja tersebut. (9/10/2012)

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri memberikan senarai nama syarikat dan individu serta bilangan AP bagi setiap individu dan syarikat tersebut untuk import kereta mengikut tahun dari 2008 hingga 2012. (10/10/2012)

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan:-

a)     Bilangan rakyat kelahiran Malaysia yang masih memegang Kad Pengenalan merah.

b)     Apakah polisi kerajaan untuk meluluskan kewarganegaraan kepada golongan ini apabila mereka memohon untuk menjadi warganegara. (11/10/2012)

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Pengangkutan untuk nyatakan berapakah jumlah yang perlu dibayar oleh Kerajaan untuk membolehkan RapidKL, LRT dan monorail memberikan perkhidmatan percuma kepada orang ramai untuk menyertai Perayaan Kemerdekaan untuk tahun ini. (15/10/2012)

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan siapakah yang melantik panel hakim-hakim bagi mendengar kes-kes Mahkamah Persekutuan Malaysia Notis Usul No. 06-3-2009(A) dan Rayuan Sivil No. 01-11-2009. (16/10/2012)

Pertanyaan Bagi Jawab Bertulis :

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Pelancongan menyatakan

(a)    Jumlah pelawat ke Muzium Gangga Negara Beruas, Perak sejak ia ditubuhkan dan

(b)   Jumlah yang diperuntukkan untuk selenggaraan dan promosi Muzium ini sejak ia ditubuhkan.

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan jumlah cuti yang diberi kepada kakitangan kerajaan untuk

a)      menunaikan Haji di Mekah bagi penganut Islam; dan

b)      menunaikan tanggungjawab agama lain melawat ke India, Rome dan Jerusalem atau lain-lain tempat keagamaan bagi kaum bukan Islam.

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan jumlah peruntukan yang telah disalurkan oleh kerajaan untuk sekolah Tamil Ladang Cashood dan Sekolah Tamil  Ladang Sogomana  (kawasan Parlimen Beruas) serta Sekolah Tamil  Walbrok (kawasan Parlimen Lumut) bagi tujuan baik pulih dan pembinaan bangunan baru dari tahun 2000 hingga 2012.

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan apakah status tawaran National Land Finance Cooperative Society (NLFCS) yang dibuat dalam tahun 2008 untuk menyerahkan tapak tanah 8 sekolah yang terletak di ladang milik NLFCS kepada Kementerian Pelajaran untuk dijadikan sekolah bantuan penuh.

  1. YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham minta Menteri Dalam Negeri untuk nyatakan kenapa polis tidak memberitahu ahli keluarga Ng Chin Heng segera tentang kematiannya berkaitan lapuran polis 6740/2012 (Balai Polis Trafik Jalan Tun H.S. Lee) dan lapuran polis oleh bapanya (Petaling repot 014220/12). Apakah tindakan yang akan diambil terhadap pegawai yang cuai.

Friday, September 14, 2012

爱大华Desa Sri Sentosa店主反对单行道计划,市议会答应把计划搁置



这起集体反对的单行道计划原本将在爱大华Desa Sri Sentosa 面向大路的店铺地区落实,以便让路给新的夜市集摆摊。此举引起店主们的强烈不满,因此在昨天下午前往民主行动党爱大华服务中心作出投诉。






Wednesday, September 12, 2012

RIP 安息主怀






