Saturday, May 30, 2009
Today in History - Perak Crisis 3 Feb 2009
Feb 3: The good and efficient Perak Pakatan Rakyat government falls after Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi and Changkat Jering assemblyman Mohd Osman quit Pakatan Keadilan Rakyat. They became 'Barisan Nasional friendly' even though in August 2008 many BN leaders had condemned them for being corrupted.
Feb 4: Jelapang assemblywoman Hee Yit Foong who claimed to be a faithful DAP member for 20 over years quit the DAP. She was at the press conference held by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib declaring the fall of the PR government.
Feb 6: Datuk Seri Dr Zambry was sworn in by the Sultan as the Perak Mentri Besar
Feb 13: Dato’ Seri Nizar filed a lawsuit to challenge the legitimacy of Zambry's 'appointment'
Feb 18: Perak state Legislative Assembly Speaker V. Sivakumar suspended Zambry for 18 months following recommendations by the assembly’s Committee of Priviledge. He also suspended the six BN 'state excos'.
Mar 3: Speaker V. Sivakumar convened the state assembly under the ‘Democracy Tree' after the policemen and ‘thugs’ prevented Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen from going into the state assembly to hold their meeting.
Mar 10: Speaker V. Sivakumar filed a lawsuit at the KL High Court against the 3 BN friendly assemblymen and the Election Commission.
Apr 16: The Federal Court ruled that V. Sivakumar does not have the power to suspend Dr Zambry and his exco members. Speaker without power?
Apr 20: Dato’ Seri Nizar filed an affidavit at the KL High Court stating that he had sought the consent of Sultan to dissolve the state assembly because of the deadlock in Perak.
May 7: Speaker V. Sivakumar was dragged from his speaker’s chair and out of the Perak State Assembly by over 60 police officers and ‘thug’ who entered the assembly illegally. Police arrested 69 people including MPs and ADUN in Ipoh.
In Kuala Lumpur, the police arrested 14 people for having a candlelight vigil in support of activist Wong Chin Huat who had been arrested for asking people to wear black. Five lawyers who went to the Brickfields police station to provide legal assistance to the arrested people were also arrested.
May 9: Police raided Sitiawan DAP’s dinner and confiscated the audio and video equipment as we were trying to show state assembly events from the 7th of May 2009. The police also arrested the technician on duty.
May 11: The KL High Court ruled that Dato’ Seri Nizar was the rightful and legitimate Mentri Besar.
May 19 : 12 'Death to Democracy' protesters arrested in Petaling Jaya.
Among those arrested were a MP and several state assemblymen
May 20: Dr Mah Hang Soon announced that BN is to distribute 50,000 DVDs sowing events in the Perak state assembly. Will the police arrest him?
May 21: 16 people including MPs and ADUN were arrested in Petaling Jaya for a candlelight vigil in the hope of seeing the light of democracy in Malaysia.
May 23: Police raided DAP headquarters in Petaling Jaya and took away computers and DVDs. It was the FIRST time in the DAP’s history that the police had ever raided the office. When did the DAP ever becomes a threat to security? Is DAP producing some illegal DVDs? Or pornographic movies?
May 26: Dato’ Seri Nizar launched the 72-hour ‘hunger strike’/‘fasting together’ at Wisma DAP Ipoh. 19 people were arrested by the police. Among those arrested were several ADUNs and an MP.
May 30: YB Lim Kit Siang was quizzed by the police for blaming PM Najib for the Perak crisis.
There is no other solution but the dissolution of the Perak State Legislative Assembly
posted by jason ling and edited by Bénévole Anonymne
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Bullied by the Police?
Today’s launching of the ‘fasting together’ among all the Pakatan Rakyat members of diverse religions at Wisma DAP Ipoh by Y.A.B. MB Dato’ Seri Ir Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin was disrupted and prevented by the police. The purpose of the fasting (and prayer) was to pray for Almighty God, the maker of heaven and earth to intervene and to give wisdom to the leaders to solve the Perak crisis as soon as possible for the good of the nation particularly the state of Perak.
There were a few hundred police personnel surrounding the vicinity of the Wisma DAP. The BN also dragged in the Ipoh City Hall Enforcement personnel to intimidate and harass the supporters at the gathering.
At around 7.30am, the police arrested five workers for assembling a canopy and putting up a giant balloon near Wisma DAP. At around 10.30am, Y.A.B. MB Nizar was prevented from greeting the people and the police personnel on duty.
Since the launch of the fast at Wisma DAP was prohibited by the police, supporters decided to adjourn to the Ipoh High Court nearby to hear the proceedings of the suit by 817 JKKK (Ketua Kampong) in Perak against unjust dismissal by the BN government. Those who started to walk there were arrested by the police.
Among those arrested were Member of Parliament for Ipoh Barat YB M Kulasegeran, DUN Speaker, YB V. Sivakumar, YB Thomas Su, YB Chang Lih Kang, YB Leong Mee Meng, and several supporters. The police also deprived the detainees of their right to legal counsel. Lawyer Mr Augustine Anthony, YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham and YB Sivanesan were not allowed into the police station to meet them.
The questions everyone may ask are these:
1) Why are the police so concerned about a fast when they have much more urgent and important duties? Why are they disrupting Pakatan Rakyat’s peaceful time of fasting which breaks all barriers of races and religious? We are law-abiding citizens. We were not and are not violent. The police should have used their resources to solve problems like snatch thefts, robberies, kidnappings, murders especially the murders of Kugan and the foreign model.
2) What are the steps are the police are taking to solve the Mat Rempit problem which has cost innocent lives?
3) What are the steps taken to rid the police force of its rampant corruption?
4) Why is there a heavy police presence at by-elections as well? Is there any other motive than to intimidate voters and prevent them from coming out to vote? Again this is a waste of resources and the rakhat’s money.
The best and most logical solution to the Perak crisis is to dissolve the Perak State Legislative Assembly. Let the people of Perak choose the Menteri Besar and the government they want rather than leave the matter to the court. Let the Menteri Besar be the people’s Menteri Besar and not the court’s Menteri Besar. Pakatan Rakyat is ready to face fresh elections any time. MB Nizar was gentleman enough to request the Sultan of Perak to dissolve the DUN when he was declared the legitimate Menteri Besar by the High Courts on 11th May 2009 even though 56% of the voters in Perak had voted the Pakatan Rakyat in the general election in 2008. We want the mandate to be returned to the people of Perak. This is a democratic country so let the people decide whom they want to elect - whether a corrupted government or clean and able leaders to manage the state of Perak.
For more of police harassment:
posted by jason ling and edited by Bénévole Anonymne
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day of Prayer and Fasting for Perak - 26 May 2009
Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or whatever faith you may profess,
let us join Y.A.B. Dato’ Seri Nizar, Menteri Besar of the people of Perak and Speaker YB V. Sivakumar in fasting and prayer tomorrow that the Power of the Almighty God be manifested and His reign come. You may join them wherever you are. They will be at Wisma DAP Ipoh at 10.00AM on Tuesday 26 May 2009 to begin their prayers.
- The prayer of the upright is pleasing to God.
- Pray for those who persecute us.
- If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land (Perak).
In happy moments, praise God.
In difficult moments, seek God.
(This is what we are doing tomorrow and have been doing for the past 3 months.)
In quiet moments, worship God .
In painful moments, trust God.
Every moment of every day, thank God.
posted by jason ling and edited by Bénévole Anonymne
Thursday, May 21, 2009
BN can do this but not Pakatan?
According to The Star yesterday, BN is distributing DVDs of the Perak state assembly sitting on the 7th. They will be distributing the edited and 'doctored' version instead of the original and truthful record of events in the state legislative assembly on the 7th of May 2009. BN should be brave enough to show the truth. Is telling the truth wrong in the the eyes of the law? On the 9th of May, DAP wanted to show a clip of actual DUN events in a school hall and this was objected to by the police. Not only that, the police harassed us, threatened to arrest the organizers and when we started to show the clip, policemen and police officers rushed into the hall to confiscate the video equipment. The police also arrested the technician who was operating the PA system when he tried to prevent the police from grabbing the DVD player.
Shame on you!
posted by jason ling and edited by Bénévole Anonymne
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Kempen Kutip Derma Bayar Gantirugi Alat-alat Yang Dirampas Polis
Anggaran jumlah kos alat-alat yang di rampas oleh polis adalah lebih kurang RM10,000.00. Inilah kos yang akan di bayar oleh DAP Lumut Liaison Committee sebagai penganjur jamuan tersebut. Harap tuan-tuan dan puan-puan dapat menyumbang dengan murah hati ke atas kempen ini.
Orang ramai yang ingin menderma kepada tabung ini, sila masukkan sumbangan anda kedalam
Makluman terkini- Kempen di atas adalah di tangguhkan kerana polis tidak hadir di mahkamah untuk mendakwa juruteknik ditahan dan pihak polis berjanji akan kembalikan kesemua alat-alat yang dirampas mereka. Jika pihak polis tidak menunaikan janji mereka maka kami akan menlancarkan kempen tersebut di atas.
posted by jason ling
BN Cannot Call For Emergency Meeting
Arrested at DAP Dinner Sitiawan
Policemen 'gatecrashed' the dinner and confiscated the DVD player, 2 LCD projectors and 2 screens.
We invite all supporters and friends to come and give moral support to the innocent tehnician who was only doing his job. He is employed by the vendor who supplied the PA systems for the dinner function.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
'Formula 1' Court
While Dato’ Seri Nizar and his executive councilors were busy getting started with their day at theState Secretariat, Dato Dr Zambry and his team filed for a stay of execution with the Appeals Courts today (12 May 2009). Barely less than 4 hours the Appeals Courts allowed the stay of execution on the declarations of the High Courts at around 1 PM the same day.
Such speedy and efficient work by a public servant is commendable and should be imitated by all if it was genuine. I doubt so. Why? Why there are so many cases backlogged? Many of these cases had been dragging on for many years.
Whatever UMNO/BN does now cannot redeem the bad, indeed very bad image they have portrayed thus far. The whole nation, not only the people of Perak, are getting angrier, more disgusted, and more disappointed and will hate UMNO/BN for many ‘generations’.
Tun Dr Mahathir and Tengku Razaleigh who are UMNO members have spoken up. NGOs, various associations and guilds as well as religious groups also desire that the State Legislative Assembly be dissolved. Gerakan Central Executive member, Dr Hsu Dar Ren, also agreed that fresh elections are the best solution.
ttp:// )
This is the only way to solve the long-standing crisis which is not beneficial to the Barisan National nor to Pakatan Rakyat. Businessmen are facing many uncertainties the investors cannot wait-time is money.
Therefore let us face the democratic process of elections and whoever wins should get down to work immediately to cushion the effects of the global economci slowdown and take immediate steps to overcome the influenza epidemic. Is this not the most noble thing to do? BN - do not be wise in your own eyes!
posted by jason ling and edited by Bénévole Anonymne
Monday, May 11, 2009
Dato' Seri Ir. Mohd Nizar B Jamaluddin adalah Menteri Besar Yang Sah
Ini adalah satu-satunya keputusan yang adil dan berani oleh hakim mahkamah. Negara kita memang memerlukan hakim-hakim yang bertindak adil dan telus supaya rakyat mempunyai keyakinan terhadap kehakiman negara kita.
Dengan ini semoga DYMM Tuanku Sultan Perak akan bubarkan Dewan Undangan Negeri supaya pilihanraya untuk seluruh Perak boleh diadakan untuk rakyat memilih kerajaan yang dikehendaki dan krisis Perak ini dapat diselesaikan demi kebaikan negeri Perak dan negara kita yang dicintai. Ini merupakan hasrat orang ramai bukan sahaja di Perak bahkan orang-orang dari luar Perak. Ini termasuk persatuan-persatuan, NGO-NGO, kesatuan-kesatuan berbagai ugama
dan pelabur-pelabur tempatan dan luar negara.
Kami menyerahkan perkara ini kepada Tuanku yang pintar, cerdik pantai untuk membuat keputusan yang bijak supaya krisis ini tidak berpanjangan.
Daulat, Tuanku.
posted by jason
Sunday, May 10, 2009
DAP Dinner and the Police's Invasion 9 May 2009

Friday, May 8, 2009
Police arrest 69 in Ipoh including ten MPs and State assemblymen
Scenes from the outside the State Assembly

Scenes from inside the State Assembly
For video clips go to:
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan
Banyak kekeliruan telah timbul akibat daripada keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan pada 16/4/2009 ,samada Dato’ Seri Zambry bin Abdul Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang lain berhak untuk masuk ke Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pada 7 Mei 2009.
Penjelasan berikut jelas menunjukkan bahawa Dato’ Seri Zambry bin Abdul Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang lain tidak berhak untuk memasuki Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pada 7 Mei 2009
Pada 18/2/2009 Jawatankuasa hak dan kebebasan Dewan Negeri telah membuat keputusan untuk mengantungkan ADUN Pangkor, Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir ( gelaran seperti pada masa itu ) daripada menghadiri sidang Dewan Negeri selama 18 bulan dan Encik Zainol Fadzi Bin Haji Paharuddin (ADUN Sungai Manik), Dato’ Ramly Zahari (ADUN Manong), Puan Hamidah Binti Osman (ADUN Sungai Rapat), Encik Saarani Bin Mohamad (ADUN Rungkup), Encik Mohd Zahir Abdul Bin Khalid (ADUN Kamunting) dan Dr Mah Hang Soon (ADUN Chenderiang) digantung daripada hadir sidang Dewan Negeri selama 12 bulan.
Keputusan Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan Dewan Negeri tersebut telah diterima dan diluluskan oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri yang telah bersidang pada 3/3/2009.
Pihak Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang tersebut di atas telah memohon kepada mahkamah untuk satu pengisytiharan berkenaan dengan penggantungan mereka daripada menghadiri Dewan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan . Mereka telah mengambil tindakan mahkamah tersebut terhadap Speaker DUN dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan kes tersebut telah dirujuk kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan untuk perbicaraan. Walau bagaimanapun, pada 2/4/2009 mereka telah memohon menarik balik tindakan mahkamah tersebut terhadap Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan tindakan terhadap Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan telah dibatalkan oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan pada hari tersebut.
Pada 16/4/2009, Mahkamah Persekutuan hanya membenarkan 2 daripada 10 perintah-perintah yang dipohon oleh mereka dan sekarang sudah timbul persoalan samada Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang tersebut di atas boleh menghadiri Mesyuarat sidang Dewan Negeri yang akan diadakan pada 7/5/2009.
Mahkamah Persekutuan telah membenarkan dua perisytiharan seperti berikut:-
1. Bahawa keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir daripada menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri selama 18 bulan adalah tidak sah dan terbatal.
2. Bahawa keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung 6 ADUN yang tersebut di atas daripada menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri selama 12 bulan adalah tidak sah dan terbatal.
Keputusan di atas adalah tersilap kerana bukan Speaker DUN yang telah membuat keputusan penggantungan tersebut tetapi Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan Dewan Undangan Negeri dan Dewan Undangan Negeri yang telah memutuskan tentang penggantungan tersebut.
Oleh yang demikian, keputusan Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan dan Dewan Undangan Negeri masih sah dan berkuatkuasa dan Speaker DUN sebagai pengerusi dan ahli dalam Jawatankuasa tersebut dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan adalah terikat dengan keputusan yang telah diputuskan oleh kedua-dua badan tersebut.
Sebenarnya kes tersebut tidak harus dibawa terhadap Speaker DUN kerana perlindungan yang diberikan kepada Speaker DUN di bawah Seksyen 3 Legislative Assembly (Privileges) Enactment 1959 yang berbunyi seperti berikut:-
“No member shall be liable to any civil or criminal proceedings, arrest, imprisonment, or damages by reason of any matter or thing which he may have brought by petition, bill, resolution, motion or otherwise, or have said before the Assembly or any committee”.
Tambahan pula, keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan merupakan satu pengistiharan sahaja dan bukannya satu certiorari atau mandamus. Ia tidak mengikat Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan Dewan Undangan Negeri dan Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan.
Perkara 72 Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan tentang keistimewaan Dewan Negeri dan Perkara 72(1) memperuntukkan seperti berikut:-
Keistimewaan Dewan Negeri
“Sahnya apa-apa perjalanan dalam mana-mana Dewan Negeri tidak boleh dipersoal dalam mana-mana mahkamah”.
Tindakan Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut terhadap patik juga adalah bertentangan dengan Perkara 72(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang berbunyi seperti berikut:-
“Tiada seseorang pun boleh dikena dakwa dalam apa-apa jua pembicaraan dalam mana-mana mahkamah mengenai apa-apa jua yang dikatakan atau apa-apa undi yang diberi olehnya apabila mengambil bahagian dalam perjalanan mana-mana Dewan Negeri atau mana-mana jawatankuasanya”.
Apa yang memperkukuhkan kesimpulan bahawa Dato’ Zambry bin Abdul Kadir dan 6 ADUN yang lain tidak berhak menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak pada 7 Mei 2009 ialah kerana Mahkamah Persekutuan telah
MENOLAK permohonan Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut untuk perintah-perintah berikut:-
1. suatu perisytiharan bahawa Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut adalah berhak menghadiri dan mengambil bahagian dalam semua sidang Dewan Negeri dan menjalankan segala fungsi dan kewajipan mereka dalamnya;
2. suatu perisytiharan bahawa keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir menghadir pada sidang Dewan Negeri selama 18 bulan, adalah ultra vires Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Perintah-Perintah Tetap Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan Enakmen Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan (Keistimewaan) 1959 dan/atau semua undang-undang yang berkaitan dan oleh itu adalah terbatal dan tak sah;
suatu perisytiharan bahawa perbuatan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir menghadiri sidang Dewan Negeri Perak selama 18 bulan adalah menyalahi undang-undang.
4. suatu perisytiharan bahawa keputusan patik Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang kenam-enam ADUN di atas menghadiri sidang Dewan Negeri selama 12 bulan adalah ultra vires Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Perintah-Perintah tetap Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan Enakmen Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan (Keistimewaan) 1959 dan/atau semua undang-undang yang berkaitan dan oleh itu adalah terbatal dan tak sah;
5. suatu perisytiharan bahawa perbuatan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang keenam-enam ADUN yang tersebut di atas menghadiri sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri selama 12 bulan adalah menyalahi undang-undang;
6. suatu perisytiharan bahawa Dewan Undangan Negeri adalah tidak terikat dengan keputusan Speaker DUN menggantung dan melarang Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN tersebut menghadiri sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri;
7. suatu perisytiharan bahawa Dewan Undangan Negeri adalah tidak terikat dengan apa-apa arahan, perintah dan/atau petunjuk Speaker DUN yang berbangkit daripada atau berhubung dengan keputusan patik yang bertarikh 17hb Februari 2009.
8. bahawa Persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri pada 3/3/2009 adalah tidak mengikut undang-undang (unlawful).
Keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan telah ditafsirkan oleh peguam-peguam Pakatan Rakyat sebagai Dato’ Zambry Bin Abd. Kadir dan 6 ADUN lain tersebut tidak berhak untuk menghadiri Dewan Undangan Negeri dan keputusan Dewan Undangan Negeri pada 3/3/2009 dianggap sah.
Bertarikh 5 hb Mei 2009
Dato Ngeh Koo Ham
Exco Kanan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat
Negeri Perak
Penyelaras Pasukan Peguam-Peguam
Pakatan Rakyat
For English version in Malaysiakini go to;
Monday, May 4, 2009
Speech by Menteri Besar Dato' Seri Nizar
Dato’ Seri Nizar once again reminded the members that the new era in Malaysian politics involves a non-racial agenda. This is where the Pakatan Rakyat's strength lies. According to him, for the first time in Malaysian politics, people of all races could come together as one in social functions. This was made possible because of good understanding between all the political parties in the PR namely the DAP, PAS and the PKR. During the short 10 months before the UMNO/BN unethical and unconstitutional power grab, the PR government proved that the PR government was transparent, effective, trustworthy, just and cares for the welfare of the people irrespective of their race or religion. Even members of the Barisan National were given assistance whenever they are in need. This is one of the many good teachings of Islam --- one should not suffer nor die just because of his/her race for all human beings originated from one and the same ancestor.
Dato’ Seri Nizar also reiterated he was chosen to contest in the Bukit Gantang by-election recently because it was a contest of ‘survival’ for PR. The result was clearly a referendum of the sentiment of the people concerning the illegal power grab of UMNO/BN from the PR government in Perak. He highlighted the high level of cooperation and understanding among the PR parties’ leaders and their members during the by election’s campaign. This showed that the PR leaders are united and can work together very well. The people were angry and disagreed with the unethical and illegal power grab as well the way the UMNO /BN has ruled, not governed, Malaysia for more than 50 years. People in rural areas are fast catching up with urbanites in seeing through the lies BN leaders propagate through the BN controlled media.
He considers Perak a ‘mini Malaysia’ because Perak is a multi-racial state, where there are people who are rich and famous, and there are poor people as well. All eyes, even those of foreign investors, were on Perak when PR ruled. The leaders’ vision and the policies implemented, prompt approval of permits and the efficiency of the PR government had attracted many local and foreign investors to the state. Many others also had shown interest in investing in Perak.
The Menteri Besar would like to see the racial politics of UMNO/BN buried and is looking forward to seeing Malaysia as a united and peaceful country where all races can live happily and work together for the good of our beloved Malaysia.
posted by Jason ling and edited by Bénévole Anonymne