Monday, December 29, 2008

Ucapan Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham at Perak State Muhibah Christmas celebration on 27 December 2008

YAB Dato' Seri Ir. Nizar bin Jamaluddin & Datin Seri, YB Sivakumar Yang Di Pertua Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak, Bishop Gereja Methodist SeMalaysia, Rev Hwa Yung, Bishop Katholik Diosis Penang dan Perak, Bishop Anthony Selvanayagam, Datuk Jamalludin Amini bin Ahmad, Pegawai Kewangan Negeri Perak & Datin, , ahli-ahli Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri, daif-daif kehormat, paderi-paderi serta seluruh warga negeri Perak yang hadir pada malam ini. Saya mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana sudi hadir pada malam ini untuk menjayakan Konsert Muhibah Krismas 2008.
Saya ingin juga mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pengerusi bersama saya En. Stanley Lim bersama-sama dengan ahli-ahli jawatankuasa yang telah bertungkus-lumus untuk menjayakan konsert malam ini. Saya ingin menjelaskan bahawa saya hanyalah pengerusi yang mempengerusikan mesyuarat dan En. Stanley Lim adalah pengerusi yang benar-benar bekerja melaksanakan program malam ini.Jangan nanti lembu punya susu sapi dapat nama. Saya juga tidak boleh lupa berterima kasih kepada mereka yang benar-benar bekerja 'on the ground' iaitu pekerja-pekerja MBI, JKR, pegawai-pegawai SUK, pihak polis, pihak TNB dan para peserta program malam ini yang membolehkan program malam ini dapat diadakan dengan berjaya.
Hari Krismas disambut untuk mengingati kelahiran Yesus Kristus/Jesus Christ/ Nabi Isa. Seperti dalam menyambut hari lahir pengasas-pengasas agama yang lain adalah penting kita manusia sekali lagi diingatkan tentang nilai-nilai baik yang dibawa oleh pengasas-pengasas agama ini kepada insan manusia .
Sebagai seorang Kristian, saya senantiasa diingatkan tentang kasih sayang (compassion) Yesus Kristus kepada mereka yang lemah, miskin, yang dipinggirkan atau yang tertindas( the weak, the poor, those neglected and down trodden) supaya kita berazam memastikan keperluan golongan-golongan ini di beri perhatian.

Beliau mengajar manusia supaya saling sayang-menyayangi satu sama yang lain. Kasih sayang yang diajarnya adalah satu kasih tanpa syarat (unconditional and sacrificial love) dalam bahasa Greek/Yunani dipanggil 'Agape'. John 15:12 & 13 ; My command is this: 'Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends'. Saya percaya semua agama utama dunia juga mengajar pengikut-pengikutnya untuk membuat baik kepada yang lain dan jika manusia benar-benar mengikut ajaran-ajaran ini dunia akan menjadi satu tempat yang lebih baik untuk didiami oleh kita semua. Malangnya ada sesetengah pihak yang menyalahgunakan agama untuk kepentingan diri sendiri dan menimbulkan syak wasangka antara satu agama dengan agama yang lain. Saya sentiasa menyuarakan saranan bahawa jika kita hendak mengetahui sesuatu agama, bacalah buku yang ditulis oleh pakar-pakar yang juga penganut agama itu sendiri dan bukan komentari yang dibuat oleh mereka yang bukan penganut agama tersebut. Ini adalah penting supaya kita mendapat gambaran yang tepat dan benar mengenai agama tersebut.
Saya juga bersetuju dengan seruan YAB Perdana Menteri supaya di adakan satu mekanisma untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang timbul antara agama yang berbeda dan juga untuk memupuk perpaduan rakyat kita yang berbilang agama.
Akhir kata, saya berharap konsert malam ini dapat memupuk lagi muhibah diantara kalangan rakyat jelata dengan pelbagai program dalam pelbagai bahasa dan budaya untuk menyambut Hari Krismas tahun 2008.
Sekian, Terima kasih.

Ngeh Koo Ham
Pengerusi Bersama
Sambutan Hari Krismas 2008
Anjuran Kerajaan Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan

Menteri Besar Perak, Dato' Seri Ir. Nizar bin Jamaluddin
addressed the crowds during the konsert.

Bishop Of Methodist Church of Malaysia Rev. Hwa Yung

Merry Christmas
a Very Happy blessed New Year

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas=Christ, Man and Saviour

He became Man and dealt with men so that when men see Him will know the One who sent Him. He is also a Saviour. He is the Way, The Truth and The Life. No one goes to the Father except through Him. He was born to set us free from sins and fears.

Christmas is an ideal time to express love and good wishes for those we care! Because He first loves us. Because of His Divine’s love, we can also love others.
Christmas is a season to remember God’s love for mankind by sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross to save the man from their sins. He was raised from the dead and He is the true living God. He came that men can be set free from troubles, depressions, infirmities, sicknesses, or whatever situations one is going through. He came to give lives, life that is in abundant. He came to close the door of hate and open the door of love.

His birth has brought us joy, peace, love and hope. Let’s in this Christmas share the many blessings with those who are less fortunate and those in needs. For the more we share, the more we care. We cannot love without giving and it is more blessed to give than to receive.

lChristmas Gift Suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child,
a good example.
To yourself, respect."

more about meaning of Christmas;

Wishing all; Perakians, Dap members and supporters, friends and relatives and government’s workers.
A very blessed Christmas that is filled with love, peace, joy, goodness and good health.
May Perak continue to prosper and her peoples continue to enjoy the fruits of the good leaderships that are filled with the Divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding in governing the state. May all the Pakatan Rakyat components parties continue to be united in the visions for the state and with religious tolerance and under-standing the people will continue to live in harmony and in peace. May Perak be the role model state in administration and in development. Perak shall be the Head
and not the tail.

Merry Christmas
A Happy Blessed New Year

posted by Jason ling for Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham
25 Dec 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Leasehold to Freehold Title-Legality


1. It is reported in the media on 24-12-2008 that the DPM Datuk Seri Najib Bin Tun Razak said that State Governments cannot make decision on land ownership without referring to the National Land Council. According to the press the DPM was commenting on the Perak Government’s proposal to issue title in perpetuity to the New Villages and Kampung Tersusun land.

2. To examine the legal validity of DPM’s comments it would be necessary to refer to the relevant constitutional provisions that govern the relations between the Federation and the States as encapsulated in Part VI of the Federal Constitution. In this connection Article 74 (1) and (2) of the Federal Constitution read as follows:

74(1) Without prejudice to any power to make laws conferred on it by any other Article, Parliament may make laws with respect to any of the matters enumerated in the Federal List or the Concurrent List (that is to say, the First or Third List set out in the Ninth Schedule).

(2) Without prejudice to any power to make laws conferred on it by any other Articles, the Legislature of a State may make laws with respect to any of the matters enumerated in the State List (that is to say, the Second List set out in the Nineth Schedule) or the Concurrent List.

3. It is pertinent to note that “land” falls under the Second List of the 9th Schedule to the Federal Constitution. Consequently the jurisdiction over land belongs to the State Government.

4. As for the National Land Council its establishment is provided under Article 91 of the Federal Constitution. The composition of the NLC is as follows: a minister as chairman; one representative from each of the States
and a maximum of 10 representatives of the Federal Government.

5. The National Land Council appears to have no legislative powers. According to Article 91(5) of the Federal Constitution it shall be the duty of the National Land Council to formulate from time to time in consultation with the Federal Government, the State Governments and the National Finance Council a national policy for the promotion and control of the utilization of land throughout the Federation for mining, agriculture, forestry or any other purpose, and for the administration of any laws relating thereto; and the Federal and State Governments shall follow the policy so formulated.

6. To amend and consolidate the laws relating to inter alia land and land tenure Parliament has enacted the National Land Code (Act 56 of 1965) in pursuance of Article 76(4) of the Federal Constitution (hereinafter called “the NLC”). By virtue of LN 474/1965 the National Land Code came into force in each state on 1-1-1966.

7. On reading Section 76 of the National Land Code and the definition of “alienate” in Section 5 of the NLC (which means “to dispose of State land in perpetuity or for a term of years in consideration of rent and otherwise in accordance with the provisions of Section 76), it is clear that the State Government is empowered under Section 76(aa)(iii) of the NLC and at liberty to implement the aforesaid proposed conversion without the necessity of having to wait for any decision of the National Land Council on the matter as stated by the DPM. The action of the Perak State Government does not contravene any statutory provision. In this connection Section 76(aa) (iii) of the NLC expressly stipulates as follows:

76 “The alienation of State land under this Act shall consist of its disposal by the State Authority:-

(a) for a term not exceeding ninety-nine years;
(aa) in perpetuity –

(iii) where the State Authority is satisfied that there are special circumstances which render it appropriate it to do so”

8. The NLC contains no definition whatsoever on the meaning of “special circumstances” . It would appear from a plain reading of Section 76 (aa)(iii) that Parliament has left to it to the wisdom and discretion of the State Authority to determine the contents of “special circumstances”. It is the satisfaction of the State Authority rather than the National Land Council that is of paramount importance; it is for the State Authority to decide whether the alienation of the State land should in a given situation be in perpetuity or a leasehold. In other words the body that is duly vested with powers to decide whether a leasehold or freehold title should be issued is a State Authority and not the National Land Council.

9. There is no statutory provision in the Federal Constitution or the NLC which prohibits the above conversion exercise by the Perak State Government. There is no need for the Perak State Government to wait for any decision by the National Land Council on the matter.

10. In the absence of any legal impediment the Perak State Government can lawfully proceed to implement the proposed conversion of leasehold title into title inperpetuity and ignore the opinion of the DPM which is devoid of any statutory support. The opinion of the DPM that “Perak cannot implement this until decision is made by the Council is at best misconceived; in the words of Shakespeare it is “Much Ado AboutNothing”. It is a pity that the BN Government is still obstructive rather than supportive of the said visionary exercise by the Pakatan Rakyat which the BN Government failed to do anything despite 51 years of rule.

Dated this 24th December, 2008
Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham

Friday, December 19, 2008

Compassionate leader and caring government

The very first thing on arrival from Beijing after meeting the investors in China, Dato' Ngeh visited the workers in APL Products Sdn Bhd after hearing about their predicaments. The glove factory is in Batu 16, Ayer Tawar which is in his Beruas Parliamentary constiteuncy.

Due to certain unforseen reasons, the employees were not been paid the outstandings salaries. After the caring Perak Pakatan Rakyat government intervened, and negotiated with the management, the workers were paid their salaries. Dato' Ngeh also appealed to the Tenaga National Berhad and the Lembaga Air Perak to continue the services despite the unsettled utilities bills . These will ensure the foreign workers who stay in the factory quarters will continue to have the basic amenities until everything are settled.

There are a total of 319 foreign workers and 80 local workers.Dato' Ngeh had ensures the workers he will continue to provide assistance
to get their December's pay, stop work notices and retrenchment benefits that are accordance to Labour Laws.

Posted by Jason Ling for Dato'Ngeh Koo Ham

Saturday, December 13, 2008

DAP Perak Convention


In 1998, when I assumed the Chairmanship of DAP Perak, DAP Perak was at its ebb low with only 1 assemblyman for the Sitiawan Constituency and not a single member of parliament for the whole State of Perak. Sense of despair was every where and at the national level they were even voices suggesting disbanding the DAP. The frustration was that despite our sacrifices the people have rejected us. However, we must admit that at the Perak State level our poor electoral performance in 1995 was also contributed by the factional problems in DAP Perak.

The last 13 years since 1995 General Election have not been an easy one but we persevered because we believe the DAP social democratic principles and the values that DAP members held on to are more noble than the racial politics practiced by BN.

Our perseverance paid off on the 8 March 2008 General Election which saw DAP becoming part of the ruling Governments of the States of Penang, Perak and Selangor. Pakatan Rakyat (PR) parties won 5 States namely, Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Kelantan. PR can be said to have worn 6 States because out of 11 parliamentary seats in Federal Teritories PR won 10 seats.

The need to have a new mind set

Having given us the mandate, the people have high expectation of us to deliver and to perform better than BN. We must not disappoint them. If we are proven to be worthy, the next General Election will see the Federal Government falling into the hands of the PR. The village committees, the local governments and the State Government under PR must perform. Party members must now have a new mind set. While in the past we want to be an effective opposition which we must continue to do at the Federal level, we must now be clear of our objectives as part of the ruling coalition in the state governments.

As a Government, we must see to it that the basic needs of the people i.e food, clothing, lodging and transportation are met. People want to see that health care and education are accessible to all. Although health care and education are under the BN Federal Government’s jurisdiction, with the increase number of PR MPs to 82, we must ensure that the Federal Government does not privatize these two areas of service and leaving the responsibility of these 2 services to the private sector.

In all other aspects equal opportunity shall be our guiding principle. In this regard, the poor, the disabled, the single mothers, orphans, the natives and other less fortunate groups will be helped to ensure that they will be able to compete with others thereby giving them equal opportunity in our society.

Cooperation with other PR parties in Perak

I must say that the DAP Perak’s relationship with other PR parties namely PKR and PAS in Perak is excellent. If in the past we have doubts and fear about PAS, the Menteri Besar of Perak who is from PAS has proven to be an excellent leader in holding the view that the different races in the state can be united and come together if we subscribe to the universal values that we as a human race subscribe to.

Therefore, the DAP Perak fully supports the Perak State Government’s 5 principles of governance irrespective of race, religion or political affiliation. The 5 principles are justice (keadilan), effectiveness (kewibawaan), transparency (ketulusan), trustworthiness (amanah) and welfare (kebajikan).

The Way forward

DAP Perak must move forward and the new DAP Perak committee must look into the following aspects to strengthen the party.

(i) Self sustaining

We must generate income to sustain our political work. Members are encouraged to be involved in economic activities like setting up DAPUR (DAP shops), raising funds to purchase commercial building or such other economic activities to generate income.

(ii) Expand our influence

We would like to see that in each of the 59 state constituencies in the state, there will be a presence of DAP. Though we may not be contesting many of the seats, we will be an influence to help other PR parties to win in electoral elections. Through these branches we can also help to serve the people. We hope to increase our present 56 branches to 150 branches by 2010. This will surpass the highest number of branches in DAP Perak’s history.

(iii) Web TV

Due to the limited space and sometimes biased reporting by the main stream media, we would like to see a DAP web TV established by DAP or by DAP Perak in the near future.

(iv) Increasing human capital

Many have shown a keen interest in DAP after the 8 Mac 2008 general as they see hope in DAP. We hope more people will be willing to invest their time, energy and expertise in DAP so that DAP can serve the public more effectively. We welcome all who are willing to sacrifice and serve.

(v) Attracting more Malays and Natives to join the DAP

Due to the propaganda in the past by UMNO, many Malays have shied away from the DAP. After the formation of Barisan Alternatif in 1999 General Election and Pakatan Rakyat in 2008 General Election, more Malays have now come to accept the DAP. A few branches with members mainly from the Malay community will be formed soon. We hope to see more Malays joining the party to truly reflect the multi-racial nature of our party. We hope also to see more Orang Aslis join our party so that we may be able to extend our service to them and more effectively represent this community.

(vi) Sunshine projects

Our Sunshine projects have received praise from the public. Our social works in helping the less fortunate was one of the ways that have endeared us to the public. We must continue this good work.

Election of DAP Perak State Committee

It is my hope that the delegates today will vote in a committee based on the merits of each candidate. The delegates must never allow factional voting based on envy, jealousy or hatred but to vote in people who are willing to sacrifice to serve the party and the people. The ghost of factionalism that exists prior to the 1995 General Election which saw us almost wiped out must never be allowed to return.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Observations/opinions only

Come 14 December 2008, Perak DAP will holds its State Convention at the Heritage Hotel. This year there will be election of office bearers for the tenure of 2 years. The capable and hardworking leaders who are committed to the party's struggles in competency, accountability and transparency should be voted into the state management's team.The most important ability is availability and he must be committed to serve not to be served.The present leaderships in the Perak state DAP are a very capable and committed team. They went through the times when DAP was at it lowest situation. The morale was at it lowest. We lost in many seats we contested in the general election.Yet this team of leaders worked with one united heart and with conviction and commitment to revive the condition to where we are today. Don't you all agree with me that they are worthy to be given the rightful positions in the state's committee to continue on with the task of taking us in the DAP to a higher level?

May I take this opportunity to share my little experiences/observations/opinions from my humble involvement in the various organizations I served, some more than 20 years.

There are 3 Gs a leader needs to be cautious (or people need to be careful of); namely:

1) one who looks for Gold-monetary gain, self interest,opportunist

2) one who looks for self Glory-publicity seekers

3) Girls' matter......

I believe these will cause the downfall of a leader no matter how good

and capable a leader may be.

There are also 3 top mistakes a leader can make;

1) managing instead of leading

2) Mistaking individual loyalty for team building.

3) Failing to apply what motivate the leaders themself.

I am personally convinced that one person (good or bad) can be a change catalyst, a'transformer' in any situation or organization, Such an individual is yeast that can leaven an entire loaf.....

To be a transforming leader, it requires vision, initiative, patience, respect, persistence, meekness,courage and faith. There are quiet leaders.There are leaders whom you can hear in the next county.Some are eloquence, some in judgement yet some in courage.


The boss drives his Men,
The leader inspires them;

The boss depends on authority,
The leader depends on good will;

The boss evokes fear,
The leader radiates love;

The boss says “I”,
The leader says “We”,

The boss shows who is wrong,
The leader shows what is wrong;

The boss knows how it is done,
The leader knows how to do it;

The boss demands respect,
The leader commands respect;

Leader live simply, love generously,
care deeply and speak kindly;

No man can stand on top because he is put there.

No man is good enough to govern another man without that others consent. No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself,or to get all the credit for doing it.Leaders who win the respect of others are the ones who deliver more than they promised not the ones who promise more than they can deliver.
So be a leader,
NOT a boss.

For those who wants to be leader, if you believe in God,
remember this:
God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

Good leaders must first become good servants.

One don't have to hold position in order to be leader.

Leadership is applicable to all facets of our life.

posted by Jason Ling

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Perakian can whisk through the recession

The people of Perak can whisk through the global recession because of good governance. The stimulus plans and the on-going vibrant economic activities the government initiated will ensures the people will continue to enjoy the fruits of the labours by the caring government. The efficient government in the last 3 months approved more than 100 housing, comercial and industrial projects.These projects will see chain reactiona that will spur the economic activities inthe state.

The people will continue to be employed while the government continue to attract more investors to invest in the Perak state so that more people can be employed.Businessmen will see thier businesses growing.This is the policy and the aspiration of the Perak government's in enriching and empowering the people. The government also hope to see the average incomes of the people to increase to RM5,000 in the very near future.Let us join hands with the Perak government to make Perak a truly 'Lands of Grace' state and be the model state for other states in Malaysia.

Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham officiated the launching of the Jelapang Business Centre developed by Kow Kien Corporation Sdn. Bhd.

Posted by Jason Ling for Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham

Monday, December 8, 2008

Perak State Christmas Concert 2008

Do make a date with us and look up for more informations.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

On 7 December, 2008, I was travelling with Dato'Ngeh Koo Ham to Ipoh where he was to officiate the launching of the Business centre in Jelapang. Although he had function to attend, he humbly stopped to help and to make sure the accident victim was okay. He gently and tenderly helped to carry the victim who was motionless at the time to the road side which was more safer and would not cause traffic obstruction. Shortly after that the ambulance came to take the victim to the hospital.We were on time for the function.Hopefully the victim will be fine and the injuries will not be serious.

posted by Jason Ling

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Berita Baik Untuk Orang Perak

Sidang Media Oleh
Y.B. Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham, EXCO Kanan Kerajaan Negeri
Perak Darul Ridzuan
pada 2 Disember 2008 jam 11.00 pagi di Bilik Media
Bangunan Perak Darul Ridzuan
Berkenaan Dengan Permohonan Bagi Urusan Penukaran Status Hakmilik Tanah Lot Kediaman Dan Perniagaan Daripada Hakmilik Pajakan (Leasehold) Kepada Hakmilik Selama-lamanya
(In Perpetuity) Di Rancangan Perkampungan Tersusun (RPT) dan Kampung-kampung Baru
Di Seluruh Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan

Kerajaan Negeri Perak ingin mengumumkan mulai hari ini penghuni-penghuni RPT dan Kampung-kampung Baru rumah kediaman di seluruh Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan boleh memohon untuk hakmilik selama-lamanya.

Permohonan hanya dapat dibuat sekarang kerana Kerajaan Negeri Perak telah mengambil masa beberapa bulan yang lepas untuk menilai hartanah di seluruh 349 RPT dan 134 Kg Baru di seluruh Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan. Ini adalah untuk membolehkan pemohon-pemohon mengetahui dengan serta merta jumlah premium yang mereka perlu membayar apabila mereka memohon untuk hakmilik selama-lamanya. Tambahan pula, Kerajaan Negeri Perak telah mengambil masa untuk meneliti cara-cara mempersingkatkan proses permohonan untuk melicinkan pengeluaran hakmilik selama-lamanya ini. Pengeluaran hakmilik selama-lamanya ini telah dipersingkatkan kepada 4 proses sahaja dan hakmilik selama-lamanya dapat dikeluarkan dalam masa sehari sahaja jika perlu. Ini merupakan satu usaha Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat untuk meningkatkan ‘delivery system’ jentera kerajaan. Akan tetapi dijangka Pejabat Tanah / Pejabat Pengarah Tanah Dan Galian Perak akan menerima banyak permohonan untuk hakmilik selama-lamanya, maka hakmilik selama-lamanya dijangka akan dapat dikeluarkan dalam tempuh masa 2 minggu ke satu bulan.

Empat (4) proses berkenaan adalah seperti berikut:-
i. pemohon memohon secara serentak dengan menyerah balik tanah (Borang 12A) dan memohon semula tanah hakmilik selama-lamanya (Borang Jadual I)
ii. kelulusan pemberimilik tanah dalam Notis 5A akan dikeluarkan
iii. pemohon membayar jumlah premium yang dikenakan
iv. hakmilik selama-lamanya dikeluarkan
(Butir-butir lanjut prosedur ini adalah terkandung dalam Lampiran 1)

Jumlah Premium Yang Perlu Dibayar

Jumlah premium yang perlu dibayar adalah 20% daripada perbezaan nilai tanah hakmilik selama-lamanya dan nilai tanah baki tempoh pajakan. Nilaian tanah hendaklah menggunapakai Jadual Penilaian Tanah RPT dan Kg Baru yang disediakan oleh Jabatan Penilaian dan Perkhidmatan Harta (JPPH) Negeri Perak.
Contoh-contoh pengiraan premium adalah seperti dalam Lampiran II.
Hendaklah dijelaskan bahawa jika angka terakhir baki pajakan adalah melebihi 5, kadar premium yang terdekat akan digunapakai dan jika angka terakhir baki pajakan adalah 5 atau kurang daripada 5 kadar premium yang terdekat dengan angka tersebut akan dipakai (If the last number of the lease period is more than 5 then, the next column scale shall be applicable. On the other hand, if the last number of the lease period is 5 or lesser then the last column scale shall apply).
Bagi lot tapak kediaman dan perniagaan yang terletak didalam Kawasan Simpanan Melayu jumlah bayaran premium yang dikenakan hendaklah ½ daripada jumlah yang patut dibayar selaras dengan peraturan 8(4) Kaedah Tanah Perak 1966 (Pindaan 1998)

Permohonan untuk hakmilik selama-lamanya bagi bangunan perniagaan di RPT dan Kg Baru masih belum boleh memohon lagi.

Kerajaan Negeri Perak ingin menjelaskan bahawa oleh kerana penilaian bagi tanah-tanah untuk perniagaan bagi RPT dan Kg Baru masih belum siap disediakan oleh JPPH, buat sementara waktu, tuanpunya-tuanpunya tanah perniagaan di RPT dan Kg Baru masih belum lagi boleh memohon untuk hakmilik selama-lamanya. Kerajaan Negeri akan mengumumkan tarikh untuk mereka memohon apabila penilaian berkenaan siap disediakan.
Kerajaan Negeri Perak ingin membuat beberapa penjelasan berikut berkenaan dengan pemberian hakmilik selama-lamanya ini:-

i. Pemberian hakmilik selama-lamanya kepada penghuni-penghuni RPT dan Kg-kg Baru adalah memenuhi janji parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat dalam pilihanraya umum yang telah diadakan pada 8.3.2008.

ii. Ini juga merupakan satu polisi Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat untuk memperkayakan dan memperkasakan rakyat. Dengan pemberian hakmilik tanah selama-lamanya kepada penghuni-penghuni RPT dan Kg- kg Baru, nilai tanah dan rumah / kedai perniagaan mereka akan meningkat. Peningkatan nilai hartanah bagi RPT dan Kg-kg Baru di Negeri Perak dijangka melebihi RM1.5 bilion.

iii. Polisi memperkaya dan memperkasakan rakyat ini adalah untuk semua rakyat dan tidak seperti yang sengaja diputarbelitkan oleh sesetengah parti politik bahawa ia memihak kepada sesuatu kaum sahaja. Pemberian hakmilik ini melibatkan 349 RPT yang mempunyai lebih kurang 102,000 hakmilik dan 134 Kg Baru yang mempunyai lebih kurang 47,000 hakmilik. Kebanyakan penghuni-penghuni RPT adalah orang Melayu dan kebanyakan Kg Baru didiami oleh orang-orang Cina. Orang India juga menghuni di kedua-dua RPT dan Kg-kg Baru.

iv. Dengan hakmilik selama-lamanya, penghuni-penghuni boleh mendapat pinjaman daripada institusi kewangan untuk membina semula kediaman atau kedai perniagaan mereka yang usang. Selain daripada membolehkan penghuni-penghuni hidup dalam keadaan yang lebih selesa, pembinaan semula kediaman dan kedai perniagaan mereka dijangka akan menjana perkembangan ekonomi yang dianggarkan akan lembap akibat krisis kewangan dunia baru-baru ini. Dijangka lebih kurang 20,000 rumah dan kedai perniagaan di RPT dan Kg-kg Baru akan dibina semula dalam masa 5 tahun akan datang.

v. Penghuni-penghuni RPT dan Kg-kg Baru adalah digalakkan untuk memohon untuk hakmilik selama-lamanya jika tempoh pajakan hakmilik mereka tamat kerana kadar premium yang dikenakan adalah lebih rendah daripada permohonan untuk pajakan 60 tahun atau 99 tahun (kerana diskaun tidak lagi diberikan pada masa kini untuk permohonan pajakan 60 atau 99 tahun)


Prosedur-Prosedur Permohonan

4a) Setelah Bayaran Notis 5A dijelaskan

didalam tempoh yang dibenarkan,

hakmilik sementara sahaja dikeluarkan

terlebih dahulu.

b) Hakmilik Tetap akan dikeluarkan setelah

Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan mengesah

dan menyediakan Pelan Hakmilik (Pelan

Akui dan B1 Tiff)

Contoh pengiraan premium adalah seperti berikut;

Rujukan Kampong -kampong mengikut daerah-daerah.
Kampong Tersusun-Slim/Bodor/Chenderiang

Kampong Tersusun-Kinta/Manjung

Kampong Tersusun-Kuala Kangsar/Larut Matang/Selama/ Kerian

Kampong Baru-Hulu Perak/Larut Matang

Kampong Baru -Slim/ Chenderiang/Batang Padang/Bidor

Kampong Baru- Ulu Kinta/Sg Siput/Sitiawan/Kampar

Monday, November 17, 2008

RM10,000 for Persatuan Kebajikan Warga Tua Manjung

On hands to receive the donation of RM10,000 was Mr Yong Kon Fat, the chairman of the Persatuan Kebajikan Warga Tua Manjung.
Posted by Jason Ling for Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham

5 New DAP Branches opening in Lumut Constituency

5 new DAP Branches opened in Sitiawan on 15 Nov. 2008
They are Taman Sejati, Taman Muhibbah, Taman Ria Jaya, Taman Bayu Permai and Venice of Perak. With more than 300 new members, we hope these members will instead also help to recruit more members to be part of our party and together we stride for justice, transparency, democracy and equality for all.

We hope to also groom more leaders who are eager to serve the people selflessly and without self interest. We are to serve not to be served. Leaders who are extrovert and serve with love will gain respect and influence. This is servanthood where one sacrifice for others as a candle burn to give light for others or a fruit tree bears fruits for others to savour.

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors”- Plato

The Opening Ceremony

With Dato' Ngeh are Yb Nga Kor Ming,Mr Chen Lin Piow, Hj Suwardi, Mr William Eow, Mr Chong Peng Choon, Mr Paul Yong

Part of the crowds attending the opening ceremony at old Looking Good building Mr Ling Leong Chnong, Vice-President of Sitiawan Rotary Club receiving
A cheque of RM10,000 from Dato' Ngeh.
Besides the Rotary Club, SMJK Nan Hwa also received RM5000 from YB Nga Kor Ming for the school's Chinese Orchestra soceity.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Diamond Home 'Jumble Sales' Ayer Tawar

Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham, officially launched the 'Jumble sales' with

Ps James, Ps Soba and the 'Jasper 2' representative on 1 Nov. 2008.

Diamond Home was established in 1996 by a couple who saw the needs to care for the innocent children.The couple, Ps James and Ps Soba took the childrens in, care for them, nurture them and love them. Their deeds gave these childrens hope and sense of belongings.Their emotion,and spiritual needs are cared for besides physical needs.
With the present 60 childrens and 10 helpers, the cost of running the home has also escalated. To all the donors who has contributed to the cause, we want to thank you and hope more peoples will come forwards to donate. With the increased number of childrens, the present rented premise has becomes too small and a bigger place is needed.
We look forwards to kind donors to donate suitable land or cash for the good cause so as the childrens can live a more wholesome life like any other childrens in our communities.

We believe every child can succeed if given a chance.The children who may be most inconvenient us now may, when they grow up, turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to this world. Each of us was created as a unique and gifted individual.With the believe - family is the No.1 influence on the child, the home's vision to accomplish and realise the community life has becomes more challenging.

To encourage and support this mission, and to give these special needs (emotional and physical as well as spiritual) childrens, generous donors are welcomed. Without you, kind hearted, caring donors, the works may be hindered in one way or another. With your help and support, the work may goes on smoothly.
God loves cheerful givers. And it is more blessed to give then to receive.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Passing Of A Great Comrade Sdr Lee Ah Khong


It was with a great sense of loss when we heard of our beloved and respected comrade sdr. Lee Ah Khong death on 26th Oct. 2008.We have our greatest sympathy and our hearts are totally saddened.

Sdr Lee joined DAP when the Simpang Dua, Sitiawan, Perak branch was formed in 1983.Since then he was actively involved in all the activities. Despite his health and age, he had continued to take part in all the DAP's functions in the recent years.
We felt encouraged and motivated seeing him at most of the DAP's functions. He was 88 years old.We know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew him.
YB Dato' Ngeh, YB Nga and DAP leaders paid a last respect to sdr Lee.The body of the late sdr. Lee was been carried for a final journey.
The hearse was been pulled by the leaders and representatives of DAP to the burial ground.

DAP New branch opening

The peoples of Kg Jering had made a bold step to join DAP because DAP has proven to be reliable,transparent,accountable and trustworthy.
'The politicians shake your hands during election,
after that your confident'
This has proved otherwise with DAP's politicians with the opening of the new branch with 60 new members under the able leadership of sdr. Lee Yik Haw, who is also the Ahli Majlis of Majlis Perbandaran Manjung and the secretary to YB Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham.
Mr Paul Ngan donated RM15,000 to the Kg Jering village for landscaping.

Dato' Ngeh greeting the villagers on his arrival to the opening ceremony. The ceremony was attended by YB Nga Kor Ming and DAP leaders, PAS leaders and members and well wishers from far and near.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Selamat Deepavali

Happy Deepavali

Wishes all Indian friends of Malaysia a very happy Deepavali.Deepavali is the festival of lights,where good overcame the evils.We hope all of us be nurtured to shine in spiritual goodness with good moral values and respect for others.

This is also an occasion of selfless effort in serving others.Let the lights of Deepavali enrich the lives of others.

Dato' Ngeh delivering Deepavali's message at PKR office Sitiawan, Perak.

At the Deepavali function, Dato' Ngeh gave out 25 hampers to the deserving Indian families.It is always more blessed to give than to receive. This is a time of givings and sharings so that everyone share the joys of Deepavali.

Let us also take time to visit our friends of Hindu faith to foster better understanding and relationship and make our beloved land of Malaysia a better place to live in. Happy Deepavali.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Flood in Sitiawan, Perak

Taman Indah Kg Koh
The flood water has caused the fire hydrant to be submerged in Taman Indah, Kg Koh, Sitiawan,Perak.Other areas affected are Taman Berjaya 2, Taman Muhhibah, Taman Harmony, Taman Sitiawan Maju 1, Taman Hijau 1,Taman Kuok Thai,Taman Singa Baru, Taman Bunga Raya,Pekan Gurney, Lekir, Taman Mawar and others.

Taman Mas Kg Koh

Dato' Ngeh visited the flood victims in his Sitiawan constituency on hearing that many parts of Sitiawan has been affected.
The heavy downpour in Sitiawan on 21/10/08 caused flash flood that affected more than 1000 households in Sitiawan.

Dato' Ngeh assessed the damage done at one of the resident's house in Taman Kuok Thai, Sitiawan. JPS's engineers and MPM's engineers as well as Ahli Majlis was also called to study the situations and to solve the flood problems to prevent recurrent in the future.

Dato' Ngeh also empathized with the victims and inquired whether they need to be evacuated.He assured the victims that he will be available anytime when any needs arises.

Monday, October 13, 2008

DAP Pangkor dinner

DAP Pangkor held its dinner on 12Oct, 2008. A total of 65 tables were quickily grabbed by the people of Pangkor in support of DAP.
Dato' Ngeh presented a cheque of RM2000 to Mdm Beh on behalf of DAP Sunshine Project. The 17 fire victims where their shops were burnt 2 years ago received their long awaited good news too. The shop lots were given 99 years lease from the present TOL status.They only need to pay 50% premium. The announcement was received with thunderous applaud from the diners.

Friday, October 10, 2008

80% Discount on Freehold Lands

This marked another milestones for the Pakatan Rakyat government of Perak.
Just after merely 6 months in government, many goodies were given to the people of Perak which the Barisan National government could not, nor the people could dreamed of.
In fulfilling the General Election's promises by the DAP, the state government today announced not only granting the freehold titles to the perakians in the New villages and the Kampung tersusun but also the 80% discount of the premium on the enhanced value of the lands. These will elevate the value of the said lands to RM1.5 billions whereas the state
increased its revenue by RM300millions. With the granting of the freehold titles, the owners will now be able to secure loans from banks and rebuild and refurbishes the houses without having to worry.
The calculations are based on the size, location and the remaining years of the land's lease. The guiding chart is as shown below.