Friday, March 20, 2009

Tribute to Pakatan Rakyat Leaders in Perak

To all faithful, selfless PR leaders in Perak who worked tirelessly especially the past 10 months in managing the state of Perak. Because of the good work you have done many have become envious and have criticised the work which BN in their 50 years of government could not do.

Here is an article that might encourage all of you who believe in God. I extracted it from the parish bulletin of Wesley Methodist Church, Sitiawan, Perak.

Back from Failure

[jl: Back from BN Power Grab]

The Lord may not have planned that this should overtake me [jl: us]

but He has most certainly permitted it

therefore though it were an attack of the enemy

by the time it reaches me

it has the Lord's permission and therefore all is well

He will make it work together with all life's experience for God

He Cares for you

Whatever life shall bring your way

through each and every fleeting day

through the months and long years too

God in His heaven shall care for you

so with this knowledge, may you go

serenely and content to know

whatever comes your whole life through

God in His heaven shall care for you

We must be aware that this is only a temporary set-back

we must not be discouraged

as long as we keep on striving towards our goal

we are not defeated

If anyone would tell you the shortest

surest way to happiness and all perfection

he must tell you to make it a rule to yourself

to think and praise God for everything that happens to you

for it is certain that whatever seeming calamity happens to you

if you thank and praise God for it

You will turn it into a blessing

(Author unknown)

Therefore I strongly believe that Pakatan Rakyat will be back in POWER stronger, more vibrant and more dedicated to serve the people. We shall be back in the very near future, in terms of months!. The people of Perak and the whole nation are behind the Pakatan Rakyat government.

posted by jason ling and edited by Bénévole Anonymne

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