Media Statement
Najib & Zambry supported by MCA & Gerakan guilty of making a cartoon (a joke) of the State of Perak. The people of Perak suffer in consequence. Inabilility to restore the telephone lines to the State Secretariate & the Director of land and mines buildings after 3 weeks is the latest joke Zambry create out of Perak.
Fresh from the ‘success’ of spinning the ‘Black Metallic Zambry’remark, BN appointed Perak Menteri Besar Dato’ Seri Zambry bin Abdul Kadir in trying to split YB Nga Kor Ming’s one remark into 2 to try to score further political points. The remark made the YB Nga Kor Ming was ‘Hitam Metalik Zambry Menteri Besar Perak Darul Kartun’
‘Black Metallic Zambry’ was a humour adapted from the Black Metallic Camry which the BN opposed when the Perak PR government bought Black Metallic Toyota Camry cars to replace the ailing Proton Perdanas. The phrase was used because it rhymes.The skin colour of a person is never described as metallic. Zambry knew that Kor Ming was referring to the colour of the Camry car but played racial politics by twisting it to say it refers to the human skin colour. He makes a cartoon of himself when he twisted the remark to refer to darker skin people.This in the level BN appointed power crazy Menteri Besar will stoop.
Now Zambry in trying to spin and say that YB Nga Kor Ming is disrespectful of the State when he described the State as ‘Perak Darul Kartun’
Najib & Zambry supported by MCA & Gerakan are guilty of making the Perak State a cartoon (a joke) and yet Zambry is accusing others of being disrespectful of the State.
I am astonished that Zambry still did not realize that he has made the Perak State a joke due to his actions. Unfortunately, the people of Perak became victims and suffered in misery.
The following incidences have made the Perak State a joke to many people : -
(i) Democratically elected government ousted by non democratic means
(ii) Refusal of BN to respect the wishes of the people by calling a fresh election.
(iii) Not allowing the State Assembly Speaker (undisputed at that point of time) to
convence a sitting at the State Assembly Hall and he was forced to conduct the
sitting under a tree.
(iv) The State Assembly Speaker was forcibly removed from his seat in the State Assembly
and imprisoned in a room.
(v) State Budget passed within 20 minutes without debate.
(vi) Microphones of opposition elected representatives switched off so that their
speeches will not he heard and also not recorded in the Hansard.
(vii) Using the Police to invade and control the State Assembly.
(viii) Elected representatives not allowed to enter the State Assembly without permission
of the police & civil servants stationed at the locked doors of the Assembly.
(ix) Elected representatives allowed into Assembly only if issued with a pass by the
State Secretary. Even former BN Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Dato Seri Di Raja Tajol
Rosli was offended and described it as demeaning.
(x) Judges do not follow the law (precedents) when deciding on Perak crisis cases.
(xi) Laws are selectively applied (especially Article 72 of the Federal Constitution
prohibiting interference of the Judiciary in matters of the State Assembly)
(xii) A court Registar can appoint a Court of Appeal Judge to sit and stay (suspend) the
decision of the High Court judge who has declared Dato’ Sri Nizar Jamaluddin as the legitimate Menteri Besar when there were 2 other panel of 3 judges each of the Court of Appeal sitting on that day. The stay was granted within 24 hours!
(xiii) The swearing in of Zambly as Menteri Besar was obstructed and spontaneously objected to by thousand of protestors.
(xiv) BN Government refused to answer questions asked in the State Assembly without valid reason.
and the list can continue
Zambry should stop making a clown of himself and continue to make the Perak State a cartoon by continuing to spin falsehood.
Many investors have expressed their unwillingness to invest in the State of Perak until the illeginate government of Zambry is replaced. The Perakeans are unfortunately the victims who continue to suffer in consequent of Zambry continuing to make a cartoon of the Perak State.
The latest joke Zambry created out of Perak is that the telephone lines to the State Secretariate and the Director of land and mines buildings (both buildings form the seat of administration of the Government of Perak) have yet to be restored despite having been down for the last 3 weeks.
Let the people of Perak be reminded of these black days of Perak after the grab of power by BN since February 2009 and be united to oust the undemocratically installed BN government in the coming General Election.
Dated this 8th December, 2011.
Chairman Of DAP Perak
State Assemly for Sitiawan & Member of Parliament for Beruas
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Irregularities in the award of contracts by Rural Development Ministry costing the people at least RM500,000,000.00
Media Statement by YB Ngeh Koo Ham, Member of Parliament for Beruas in Parliament on the 10th Nov 2011:
Irregularities in the award of contracts in the Ministry of Rural Development, at least Five Hundred Million Ringgit (RM 500,000,000.00) could have been saved! MACC must conduct investigation immediately.
The Minister of Rural Development must explain the irregularities in the award of contracts in his ministry. There are reasons to suspect the existence of rampant corrupt practices. As much as RM 500,000,000.00 could have been saved had the Ministry followed the proper practice of awarding contract to the lowest qualified tenders.
I stayed up till 10.30pm in Parliament on Monday (8/11/2011) to debate and to wait for the answer from the Ministry of Rural Development with regard to the issues I had raised. I was greatly disappointed when the Deputy Minister of the Ministry refused to answer my questions.
The Rural Development Ministry is awarding 209 projects for the year 2011 and they are numbered KKLW 1/2011 – 209/2011. The Ministry has announced only the award of 129 projects. I have asked what has happened to the other 80 projects. The Deputy has refused to reply.
The projects under the ministry were given by direct negotiation, limited tender or open tender.
I have asked why projects like the Sarawak Rural Water Supply worth RM638,910,000.00 was given through direct negotiation. The Deputy has refused to give an answer. Other projects given through direct negotiation were the Sarawak Rural Water Supply recticulation system worth RM83,860,000.00 and the Sarawak Special Rural water Supply 2011/2012 project worth RM555,050,000.00
I have informed the Deputy Minister that I have received complaints that the companies that submitted the quotations for projects under limited tender category in many cases were in fact submitted by the same person using different names. The Ministry did not invite separate independent companies to bid for the job. The Deputy Minister also refused to answer whether the allegation is true. Projects No. 9–13, 23–40, 43-46, 51-56, 60, 69-75, 82-92, 100, 101, 110, 115 116, 118-124, 131, 132, 143 and 144/2011 (68 of them) were projects awarded through limited tenders.
Although open tenders were conducted for the 68 projects as listed in the schedule hereto, all were not given to the lowest priced bidder except for one. Many of them were awarded at many times more than the lowest price tendered.
The Government lost RM403,857,592.72 for its failure to give to the lowest qualified tenders. The proper way to conduct an open tender is to first determine those qualified to bid for the job. Once the qualifying criteria for the tender have been met, the contract must be awarded to the bidder who submits the lowest bid. Such a system will save the government money and be fair to all those who have make the effort to submit the tenders.
After taking into consideration, the loss the government suffered through direct negotiation and limited tender projects, I estimate the people lose at least Rm500,000,000.00 through the improper way the above said contracts were awarded.
I call on the government to award the balance projects that have yet to be given out to be done in accordance to the abovesaid accepted proper procedure of open tender system.
Unless a satisfactory answer is forth coming from the Minister, I call on the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) to immediately conduct investigation as the facts show prima facie that rampant corruption exists in the award of the above said contracts.
Ngeh Koo Ham
Schedule of 68 contracts awarded by open tender. Comparison of contract price awarded with that of the lowest bidder
No. Project No Lowest Bidder (RM) Awarded to Amount (RM) Difference (RM)
1 KKLWT1/2011 7,775,000.00 8th lowest 41,736,809.77 33,961,809.77
2 KKLWT2/2011 30,774,266.00 9th lowest 50,000,000.00 19,225,734.00
3 KKLWT3/2011 31,819,957.00 10th lowest 46,479,946.70 14,659,989.70
4 KKLWT4/2011 27,543,000.00 23rd lowest 55,864,389.65 28,321,389.65
5 KKLWT5/2011 12,461,000.00 6th lowest 45,212,680.00 32,751,680.00
6 KKLWT6/2011 9,519,000.00 14th lowest 53,303,701.79 43,784,701.79
7 KKLWT7/2011 25,175,862.90 3rd lowest 25,287,395.00 111,532.10
8 KKLWT8/2011 18,949,394.86 7th lowest 23,007,412.00 4,058,017.14
9 KKLWT14/2011 8,188,000.00 14th lowest 10,606,000.00 2,418,000.00
10 KKLWT16/2011 14,907,734.30 lowest 14,907,734.30 0.00
11 KKLWT17/2011 38,317,840.00 9th lowest 44,753,169.50 6,435,329.50
12 KKLWT19/2011 23,980,000.00 13th lowest 26,906,373.30 2,926,373.30
13 KKLWT21/2011 15,940,880.00 17th lowest 18,998,935.00 3,058,055.00
14 KKLWT22/2011 4,014,525.80 3rd lowest 4,940,029.50 925,503.70
15 KKLWT41/2011 7,903,269.00 8th lowest 10,255,000.00 2,351,731.00
16 KKLWT42/2011 12,658,519.10 17th lowest 17,066,668.00 4,408,148.90
17 KKLWT48/2011 33,200,000.00 11th lowest 44,950,336.22 11,750,336.22
18 KKLWT49/2011 19,564,411.00 10th lowest 24,791,993.20 5,227,582.20
19 KKLWT50/2011 13,632,609.50 10th lowest 16,005,736.00 2,373,126.50
20 KKLWT57/2011 4,453,561.00 4th lowest 4,695,656.00 242,095.00
21 KKLWT58/2011 3,999,000.00 6th lowest 4,280,332.00 281,332.00
22 KKLWT59/2011 1,695,423.00 7th lowest 1,778,590.00 83,167.00
23 KKLWT61/2011 3,964,450.00 6th lowest 4,382,653.00 418,203.00
24 KKLWT62/2011 2,630,000.00 6th lowest 2,920,285.00 290,285.00
25 KKLWT63/2011 5,060,000.00 12th lowest 6,188,888.00 1,128,888.00
26 KKLWT64/2011 5,043,124.00 9th lowest 7,185,650.00 2,142,526.00
27 KKLWT65/2011 5,699,000.00 10th lowest 8,050,500.00 2,351,500.00
28 KKLWT67/2011 37,189,000.00 26th lowest 81,475,281.42 44,286,281.42
29 KKLWT77/2011 21,336,333.40 9th lowest 24,896,997.98 3,560,664.58
30 KKLWT78/2011 19,000,000.00 9th lowest 22,176,223.00 3,176,223.00
31 KKLWT79/2011 21,280,142.40 9th lowest 24,297,795.30 3,017,652.90
32 KKLWT80/2011 18,221,634.00 14th lowest 35,500,000.00 17,278,366.00
33 KKLWT81/2011 20,503,925.50 10th lowest 26,640,000.00 6,136,074.50
34 KKLWT82/2011 6,045,771.00 12th lowest 11,912,202.00 5,866,431.00
35 KKLWT93/2011 741,033.20 4th lowest 1,526,400.00 785,366.80
36 KKLWT95/2011 1,391,941.00 11th lowest 1,782,367.00 390,426.00
37 KKLWT96/2011 1,657,385.00 12th lowest 15,076,251.43 13,418,866.43
38 KKLWT98/2011 7,763,788.00 8th lowest 10,422,536.00 2,658,748.00
39 KKLWT99/2011 12,500,774.00 18th lowest 20,791,446.18 8,290,672.18
40 KKLWT105/2011 8,660,014.25 7th lowest 11,369,684.00 2,709,669.75
41 KKLWT106/2011 3,000,000.00 6th lowest 3,778,933.00 778,933.00
42 KKLWT107/2011 1,100,900.00 9th lowest 1,480,000.00 379,100.00
43 KKLWT108/2011 12,348,370.00 5th lowest 16,537,921.90 4,189,551.90
44 KKLWT109/2011 15,160,246.70 2nd lowest 16,348,147.20 1,187,900.50
45 KKLWT114/2011 13,000,000.00 24th lowest 17,839,488.40 4,839,488.40
46 KKLWT125/2011 13,749,759.45 7th lowest 16,484,752.00 2,734,992.55
47 KKLWT126/2011 4,081,600.00 13th lowest 4,466,627.00 385,027.00
48 KKLWT130/2011 9,358,419.00 9th lowest 10,280,339.00 921,920.00
49 KKLWT134/2011 10,300,000.00 14th lowest 12,140,059.35 1,840,059.35
50 KKLWT135/2011 12,382,391.39 5th lowest 21,954,971.00 9,572,579.61
51 KKLWT138/2011 32,619,302.80 7th lowest 35,887,197.90 3,267,895.10
52 KKLWT139/2011 60,571,391.30 2nd lowest 64,444,000 3,872,608.70
53 KKLWT140/2011 8,361,900.10 lowest 8,361,900.10 0.00
54 KKLWT141/2011 5,570,000.00 5th lowest 5,976,000.00 406,000.00
55 KKLWT142/2011 23,089,683.00 10th lowest 27,468,000.00 4,378,317.00
56 KKLWT145/2011 9,008,104.00 12th lowest 10,237,377.00 1,229,273.00
57 KKLWT146/2011 43,444,000.00 3rd lowest 47,588,012.70 4,144,012.70
58 KKLWT148/2011 17,614,726.10 3rd lowest 18,888,000.00 1,273,273.90
59 KKLWT149/2011 25,587,256.50 12th lowest 27,977,000.00 2,389,743.50
60 KKLWT151/2011 11,818,121.42 5th lowest 13,862,680.00 2,044,558.58
61 KKLWT152/2011 9,144,200.00 7th lowest 9,730,267.00 586,067.00
62 KKLWT153/2011 10,389,789.00 2nd lowest 10,680,000.00 290,211.00
63 KKLWT154/2011 15,460,000.00 16th lowest 23,495,935.00 8,035,935.00
64 KKLWT157/2011 18,811,011.00 10th lowest 23,888,888.00 5,077,877.00
65 KKLWT163/2011 1,193,316.80 4th lowest 1,373,282.20 179,965.40
66 KKLWT178/2011 5,039,694.60 5th lowest 6,150,279.00 1,110,584.40
67 KKLWT179/2011 5,648,991.90 4th lowest 6,975,249.00 1,326,257.10
68 KKLWT183/2011 1,846,160.00 4th lowest 1,999,142.00 152,982.00
Total wastage: 403,857,592.72
Irregularities in the award of contracts in the Ministry of Rural Development, at least Five Hundred Million Ringgit (RM 500,000,000.00) could have been saved! MACC must conduct investigation immediately.
The Minister of Rural Development must explain the irregularities in the award of contracts in his ministry. There are reasons to suspect the existence of rampant corrupt practices. As much as RM 500,000,000.00 could have been saved had the Ministry followed the proper practice of awarding contract to the lowest qualified tenders.
I stayed up till 10.30pm in Parliament on Monday (8/11/2011) to debate and to wait for the answer from the Ministry of Rural Development with regard to the issues I had raised. I was greatly disappointed when the Deputy Minister of the Ministry refused to answer my questions.
The Rural Development Ministry is awarding 209 projects for the year 2011 and they are numbered KKLW 1/2011 – 209/2011. The Ministry has announced only the award of 129 projects. I have asked what has happened to the other 80 projects. The Deputy has refused to reply.
The projects under the ministry were given by direct negotiation, limited tender or open tender.
I have asked why projects like the Sarawak Rural Water Supply worth RM638,910,000.00 was given through direct negotiation. The Deputy has refused to give an answer. Other projects given through direct negotiation were the Sarawak Rural Water Supply recticulation system worth RM83,860,000.00 and the Sarawak Special Rural water Supply 2011/2012 project worth RM555,050,000.00
I have informed the Deputy Minister that I have received complaints that the companies that submitted the quotations for projects under limited tender category in many cases were in fact submitted by the same person using different names. The Ministry did not invite separate independent companies to bid for the job. The Deputy Minister also refused to answer whether the allegation is true. Projects No. 9–13, 23–40, 43-46, 51-56, 60, 69-75, 82-92, 100, 101, 110, 115 116, 118-124, 131, 132, 143 and 144/2011 (68 of them) were projects awarded through limited tenders.
Although open tenders were conducted for the 68 projects as listed in the schedule hereto, all were not given to the lowest priced bidder except for one. Many of them were awarded at many times more than the lowest price tendered.
The Government lost RM403,857,592.72 for its failure to give to the lowest qualified tenders. The proper way to conduct an open tender is to first determine those qualified to bid for the job. Once the qualifying criteria for the tender have been met, the contract must be awarded to the bidder who submits the lowest bid. Such a system will save the government money and be fair to all those who have make the effort to submit the tenders.
After taking into consideration, the loss the government suffered through direct negotiation and limited tender projects, I estimate the people lose at least Rm500,000,000.00 through the improper way the above said contracts were awarded.
I call on the government to award the balance projects that have yet to be given out to be done in accordance to the abovesaid accepted proper procedure of open tender system.
Unless a satisfactory answer is forth coming from the Minister, I call on the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) to immediately conduct investigation as the facts show prima facie that rampant corruption exists in the award of the above said contracts.
Ngeh Koo Ham
Schedule of 68 contracts awarded by open tender. Comparison of contract price awarded with that of the lowest bidder
No. Project No Lowest Bidder (RM) Awarded to Amount (RM) Difference (RM)
1 KKLWT1/2011 7,775,000.00 8th lowest 41,736,809.77 33,961,809.77
2 KKLWT2/2011 30,774,266.00 9th lowest 50,000,000.00 19,225,734.00
3 KKLWT3/2011 31,819,957.00 10th lowest 46,479,946.70 14,659,989.70
4 KKLWT4/2011 27,543,000.00 23rd lowest 55,864,389.65 28,321,389.65
5 KKLWT5/2011 12,461,000.00 6th lowest 45,212,680.00 32,751,680.00
6 KKLWT6/2011 9,519,000.00 14th lowest 53,303,701.79 43,784,701.79
7 KKLWT7/2011 25,175,862.90 3rd lowest 25,287,395.00 111,532.10
8 KKLWT8/2011 18,949,394.86 7th lowest 23,007,412.00 4,058,017.14
9 KKLWT14/2011 8,188,000.00 14th lowest 10,606,000.00 2,418,000.00
10 KKLWT16/2011 14,907,734.30 lowest 14,907,734.30 0.00
11 KKLWT17/2011 38,317,840.00 9th lowest 44,753,169.50 6,435,329.50
12 KKLWT19/2011 23,980,000.00 13th lowest 26,906,373.30 2,926,373.30
13 KKLWT21/2011 15,940,880.00 17th lowest 18,998,935.00 3,058,055.00
14 KKLWT22/2011 4,014,525.80 3rd lowest 4,940,029.50 925,503.70
15 KKLWT41/2011 7,903,269.00 8th lowest 10,255,000.00 2,351,731.00
16 KKLWT42/2011 12,658,519.10 17th lowest 17,066,668.00 4,408,148.90
17 KKLWT48/2011 33,200,000.00 11th lowest 44,950,336.22 11,750,336.22
18 KKLWT49/2011 19,564,411.00 10th lowest 24,791,993.20 5,227,582.20
19 KKLWT50/2011 13,632,609.50 10th lowest 16,005,736.00 2,373,126.50
20 KKLWT57/2011 4,453,561.00 4th lowest 4,695,656.00 242,095.00
21 KKLWT58/2011 3,999,000.00 6th lowest 4,280,332.00 281,332.00
22 KKLWT59/2011 1,695,423.00 7th lowest 1,778,590.00 83,167.00
23 KKLWT61/2011 3,964,450.00 6th lowest 4,382,653.00 418,203.00
24 KKLWT62/2011 2,630,000.00 6th lowest 2,920,285.00 290,285.00
25 KKLWT63/2011 5,060,000.00 12th lowest 6,188,888.00 1,128,888.00
26 KKLWT64/2011 5,043,124.00 9th lowest 7,185,650.00 2,142,526.00
27 KKLWT65/2011 5,699,000.00 10th lowest 8,050,500.00 2,351,500.00
28 KKLWT67/2011 37,189,000.00 26th lowest 81,475,281.42 44,286,281.42
29 KKLWT77/2011 21,336,333.40 9th lowest 24,896,997.98 3,560,664.58
30 KKLWT78/2011 19,000,000.00 9th lowest 22,176,223.00 3,176,223.00
31 KKLWT79/2011 21,280,142.40 9th lowest 24,297,795.30 3,017,652.90
32 KKLWT80/2011 18,221,634.00 14th lowest 35,500,000.00 17,278,366.00
33 KKLWT81/2011 20,503,925.50 10th lowest 26,640,000.00 6,136,074.50
34 KKLWT82/2011 6,045,771.00 12th lowest 11,912,202.00 5,866,431.00
35 KKLWT93/2011 741,033.20 4th lowest 1,526,400.00 785,366.80
36 KKLWT95/2011 1,391,941.00 11th lowest 1,782,367.00 390,426.00
37 KKLWT96/2011 1,657,385.00 12th lowest 15,076,251.43 13,418,866.43
38 KKLWT98/2011 7,763,788.00 8th lowest 10,422,536.00 2,658,748.00
39 KKLWT99/2011 12,500,774.00 18th lowest 20,791,446.18 8,290,672.18
40 KKLWT105/2011 8,660,014.25 7th lowest 11,369,684.00 2,709,669.75
41 KKLWT106/2011 3,000,000.00 6th lowest 3,778,933.00 778,933.00
42 KKLWT107/2011 1,100,900.00 9th lowest 1,480,000.00 379,100.00
43 KKLWT108/2011 12,348,370.00 5th lowest 16,537,921.90 4,189,551.90
44 KKLWT109/2011 15,160,246.70 2nd lowest 16,348,147.20 1,187,900.50
45 KKLWT114/2011 13,000,000.00 24th lowest 17,839,488.40 4,839,488.40
46 KKLWT125/2011 13,749,759.45 7th lowest 16,484,752.00 2,734,992.55
47 KKLWT126/2011 4,081,600.00 13th lowest 4,466,627.00 385,027.00
48 KKLWT130/2011 9,358,419.00 9th lowest 10,280,339.00 921,920.00
49 KKLWT134/2011 10,300,000.00 14th lowest 12,140,059.35 1,840,059.35
50 KKLWT135/2011 12,382,391.39 5th lowest 21,954,971.00 9,572,579.61
51 KKLWT138/2011 32,619,302.80 7th lowest 35,887,197.90 3,267,895.10
52 KKLWT139/2011 60,571,391.30 2nd lowest 64,444,000 3,872,608.70
53 KKLWT140/2011 8,361,900.10 lowest 8,361,900.10 0.00
54 KKLWT141/2011 5,570,000.00 5th lowest 5,976,000.00 406,000.00
55 KKLWT142/2011 23,089,683.00 10th lowest 27,468,000.00 4,378,317.00
56 KKLWT145/2011 9,008,104.00 12th lowest 10,237,377.00 1,229,273.00
57 KKLWT146/2011 43,444,000.00 3rd lowest 47,588,012.70 4,144,012.70
58 KKLWT148/2011 17,614,726.10 3rd lowest 18,888,000.00 1,273,273.90
59 KKLWT149/2011 25,587,256.50 12th lowest 27,977,000.00 2,389,743.50
60 KKLWT151/2011 11,818,121.42 5th lowest 13,862,680.00 2,044,558.58
61 KKLWT152/2011 9,144,200.00 7th lowest 9,730,267.00 586,067.00
62 KKLWT153/2011 10,389,789.00 2nd lowest 10,680,000.00 290,211.00
63 KKLWT154/2011 15,460,000.00 16th lowest 23,495,935.00 8,035,935.00
64 KKLWT157/2011 18,811,011.00 10th lowest 23,888,888.00 5,077,877.00
65 KKLWT163/2011 1,193,316.80 4th lowest 1,373,282.20 179,965.40
66 KKLWT178/2011 5,039,694.60 5th lowest 6,150,279.00 1,110,584.40
67 KKLWT179/2011 5,648,991.90 4th lowest 6,975,249.00 1,326,257.10
68 KKLWT183/2011 1,846,160.00 4th lowest 1,999,142.00 152,982.00
Total wastage: 403,857,592.72
Monday, October 24, 2011
Zambry wants to cover up issue by filing a suit
Filing a suit does not clear the name of BN Perak MB, Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir and his administration but only goes to show that they have something to hide.
BN Perak Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir has been reported in the media yesterday (23/10/2011) that he will be filing a suit against me for my statement that he and his administration has approved a total of 68,503 acres of land since 2009 till July 2011. The statement was issued by me in pursuant to my duty as an elected representative. It was not a personal attack on Dato’ Seri Zambry but a demand by the people that he and his administration be transparent in the award of state lands.
I stand by what I have said and awaits the summons from him.
Dato’ Seri Zambry’s threat to sue me only goes to prove that he and his administration have something to hide. As a Menteri Besar he has a duty to answer to the elected representatives of the people of whom I am one. Dato’ Seri Zambry has not denied that his administration has approved the abovesaid 68,503 acres of land. My only challenge to him was to disclose the names of the recipients of the said lands and to explain why he has approved 60,561.75 acres of industrial/agriculture land at about RM375 per acre only.
Filing the suit against me only goes to show that he and his administration are not transparent and have something to hide. He hopes to silent me by filing the suit so that this matter can no longer be brought up for public discussion as it will be sub-judice. The hearing of the suit will take a few years. I expect Dato Seri Zambry to withdraw the suit after this coming 13th General Election and pay me some costs which he will be happy to do in order to avoid public scrutiny over this issue pending the 13th General Election. His action will be an abuse of the court process.
The public has the right to demand that Dato Seri Zambry and his administration be transparent and disclose the names of all the recipients of the 68,503 acres of land.
Dated this 24th day of October 2011.
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Filing a suit does not clear the name of BN Perak MB, Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir and his administration but only goes to show that they have something to hide.
BN Perak Menteri Besar, Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir has been reported in the media yesterday (23/10/2011) that he will be filing a suit against me for my statement that he and his administration has approved a total of 68,503 acres of land since 2009 till July 2011. The statement was issued by me in pursuant to my duty as an elected representative. It was not a personal attack on Dato’ Seri Zambry but a demand by the people that he and his administration be transparent in the award of state lands.
I stand by what I have said and awaits the summons from him.
Dato’ Seri Zambry’s threat to sue me only goes to prove that he and his administration have something to hide. As a Menteri Besar he has a duty to answer to the elected representatives of the people of whom I am one. Dato’ Seri Zambry has not denied that his administration has approved the abovesaid 68,503 acres of land. My only challenge to him was to disclose the names of the recipients of the said lands and to explain why he has approved 60,561.75 acres of industrial/agriculture land at about RM375 per acre only.
Filing the suit against me only goes to show that he and his administration are not transparent and have something to hide. He hopes to silent me by filing the suit so that this matter can no longer be brought up for public discussion as it will be sub-judice. The hearing of the suit will take a few years. I expect Dato Seri Zambry to withdraw the suit after this coming 13th General Election and pay me some costs which he will be happy to do in order to avoid public scrutiny over this issue pending the 13th General Election. His action will be an abuse of the court process.
The public has the right to demand that Dato Seri Zambry and his administration be transparent and disclose the names of all the recipients of the 68,503 acres of land.
Dated this 24th day of October 2011.
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Friday, October 21, 2011
Lapuran SPRM terhadap kelulusan tanah 68,503 ekar oleh Zambry
Kenyataan Akhbar
Pada jam lebih kurang 11.30 pagi ini saya akan pergi ke pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia di Ipoh untuk membuat lapuran terhadap Kerajaan BN Negeri Perak yang di pimpin oleh Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir.
Saya telah menerima maklumat yang kukuh bahawa Kerajaan BN Perak yang dipimpin oleh Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir telah meluluskan tanah-tanah berikut sejak 2009 hingga Julai 2011.
(i) Kuari
(a) Keluasan : 528.5582 ekar
(b) Premium : RM7,099,250.00
(ii) Lombong
(a) Keluasan : 4,502.965 ekar
(b) Premium : RM297,357.00
(iii) Skim Perumahan
(a) Keluasan : 2,910.61 ekar
(a) Premium : RM123,534,786.00
(iv) Skim Industri/Pertanian
(a) Keluasan : 60,561.73 ekar
(a) Premium : RM22,696,910.00
Saya telah berkali-kali dalam Dewan Undang Negeri dan melalui media meminta Dato’ Seri Zambry untuk mengumumkan dan menyenaraikan nama-nama penerima-penerima tanah-tanah tersebut tetapi beliau telah enggan berbuat demikian.
Saya mensyaki ada penyelewengan yang berlaku terutamanya tanah industri/pertanian yang diluluskan dengan harga lebih kurang RM375 seekar sahaja. Harga pasaran seekar tanah dinegeri Perak sekarang adalah sekurang-kurangnya RM20,000 seekar. Ini bermaksud jika 60,561.75 ekar dijual secara lelong terbuka Kerajaan Negeri Perak akan menerima wang sekurang-kurangnya RM1.2 billion.
Pada 17/10/2011 Dato’ Seri Zambry telah melalui satu kenyataan media telah menjelaskan bahawa tanah-tanah yang diluluskan kepada Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Perak (MAIP), Sekolah SUWA, Yayasan Perak dan agensi-agensi dan anak-anak syarikat milik Kerajaan Negeri dengan kadar nominal. Saya percaya jumlah tanah yang diluluskan kepada organisasi, agensi dan anak-anak syarikat tersebut merupakan sebahagian kecil daripada tanah-tanah tersebut yang telah diluluskan.
Demi kelulusan dan untuk memastikan bahawa tidak ada salah guna kuasa, penyelewengan dan rasuah saya hari ini membuat lapuran kepada SPRM.
Saya akan membekalkan bukti kukuh bahawa tanah-tanah yang tersebut di atas semenangnya telah diluluskan oleh Kerajaan BN sejak rampasan kuasa yang dilakukannya pada 6hb Februari 2009.
Bertarikh 21 Oktober 2011 jam 10.00 pagi.
Pada jam lebih kurang 11.30 pagi ini saya akan pergi ke pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia di Ipoh untuk membuat lapuran terhadap Kerajaan BN Negeri Perak yang di pimpin oleh Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir.
Saya telah menerima maklumat yang kukuh bahawa Kerajaan BN Perak yang dipimpin oleh Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir telah meluluskan tanah-tanah berikut sejak 2009 hingga Julai 2011.
(i) Kuari
(a) Keluasan : 528.5582 ekar
(b) Premium : RM7,099,250.00
(ii) Lombong
(a) Keluasan : 4,502.965 ekar
(b) Premium : RM297,357.00
(iii) Skim Perumahan
(a) Keluasan : 2,910.61 ekar
(a) Premium : RM123,534,786.00
(iv) Skim Industri/Pertanian
(a) Keluasan : 60,561.73 ekar
(a) Premium : RM22,696,910.00
Saya telah berkali-kali dalam Dewan Undang Negeri dan melalui media meminta Dato’ Seri Zambry untuk mengumumkan dan menyenaraikan nama-nama penerima-penerima tanah-tanah tersebut tetapi beliau telah enggan berbuat demikian.
Saya mensyaki ada penyelewengan yang berlaku terutamanya tanah industri/pertanian yang diluluskan dengan harga lebih kurang RM375 seekar sahaja. Harga pasaran seekar tanah dinegeri Perak sekarang adalah sekurang-kurangnya RM20,000 seekar. Ini bermaksud jika 60,561.75 ekar dijual secara lelong terbuka Kerajaan Negeri Perak akan menerima wang sekurang-kurangnya RM1.2 billion.
Pada 17/10/2011 Dato’ Seri Zambry telah melalui satu kenyataan media telah menjelaskan bahawa tanah-tanah yang diluluskan kepada Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Perak (MAIP), Sekolah SUWA, Yayasan Perak dan agensi-agensi dan anak-anak syarikat milik Kerajaan Negeri dengan kadar nominal. Saya percaya jumlah tanah yang diluluskan kepada organisasi, agensi dan anak-anak syarikat tersebut merupakan sebahagian kecil daripada tanah-tanah tersebut yang telah diluluskan.
Demi kelulusan dan untuk memastikan bahawa tidak ada salah guna kuasa, penyelewengan dan rasuah saya hari ini membuat lapuran kepada SPRM.
Saya akan membekalkan bukti kukuh bahawa tanah-tanah yang tersebut di atas semenangnya telah diluluskan oleh Kerajaan BN sejak rampasan kuasa yang dilakukannya pada 6hb Februari 2009.
Bertarikh 21 Oktober 2011 jam 10.00 pagi.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
DAP Perak 16th Annual Convention at Ritz Garden Hotel, Ipoh on 9th October 2011
Speech by Sdr Ngeh Koo Ham, DAP Perak Chairman at the DAP Perak 16th Annual Convention at Ritz Garden Hotel, Ipoh on 9th October 2011 at 10.00 am
‘We Can. We Must. We Will.’
1. We can take back State authority in Perak and also to take Putrajaya.
Immediately after BN’s grab of power in Perak on 6th Feb 2009, a survey conducted showed that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) would be able to win 40 out of the 59 State Assembly seats in Perak had the State election been held then. There was outrage throughout the State and nation wide. The outrage has subsided but a survey conducted in July this year showed that PR can still win 33 out of the 59 seats if election is called.
We can take back State authority with the support of the people of Perak.
We must however, not be complacent. PR has 8 seats where we won in 2008 with less than 1,000 votes. On the other hand, we can also win big as BN has 10 seats which they won by less than 1000 votes (3 of which won by less than a 100 votes). We can win 41 seats to form a very stable government if these seats fall into our hands. PR won 31 seats in 2008. We can do it. Let’s work hard to achieve it for the people.
In every disaster, there is a silver lining. In every crisis there is opportunity. The grab of power by BN in Perak will probably be proven to be instrumental to the defeat of BN at the Federal level in the coming general elections. The people will be able to see the true self of the chief architect in the Perak power grab, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. They will not fall for his slogans. They will not give him the chance people normally do when a new Prime Minister comes to office. Similarly Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir will not have the benefit of newly assuming office as the new Menteri Besar. The people see him through and through. His thousands of banners and billboards (the largest number in the history of Perak) trying to portray himself in good light will not be able to deceive the people.
The people also see the true colours of Parti Gerakan, MCA and MIC who participated and endorsed the power grab. In every democratic country, from USA to UK to Japan, we see Prime Minister, Ministers and even police chiefs bow apologically in shame and resign from their posts if there is a scandal or failure on their part even though they were legitimately elected or appointed.
Only in Perak and in Malaysia, we see Najib and Zambry after grabbing power trumpeted their success, putting up banners and billboards to promote themselves.
2. We Must
We must rectify the situation. We must restore morality, integrity, dignity and righteousness to this beloved nation of Malaysia. If we allowed the grab of power in Perak to go unpunished, we are sending a message to our children and our children’s children that robbing and stealing are permissible so long as we achieve our purpose. A nation without morality, integrity, dignity and righteousness is doomed to fail.
We must save our nation from BN’s corruption, abuse of power and mismanagement which will eventually lead us to bankruptcy. We must strengthen the democratic institutions in our country. We must ensure transparency, good governance and democratic principles and values are upheld.
We must ensure that which has happened to the Perak State Assembly must never be allowed to occur again. We must restore the Perak State Assembly to its rightful place. We must make right the Perak crisis court cases where judges do not follow the law.
Under the impression that he is secured with the police on his side and immune from the law, Zambry has approved 60,561.33 acres of industrial/agricultural land at an average price of RM375 per acre since the grab of power. Despite repeated demands, he has refused to disclose the names of the receipients. We can only assume that most of these lands were approved to his or BN cronies. If Zambry and his or BN’s cronies were to benefit RM20,000-00 per’s acre from these approvals, they would have made a staggering RM1.2 billion far exceeding the Perak State Government’s annual budget! We must demand transparency.
Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn expressed his worry when our nation was indebted in the sum of RM20.0 billion. Tun Mahathir has allowed it to balloon to RM238.3 billion when he left office in 2003. Tun Abdullah Badawi allowed it to grow to RM313 billion.
Today our nation is indebted to the tune of RM455 billion about 53.8% of our GDP. Argentina became a bankrupt nation when its national debt reached US95 billion (RM285 billion). Many more nations in Europe are facing bankruptcy. Malaysians must not think that our nation can never be bankrupt. Each Malaysian is now indebted about RM16,000-00 or RM80,000-00 per family of 5 persons!
2012 Budget sees us in deficit of another RM51.2 billion. Estimated income is RM181.6 billion while the expenditure is RM232.8 billion. Repayment of debt for 2012 has reached RM20.45 billion.
Unless a debt is incurred in order to earn more money, every debt incurred by us is to use up the money belonging to our future generations. We must let the people realize that the goodies given by BN during elections to cover up their excesses and corruption only add on to their sorrows to come. We do not want our children to curse us for the sufferings they have to endure due to our failure to prevent BN from making our nation a bankrupt nation.
We Will
We will together with other Pakatan Rakyat parties work tirelessly to save this nation from possible bankruptcy. We will work to enhance the quality of education and the quality of our universities. We will restore, uphold and strengthened the democratic institutions of this country. We will make Malaysia a better place for all Malaysians. We will surmount the challenges ahead of us together. We together reaffirm that we can, we must and we will take back state authority in Perak and take power in Putrajaya.
We Can. We Must. We Will.
DAP Perak Chairman
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
‘We Can. We Must. We Will.’
1. We can take back State authority in Perak and also to take Putrajaya.
Immediately after BN’s grab of power in Perak on 6th Feb 2009, a survey conducted showed that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) would be able to win 40 out of the 59 State Assembly seats in Perak had the State election been held then. There was outrage throughout the State and nation wide. The outrage has subsided but a survey conducted in July this year showed that PR can still win 33 out of the 59 seats if election is called.
We can take back State authority with the support of the people of Perak.
We must however, not be complacent. PR has 8 seats where we won in 2008 with less than 1,000 votes. On the other hand, we can also win big as BN has 10 seats which they won by less than 1000 votes (3 of which won by less than a 100 votes). We can win 41 seats to form a very stable government if these seats fall into our hands. PR won 31 seats in 2008. We can do it. Let’s work hard to achieve it for the people.
In every disaster, there is a silver lining. In every crisis there is opportunity. The grab of power by BN in Perak will probably be proven to be instrumental to the defeat of BN at the Federal level in the coming general elections. The people will be able to see the true self of the chief architect in the Perak power grab, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. They will not fall for his slogans. They will not give him the chance people normally do when a new Prime Minister comes to office. Similarly Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir will not have the benefit of newly assuming office as the new Menteri Besar. The people see him through and through. His thousands of banners and billboards (the largest number in the history of Perak) trying to portray himself in good light will not be able to deceive the people.
The people also see the true colours of Parti Gerakan, MCA and MIC who participated and endorsed the power grab. In every democratic country, from USA to UK to Japan, we see Prime Minister, Ministers and even police chiefs bow apologically in shame and resign from their posts if there is a scandal or failure on their part even though they were legitimately elected or appointed.
Only in Perak and in Malaysia, we see Najib and Zambry after grabbing power trumpeted their success, putting up banners and billboards to promote themselves.
2. We Must
We must rectify the situation. We must restore morality, integrity, dignity and righteousness to this beloved nation of Malaysia. If we allowed the grab of power in Perak to go unpunished, we are sending a message to our children and our children’s children that robbing and stealing are permissible so long as we achieve our purpose. A nation without morality, integrity, dignity and righteousness is doomed to fail.
We must save our nation from BN’s corruption, abuse of power and mismanagement which will eventually lead us to bankruptcy. We must strengthen the democratic institutions in our country. We must ensure transparency, good governance and democratic principles and values are upheld.
We must ensure that which has happened to the Perak State Assembly must never be allowed to occur again. We must restore the Perak State Assembly to its rightful place. We must make right the Perak crisis court cases where judges do not follow the law.
Under the impression that he is secured with the police on his side and immune from the law, Zambry has approved 60,561.33 acres of industrial/agricultural land at an average price of RM375 per acre since the grab of power. Despite repeated demands, he has refused to disclose the names of the receipients. We can only assume that most of these lands were approved to his or BN cronies. If Zambry and his or BN’s cronies were to benefit RM20,000-00 per’s acre from these approvals, they would have made a staggering RM1.2 billion far exceeding the Perak State Government’s annual budget! We must demand transparency.
Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn expressed his worry when our nation was indebted in the sum of RM20.0 billion. Tun Mahathir has allowed it to balloon to RM238.3 billion when he left office in 2003. Tun Abdullah Badawi allowed it to grow to RM313 billion.
Today our nation is indebted to the tune of RM455 billion about 53.8% of our GDP. Argentina became a bankrupt nation when its national debt reached US95 billion (RM285 billion). Many more nations in Europe are facing bankruptcy. Malaysians must not think that our nation can never be bankrupt. Each Malaysian is now indebted about RM16,000-00 or RM80,000-00 per family of 5 persons!
2012 Budget sees us in deficit of another RM51.2 billion. Estimated income is RM181.6 billion while the expenditure is RM232.8 billion. Repayment of debt for 2012 has reached RM20.45 billion.
Unless a debt is incurred in order to earn more money, every debt incurred by us is to use up the money belonging to our future generations. We must let the people realize that the goodies given by BN during elections to cover up their excesses and corruption only add on to their sorrows to come. We do not want our children to curse us for the sufferings they have to endure due to our failure to prevent BN from making our nation a bankrupt nation.
We Will
We will together with other Pakatan Rakyat parties work tirelessly to save this nation from possible bankruptcy. We will work to enhance the quality of education and the quality of our universities. We will restore, uphold and strengthened the democratic institutions of this country. We will make Malaysia a better place for all Malaysians. We will surmount the challenges ahead of us together. We together reaffirm that we can, we must and we will take back state authority in Perak and take power in Putrajaya.
We Can. We Must. We Will.
DAP Perak Chairman
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Zaki's admission voids MB vs MB trial
The Federal Court rulings on cases involving the Perak constitutional crisis should be considered void because of former Chief Justice Zaki Azmi's admission that he had no part in forming the panel which heard them, said Perak DAP.
Perak DAP chairperson Ngeh Khoo Ham said that Zaki's admission that he did not empanel the five-member panel which heard Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin's case was wrong in law.
Citing Malaysian Bar vs Tan Sri Dato Abdul Hamid bin Omar [1989] 2 MLJ page 281, he said that the Supreme Court had in 1989 ruled that a Federal Court panel can only be empaneled by the chief justice.
"By virtue of this Supreme Court decision, the highest court in the land, empaneling a Federal Court bench by any other person is not allowed.
"Therefore the Federal Court decisions in regard to the Perak crisis cases are void," Ngeh (right) told Malaysiakini.
Only CJ can constitute panel
In 1989, the case of the Malaysian Bar against former Lord President Abdul Hamid Omar, the Federal Court had ruled that only the lord president alone is entitled to convene and empanel judges to constitute the Supreme Court for any sitting.
"The powers of the lord president or any person acting as lord president under Section 38 and 39 of the (Courts of Judicature Act) are express statutory powers which cannot be exercised by others unless properly exercised under s 9(1) of the Act during illness or absence from Malaysia or owing to any other cause when the lord president is unable to exercise the functions of his office.
"We read the words 'any other cause' in s 9(1) to relate to physical inability in the sense that the lord president is unable to perform his functions," read the judgment.
In an interview with Malaysiakini on Sept 12, Zaki had said he had instructed his deputy, Court of Appeal president Alauddin Md Sheriff, to handle the Perak crisis related cases when it came up to the Federal Court.
Zaki said that he did not want to be involved in the cases as he did not wanted to be accused of conflict of interest as he had once been heavily involved with Umno.
"I did not sit on any cases which were not only political, but had a flavour of politics. I did not even constitute the panel. I told my Number Two: 'You go to constitute (form) the panel. I don't want'," said Zaki.
'New CJ must right wrongs'
Ngeh, who is a senior lawyer, argued that since the decisions of the Federal Court were now void, it was incumbent upon the current Chief Justice Ariffin Zakaria to constitute a new panel to hear Nizar's case.
"Since the Perak cases have not been disposed off, we call upon the present chief justice, to convene a new panel, to review the decisions that have been made by the earlier unlawfully convened Federal Court hearing," he said.
In the same vein, Ngeh said Zaki's (left) revelation in the same interview that a court registrar had arranged for a single Court of Appeal judge to hear Zambry Abdul Kadir's application on May 12, 2009 had also raised questions.
"How can a registrar have the powers to call on a Court of Appeal judge to hear a case?" said Ngeh, explaining that such powers lie with the Court of Appeal president.
On May 11, the Kuala Lumpur High Court ruled in favour of Nizar's application to be declared the legitimate Perak menteri besar.
But in less than a day, Zambry managed to obtained a stay of execution order from the Court of Appeal. His application was heard by a single judge - Justice Ramly Ali - despite there being two three-member panels hearing cases that day.
This fact, along with the swiftness in which the stay was granted, has led Nizar and his counsel to question the court's integrity.
Malaysiakini - Andrew Ong
Oct 1, 2011 2:39pm
Perak DAP chairperson Ngeh Khoo Ham said that Zaki's admission that he did not empanel the five-member panel which heard Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin's case was wrong in law.
Citing Malaysian Bar vs Tan Sri Dato Abdul Hamid bin Omar [1989] 2 MLJ page 281, he said that the Supreme Court had in 1989 ruled that a Federal Court panel can only be empaneled by the chief justice.
"By virtue of this Supreme Court decision, the highest court in the land, empaneling a Federal Court bench by any other person is not allowed.
"Therefore the Federal Court decisions in regard to the Perak crisis cases are void," Ngeh (right) told Malaysiakini.
Only CJ can constitute panel
In 1989, the case of the Malaysian Bar against former Lord President Abdul Hamid Omar, the Federal Court had ruled that only the lord president alone is entitled to convene and empanel judges to constitute the Supreme Court for any sitting.
"The powers of the lord president or any person acting as lord president under Section 38 and 39 of the (Courts of Judicature Act) are express statutory powers which cannot be exercised by others unless properly exercised under s 9(1) of the Act during illness or absence from Malaysia or owing to any other cause when the lord president is unable to exercise the functions of his office.
"We read the words 'any other cause' in s 9(1) to relate to physical inability in the sense that the lord president is unable to perform his functions," read the judgment.
In an interview with Malaysiakini on Sept 12, Zaki had said he had instructed his deputy, Court of Appeal president Alauddin Md Sheriff, to handle the Perak crisis related cases when it came up to the Federal Court.
Zaki said that he did not want to be involved in the cases as he did not wanted to be accused of conflict of interest as he had once been heavily involved with Umno.
"I did not sit on any cases which were not only political, but had a flavour of politics. I did not even constitute the panel. I told my Number Two: 'You go to constitute (form) the panel. I don't want'," said Zaki.
'New CJ must right wrongs'
Ngeh, who is a senior lawyer, argued that since the decisions of the Federal Court were now void, it was incumbent upon the current Chief Justice Ariffin Zakaria to constitute a new panel to hear Nizar's case.
"Since the Perak cases have not been disposed off, we call upon the present chief justice, to convene a new panel, to review the decisions that have been made by the earlier unlawfully convened Federal Court hearing," he said.
In the same vein, Ngeh said Zaki's (left) revelation in the same interview that a court registrar had arranged for a single Court of Appeal judge to hear Zambry Abdul Kadir's application on May 12, 2009 had also raised questions.
"How can a registrar have the powers to call on a Court of Appeal judge to hear a case?" said Ngeh, explaining that such powers lie with the Court of Appeal president.
On May 11, the Kuala Lumpur High Court ruled in favour of Nizar's application to be declared the legitimate Perak menteri besar.
But in less than a day, Zambry managed to obtained a stay of execution order from the Court of Appeal. His application was heard by a single judge - Justice Ramly Ali - despite there being two three-member panels hearing cases that day.
This fact, along with the swiftness in which the stay was granted, has led Nizar and his counsel to question the court's integrity.
Malaysiakini - Andrew Ong
Oct 1, 2011 2:39pm
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Foreigners Can Vote in Malaysia !
Media Statement
Clear proofs that non citizens have been registered as voters. Deputy Prime Minister and the Election Commission must no longer be in denial mode.
I am disappointed that Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and the Election Commission continue to deny that there are foreigners who are registered as voters in this country.
The following and foreigners are registered in my constituency of Beruas ;
Mykad No. Origin
1. Ghafar Bin Kaum 631020125267 Pakistani
2. Hawa Binti Ochik 201028715448 Indonesian
3. Ahmaddin Bin Rasid 600210125119 Pakistani
4. Bo Rashid Bin Jabboonam 091231617267 Indonesian
5. Arudkanth a/l V. Rajandran 690606085119 Sri Langka
6. Jahatanor Binti Ahmad 480811085446 Jawa
7. Matali Bin Yasir 470110105759 Jawa
8. Esah @ Pesah Binti Mat Saman 301102715082 Siamese
However, a check with the National Registration Department shows that there are no person with such Mykad numbers. The likelihood is that these foreigners have been issued unauthorised Mykads and they have manage to register themselves as voters. On polling day they will be allowed to vote using their Mykads because nobody will know that their Mykads are fake ones. As their names appear in the Voters’ list, they will be allowed to vote.
I also discover the following foreigners who have successfully applied for genuine Mykads and have registered as voters in my constituency:-
Mykad No. Origin
1. Ngoh Boi Teong 420815715105 Siamese
2. Janah Binti Toh Kee Jo 520417085636 Jawa
3. Eyam a/p Ooi Ah Kie 600210095124 Jawa
4. Baharudin Bin Throot 540617085479 Siamese
5. Nor Asiah Binti Hamsin 620529085380 Jawa
6. Sugumaran a/l Murugan 761130086065 Bangladeshi
7. Mustapa Bin Haji Jamil 370817085159 Jawa
8. Chaali a/p Ai Klin 720727025256 Siamese
9. Bahorom Bin Ngadir 510110085747 Jawa
10. Hassan Khan Bin Rahnatullah Khan 730403085227 Pakistani
11. Munaver Ahmad Bin Nazir Ahmad 730822085045 Pakistani
12. Sugarang @ Sughran Bibi Binti Md Yusof 440202085268 Pakistani
13. Mohamad Bin Ibrahim 591028125065 Pakistani
14. Barry Patrick Morgan @ Yusof Bin Abdulla 260902715189 European
15. Jariah Binti Wagiman 470913085616 Jawa
It is a well known fact that many foreigners have been able to obtain Mykads with ease. The complaints I receive is that it will be easier for foreigners to obtain the Malaysian citizenship if they are Muslims.
It has been so difficult for many Malaysian born residents to obtain citizenship for various reasons. Just like the case of Chan Ming Ying, aged 31 who was born in Malaysia and has been living in Malaysia whole of his life. He studied in Sekolah Rendah (c) in Sg Batu and Sekolah Menengah Pantai Remis both in Perak and subsequently in the Johor Bahru Polytechnic. His only ‘sin’ is that his Chinese parents adopted him without going through the proper legal procedure. His adoptive Chinese parents have put their names into his birth certificate as the natural parents which is quite a common practice. His case was detected because his natural father was a Chinese and mother an Indian. His natural parents can no longer be traced. So, his skin is a little darker and therefore, the NRD refused to recognize him as a citizen. He is now a state less person holding a green card which allow him to stay in Malaysia only temporarily.
I call on the Home Minister and the Election Commission to clarify and rectify the above said matters.
Dated this 22nd day of September 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Clear proofs that non citizens have been registered as voters. Deputy Prime Minister and the Election Commission must no longer be in denial mode.
I am disappointed that Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and the Election Commission continue to deny that there are foreigners who are registered as voters in this country.
The following and foreigners are registered in my constituency of Beruas ;
Mykad No. Origin
1. Ghafar Bin Kaum 631020125267 Pakistani
2. Hawa Binti Ochik 201028715448 Indonesian
3. Ahmaddin Bin Rasid 600210125119 Pakistani
4. Bo Rashid Bin Jabboonam 091231617267 Indonesian
5. Arudkanth a/l V. Rajandran 690606085119 Sri Langka
6. Jahatanor Binti Ahmad 480811085446 Jawa
7. Matali Bin Yasir 470110105759 Jawa
8. Esah @ Pesah Binti Mat Saman 301102715082 Siamese
However, a check with the National Registration Department shows that there are no person with such Mykad numbers. The likelihood is that these foreigners have been issued unauthorised Mykads and they have manage to register themselves as voters. On polling day they will be allowed to vote using their Mykads because nobody will know that their Mykads are fake ones. As their names appear in the Voters’ list, they will be allowed to vote.
I also discover the following foreigners who have successfully applied for genuine Mykads and have registered as voters in my constituency:-
Mykad No. Origin
1. Ngoh Boi Teong 420815715105 Siamese
2. Janah Binti Toh Kee Jo 520417085636 Jawa
3. Eyam a/p Ooi Ah Kie 600210095124 Jawa
4. Baharudin Bin Throot 540617085479 Siamese
5. Nor Asiah Binti Hamsin 620529085380 Jawa
6. Sugumaran a/l Murugan 761130086065 Bangladeshi
7. Mustapa Bin Haji Jamil 370817085159 Jawa
8. Chaali a/p Ai Klin 720727025256 Siamese
9. Bahorom Bin Ngadir 510110085747 Jawa
10. Hassan Khan Bin Rahnatullah Khan 730403085227 Pakistani
11. Munaver Ahmad Bin Nazir Ahmad 730822085045 Pakistani
12. Sugarang @ Sughran Bibi Binti Md Yusof 440202085268 Pakistani
13. Mohamad Bin Ibrahim 591028125065 Pakistani
14. Barry Patrick Morgan @ Yusof Bin Abdulla 260902715189 European
15. Jariah Binti Wagiman 470913085616 Jawa
It is a well known fact that many foreigners have been able to obtain Mykads with ease. The complaints I receive is that it will be easier for foreigners to obtain the Malaysian citizenship if they are Muslims.
It has been so difficult for many Malaysian born residents to obtain citizenship for various reasons. Just like the case of Chan Ming Ying, aged 31 who was born in Malaysia and has been living in Malaysia whole of his life. He studied in Sekolah Rendah (c) in Sg Batu and Sekolah Menengah Pantai Remis both in Perak and subsequently in the Johor Bahru Polytechnic. His only ‘sin’ is that his Chinese parents adopted him without going through the proper legal procedure. His adoptive Chinese parents have put their names into his birth certificate as the natural parents which is quite a common practice. His case was detected because his natural father was a Chinese and mother an Indian. His natural parents can no longer be traced. So, his skin is a little darker and therefore, the NRD refused to recognize him as a citizen. He is now a state less person holding a green card which allow him to stay in Malaysia only temporarily.
I call on the Home Minister and the Election Commission to clarify and rectify the above said matters.
Dated this 22nd day of September 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Zambry responsble for Belum forest clearing and approval of 68,503 acres of land
Media Statement
Dato’ Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir must come clean with regard to the clearing of 74 ha of land at Sungai Mendelum area in the Royal Belum and the Temengor Forest Reserve and the 68,503 acres of land which he has approved since the grab of power by BN on 6Feb. 2009.
Dato’ Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir, BN Menteri Besar of Perak must own up to the clearing of 74 ha (183 acres) of land at Sungai Mendelum area in Royal Belum and the Temengor Forest Reserve and the approving of 68,503 acres of land since he becomes MB of Perak.
Perak Forest Department Director, Datuk Nik Mohd Shah Nik Mustafa has confirmed that the BN Perak State Government has approved the logging of the above said 74 ha of land. Zambry has approved or alienated so much land away in the last 2 ½ years that he has no knowledge of the locations of the lands he has approved.
Logging has also been rampant in many areas and I have received complaints from locals that rampant logging activities have been carried out in Segari and Beruas.
Internal sources have informed me that Dato’ Seri Zambry has approved a total of 68,503 acres of land since the grab of power in Feb 2009 till July this year! 60,561.75 acres of which are industrial or agricultural land which was approved at the rate RM375 per acre! Obviously the cronies who received such lands will reap huge profits. They are expected to reap profit of at least 40 times the premium paid. The cronies will profit a staggering RM900,000,000 which is more that the Perak State Government annual budget of about RM800 million ! Despite repeated requests at the State Assembly sittings, he has refused to disclose the recipients of these lands.
Under the Pakatan Rakyat Government we only approved land to the landless and the poor at the nominal premium of RM1,000 per ha. All lands approved for commercial farming will be by open tender which will reap in much higher premium for the people.
I believe that Dato’ Seri Zambry has no confidence that BN will win in the next general election or be retained as the Menteri Besar. As such he and his cronies hope to reap as much benefit as possible before the 13th General Election. He will leave behind a host of problems when his cronies who have been alienated the lands or those who bought from them institute eviction proceedings against the farmers who have toiled on their lands for decades.
I challenge him to clear his name with regard to the above matters.
Dated this 20th day of September 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Dato’ Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir must come clean with regard to the clearing of 74 ha of land at Sungai Mendelum area in the Royal Belum and the Temengor Forest Reserve and the 68,503 acres of land which he has approved since the grab of power by BN on 6Feb. 2009.
Dato’ Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir, BN Menteri Besar of Perak must own up to the clearing of 74 ha (183 acres) of land at Sungai Mendelum area in Royal Belum and the Temengor Forest Reserve and the approving of 68,503 acres of land since he becomes MB of Perak.
Perak Forest Department Director, Datuk Nik Mohd Shah Nik Mustafa has confirmed that the BN Perak State Government has approved the logging of the above said 74 ha of land. Zambry has approved or alienated so much land away in the last 2 ½ years that he has no knowledge of the locations of the lands he has approved.
Logging has also been rampant in many areas and I have received complaints from locals that rampant logging activities have been carried out in Segari and Beruas.
Internal sources have informed me that Dato’ Seri Zambry has approved a total of 68,503 acres of land since the grab of power in Feb 2009 till July this year! 60,561.75 acres of which are industrial or agricultural land which was approved at the rate RM375 per acre! Obviously the cronies who received such lands will reap huge profits. They are expected to reap profit of at least 40 times the premium paid. The cronies will profit a staggering RM900,000,000 which is more that the Perak State Government annual budget of about RM800 million ! Despite repeated requests at the State Assembly sittings, he has refused to disclose the recipients of these lands.
Under the Pakatan Rakyat Government we only approved land to the landless and the poor at the nominal premium of RM1,000 per ha. All lands approved for commercial farming will be by open tender which will reap in much higher premium for the people.
I believe that Dato’ Seri Zambry has no confidence that BN will win in the next general election or be retained as the Menteri Besar. As such he and his cronies hope to reap as much benefit as possible before the 13th General Election. He will leave behind a host of problems when his cronies who have been alienated the lands or those who bought from them institute eviction proceedings against the farmers who have toiled on their lands for decades.
I challenge him to clear his name with regard to the above matters.
Dated this 20th day of September 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Soalan Yang Memerlukan Jawapan Lisan dan Bertulis Bagi Mesyuarat Kedua, Penggal Keempat, Dewan Negeri Yang Ke-12 Perak Darul Ridzuan mulai 15/08/2011
Soalan-Soalan Yang Memerlukan Jawapan Lisan dan Bertulis Bagi Mesyuarat Kedua, Penggal Keempat, Dewan Negeri Yang Kedua Belas Perak Darul Ridzuan mulai 15hb Ogos, 2011.
Tarikh : 27hb Julai 2011
Daripada : YB DATO’ NGEH KOO HAM (Kawasan Sitiawan)
Soalan-Soalan yang memerlukan jawapan lisan
1. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk nyatakan purata pendapatan orang perseorangan dan juga isi keluarga (5 orang ) di Negeri Perak. Berapa isi keluarga yang berpendapatan kurang daripada RM1,500.00 sebulan.
2. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar sudahkah mereka yang dikatakan mengeluarkan Lesen Menduduki Sementara (TOL) palsu berkenaan dengan penerokaan secara haram tanah di Sungai Tumbuh, Lambor Kanan berdekatan Seri Iskandar telah ditangkap dan didakwa di Mahkamah. Apakah keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh Kerajaan berkenaan dengan lebih kurang 404 hektar tanah yang telah dicerobohi ini.
3. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar adakah tender terbuka dijalankan sebelum projek pengangkutan bas awam di Manjung dilaksanakan. Sila nyatakan nama syarikat dan terma-terma perjanjian untuk pengendalian pengangkutan bas awam ini.
Soalan-Soalan yang memerlukan jawapan bertulis
1. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk senaraikan 200,000 hakmilik tanah baru seperti yang diumumkan oleh Menteri Besar dan dilapurkan dalam Star Metro pada 30hb Jun 2011. Berikan nama penerima-penerima hakmilik-hakmilik tersebut yang merupakan pemberimilikkan tanah baru (new land alienation).
2. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk senaraikan daerah-daerah dan keluasannya disetiap daerah tersebut tanah seluas 26,800 hektar yang diumumkan oleh Menteri Besar (dilapurkan di Star Metro pada 27/6/2011) telah diusahakan secara haram.
3. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk senaraikan nama mereka yang telah diluluskan tanah yang sekarang diusahakan oleh lebih kurang 100 petani di Tronoh Mines dan kenapa tanah-tanah ini diluluskan kepada mereka yang tidak ada kaitan dengan tanah ini dan bukan kepada petani-petani yang sedia ada di situ.
4. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar dimanakah 1214.1 hektar tanah yang telah diperuntukkan untuk projek Perak Eco Industrial Hub. Nyatakan dengan terperinci rancangan kerajaan berkenaan dengan projek ini.
5. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar berapa kalikah kadar premium bagi lot-lot perumahan Kampung Tersusun dan Kampung Baru bertukar dari 6/2/2009 hingga ke hari ini
(27/2/2011). Nyatakan kadar premium untuk lot-lot perumahan bagi Kampung Tersusun dan Kampung Baru dalam tempoh tersebut.
Pengerusi DAP Perak
Ahli Parlimen Beruas & ADUN Kawasan Sitiawan
Tarikh : 27hb Julai 2011
Daripada : YB DATO’ NGEH KOO HAM (Kawasan Sitiawan)
Soalan-Soalan yang memerlukan jawapan lisan
1. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk nyatakan purata pendapatan orang perseorangan dan juga isi keluarga (5 orang ) di Negeri Perak. Berapa isi keluarga yang berpendapatan kurang daripada RM1,500.00 sebulan.
2. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar sudahkah mereka yang dikatakan mengeluarkan Lesen Menduduki Sementara (TOL) palsu berkenaan dengan penerokaan secara haram tanah di Sungai Tumbuh, Lambor Kanan berdekatan Seri Iskandar telah ditangkap dan didakwa di Mahkamah. Apakah keputusan yang telah dibuat oleh Kerajaan berkenaan dengan lebih kurang 404 hektar tanah yang telah dicerobohi ini.
3. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar adakah tender terbuka dijalankan sebelum projek pengangkutan bas awam di Manjung dilaksanakan. Sila nyatakan nama syarikat dan terma-terma perjanjian untuk pengendalian pengangkutan bas awam ini.
Soalan-Soalan yang memerlukan jawapan bertulis
1. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk senaraikan 200,000 hakmilik tanah baru seperti yang diumumkan oleh Menteri Besar dan dilapurkan dalam Star Metro pada 30hb Jun 2011. Berikan nama penerima-penerima hakmilik-hakmilik tersebut yang merupakan pemberimilikkan tanah baru (new land alienation).
2. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk senaraikan daerah-daerah dan keluasannya disetiap daerah tersebut tanah seluas 26,800 hektar yang diumumkan oleh Menteri Besar (dilapurkan di Star Metro pada 27/6/2011) telah diusahakan secara haram.
3. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar untuk senaraikan nama mereka yang telah diluluskan tanah yang sekarang diusahakan oleh lebih kurang 100 petani di Tronoh Mines dan kenapa tanah-tanah ini diluluskan kepada mereka yang tidak ada kaitan dengan tanah ini dan bukan kepada petani-petani yang sedia ada di situ.
4. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar dimanakah 1214.1 hektar tanah yang telah diperuntukkan untuk projek Perak Eco Industrial Hub. Nyatakan dengan terperinci rancangan kerajaan berkenaan dengan projek ini.
5. Bertanya kepada YAB Menteri Besar berapa kalikah kadar premium bagi lot-lot perumahan Kampung Tersusun dan Kampung Baru bertukar dari 6/2/2009 hingga ke hari ini
(27/2/2011). Nyatakan kadar premium untuk lot-lot perumahan bagi Kampung Tersusun dan Kampung Baru dalam tempoh tersebut.
Pengerusi DAP Perak
Ahli Parlimen Beruas & ADUN Kawasan Sitiawan
Friday, June 24, 2011
Illegal for Government to subject non-Muslims to be tried by the Syariah Court.
Illegal for Government to subject non-Muslims to be tried by the Syariah Court. Call on the Government to resolve the problems related to the conversion in and out of Islam immediately and to implement a quick and easy way to determine the religious status of a person
The clarification by Minster in the Prime Minister’s Department, Mejar Jeneral (B) Datuk Jamil Khir Bin Baharom that the 135 applicants who managed to renounce Islam were actually non-Muslims who were mistakenly registered as Muslims by the National Registration Department (NRD) because of their names and these victims have to apply to the Syariah Court to change their religious status shows that something is very wrong with the Government administration.
Firstly, if it is a mistake made by the NRD why can’t the NRD rectify it?
Secondly, the Syariah Curt has no jurisdiction over non-muslims. The Syariah Court Judges should reject such application due to lack of jurisdiction and asked that the matter be resolved by the NRD. Any decision by the Syariah court over a non Muslim is illegal.
Thirdly, courts are constituted to settle disputes not for confirming the religious status of a person. Articles II of the Federal Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion of every Malaysian and therefore, the religious status of a person is determined by the person concern. A statutory declaration made by the person should suffice. Muslims are complaining that there is huge back log of cases in the Syariah Courts. Therefore, Syariah Courts should spend their time giving priority clearing the cases rather than getting themselves involved with matters which they do not have jurisdiction.
Subjecting non-Muslims to the Syariah Court is oppressive as these non-Muslims have to go through ‘counselling not to leave the Islamic faith’ which may take months, some cases years and in many other cases never approved.
A person after becoming a Muslim registers himself/herself with the respective State Islamic Council. Depositing a statutory declaration declaring that he/she has left the Islamic faith with the same Islamic Council should suffice to confirm that he/she has left the Islamic faith.
Conversion to Islam has been abused by many. Some have converted to Islam to escape their legal duty to provide maintenance for their wives and children. Others converted to Islam to get custody of the children as the Syariah Courts will grant them the custody of the children. The civil courts regretfully now hold the view that they have no jurisdiction to interfere. Islam promotes justice but it has now been used to perpetuate injustice.
I know of people who do not profess the Islamic faith, never seen or read the Koran before and have never entered a mosque but due to various circumstances have a muslim sounding names. They want to be non-Muslims and get married to non-Muslims. Since there is no avenue for them to get married, they stay together out of wedlock and give birth to offsprings who will then be victim of circumstances like their parents. By refusing them an avenue to get married and have a normal family, we become a cruel society and by our cruelty we breed further social problems.
All persons above the age of 18 should be given full liberty to choose the religion of their choice.
I call on the Government to resolve the issues related to the conversion in and out of Islam immediately by following and respecting the provisions and the spirit of the Federal Constitution so that the untold miseries of those affected by the said issue can be put to an end.
Dated this 24th day of June 2011.
Deputy Secretary of DAP Malaysia
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Illegal for Government to subject non-Muslims to be tried by the Syariah Court. Call on the Government to resolve the problems related to the conversion in and out of Islam immediately and to implement a quick and easy way to determine the religious status of a person
The clarification by Minster in the Prime Minister’s Department, Mejar Jeneral (B) Datuk Jamil Khir Bin Baharom that the 135 applicants who managed to renounce Islam were actually non-Muslims who were mistakenly registered as Muslims by the National Registration Department (NRD) because of their names and these victims have to apply to the Syariah Court to change their religious status shows that something is very wrong with the Government administration.
Firstly, if it is a mistake made by the NRD why can’t the NRD rectify it?
Secondly, the Syariah Curt has no jurisdiction over non-muslims. The Syariah Court Judges should reject such application due to lack of jurisdiction and asked that the matter be resolved by the NRD. Any decision by the Syariah court over a non Muslim is illegal.
Thirdly, courts are constituted to settle disputes not for confirming the religious status of a person. Articles II of the Federal Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion of every Malaysian and therefore, the religious status of a person is determined by the person concern. A statutory declaration made by the person should suffice. Muslims are complaining that there is huge back log of cases in the Syariah Courts. Therefore, Syariah Courts should spend their time giving priority clearing the cases rather than getting themselves involved with matters which they do not have jurisdiction.
Subjecting non-Muslims to the Syariah Court is oppressive as these non-Muslims have to go through ‘counselling not to leave the Islamic faith’ which may take months, some cases years and in many other cases never approved.
A person after becoming a Muslim registers himself/herself with the respective State Islamic Council. Depositing a statutory declaration declaring that he/she has left the Islamic faith with the same Islamic Council should suffice to confirm that he/she has left the Islamic faith.
Conversion to Islam has been abused by many. Some have converted to Islam to escape their legal duty to provide maintenance for their wives and children. Others converted to Islam to get custody of the children as the Syariah Courts will grant them the custody of the children. The civil courts regretfully now hold the view that they have no jurisdiction to interfere. Islam promotes justice but it has now been used to perpetuate injustice.
I know of people who do not profess the Islamic faith, never seen or read the Koran before and have never entered a mosque but due to various circumstances have a muslim sounding names. They want to be non-Muslims and get married to non-Muslims. Since there is no avenue for them to get married, they stay together out of wedlock and give birth to offsprings who will then be victim of circumstances like their parents. By refusing them an avenue to get married and have a normal family, we become a cruel society and by our cruelty we breed further social problems.
All persons above the age of 18 should be given full liberty to choose the religion of their choice.
I call on the Government to resolve the issues related to the conversion in and out of Islam immediately by following and respecting the provisions and the spirit of the Federal Constitution so that the untold miseries of those affected by the said issue can be put to an end.
Dated this 24th day of June 2011.
Deputy Secretary of DAP Malaysia
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Call on Dato’ Mah Hang Soon Perak BN Govt. Exco member in charge of local govt. to solve the public transport woes in Manjung and others district
Media Statement
Call on Dato’ Mah Hang Soon Perak BN government Exco member in charge of local governments to solve the public transport woes in Manjung and other districts. PR is willing to offer its services for the sake of the people to solve the public transport woes though the state power has been taken from them.
One of the top priorities when PR Perak became the state government in March 2008 was to solve the woes of public transportation in Perak. There were no flight services to Perak and bus services were poor or non-existent in many areas.
BN Perak Government had been debating for years whether to extend the Sultan Azlan Shah Airport and whether to build the Ipoh Central Public Transportation Hub in Perak. Meanwhile, the people of Perak were without flight services and public bus transport were poor or non-existent in many areas.
PR Perak Government sprang into action and concluded a deal with Firefly to fly between Ipoh, Singapore and Subang. Firefly is now flying regularly 2 flights a day in and out of Ipoh.
PR Perak government also gathered all the bus operators in Kinta Valley to form a company called The Combines Bus Services Sdn Bhd, which then concluded a deal with the Perak State Government to build the Ipoh Central Public Transportation Hub in Meru Raya. 250 new buses would replace the old buses and they will be plying Kinta Valley and to other parts of Perak and Malaysia within 2 years from the date of the Agreement.
PR Perak government was also finalizing an Agreement with a developer to develop Manjung Central public Transportation Hub in Seri Manjung in the Manjung District but the same was abruptly terminated with the grab of power which occurred on 6th February 2011.
More than 2 years have lapsed but we see very slow progress of Ipoh Central Public Transportation Hub taking shape. Old buses in Ipoh have yet to be replaced.
Last year, the BN Government announced a subsidy of RM70,000.00 per month for a bus company to operate in Manjung District and it was to commence operation the beginning of this year but nothing has materialized. The poor especially those who are sick continue to suffer. They could not go to the hospital with the cheaper mode of public bus transport. Many have to pay as much as RM30 per trip to the Manjung Hospital using taxis.
If BN Government does not know how to solve the public transport problem, the Pakatan Rakyat is willing to offer its services for the sake of the people though the state power has been taken away from us.
31st May 2011
Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham
DAP Perak Chairman
Member of Parliament for Beruas
State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Call on Dato’ Mah Hang Soon Perak BN government Exco member in charge of local governments to solve the public transport woes in Manjung and other districts. PR is willing to offer its services for the sake of the people to solve the public transport woes though the state power has been taken from them.
One of the top priorities when PR Perak became the state government in March 2008 was to solve the woes of public transportation in Perak. There were no flight services to Perak and bus services were poor or non-existent in many areas.
BN Perak Government had been debating for years whether to extend the Sultan Azlan Shah Airport and whether to build the Ipoh Central Public Transportation Hub in Perak. Meanwhile, the people of Perak were without flight services and public bus transport were poor or non-existent in many areas.
PR Perak Government sprang into action and concluded a deal with Firefly to fly between Ipoh, Singapore and Subang. Firefly is now flying regularly 2 flights a day in and out of Ipoh.
PR Perak government also gathered all the bus operators in Kinta Valley to form a company called The Combines Bus Services Sdn Bhd, which then concluded a deal with the Perak State Government to build the Ipoh Central Public Transportation Hub in Meru Raya. 250 new buses would replace the old buses and they will be plying Kinta Valley and to other parts of Perak and Malaysia within 2 years from the date of the Agreement.
PR Perak government was also finalizing an Agreement with a developer to develop Manjung Central public Transportation Hub in Seri Manjung in the Manjung District but the same was abruptly terminated with the grab of power which occurred on 6th February 2011.
More than 2 years have lapsed but we see very slow progress of Ipoh Central Public Transportation Hub taking shape. Old buses in Ipoh have yet to be replaced.
Last year, the BN Government announced a subsidy of RM70,000.00 per month for a bus company to operate in Manjung District and it was to commence operation the beginning of this year but nothing has materialized. The poor especially those who are sick continue to suffer. They could not go to the hospital with the cheaper mode of public bus transport. Many have to pay as much as RM30 per trip to the Manjung Hospital using taxis.
If BN Government does not know how to solve the public transport problem, the Pakatan Rakyat is willing to offer its services for the sake of the people though the state power has been taken away from us.
31st May 2011
Dato' Ngeh Koo Ham
DAP Perak Chairman
Member of Parliament for Beruas
State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Monday, May 30, 2011
国阵霹雳州政府是众所周知宣布制作从未兑现的大型 “空中楼阁” 项目。这些上万元,上亿元的项目包括铝工厂,海湾石油工程,国际清真肉类中心,怡保蘇丹阿兹兰沙机场的航空游览,在端洛建设拥有个人飞机的豪华住宅,从红树林棕榈树生产乙醇(尼帕)和海藻项目等等。
国阵霹雳州政府是众所周知宣布制作从未兑现的大型 “空中楼阁” 项目。这些上万元,上亿元的项目包括铝工厂,海湾石油工程,国际清真肉类中心,怡保蘇丹阿兹兰沙机场的航空游览,在端洛建设拥有个人飞机的豪华住宅,从红树林棕榈树生产乙醇(尼帕)和海藻项目等等。
Perak Eco Industrial Hub is another “pie in the sky” announcement by BN perak Government.
Media Statement
Perak Eco Industrial Hub is another “pie in the sky” announcement by BN perak Government. Dato’ Seri Zambry bin Abdul Kadir should prove himself by solving the simplest of the state problems like public transportation in his own house district of Manjung and issuing titles for renewal of expired leases within 1 month as was done by the PR Perak State Government.
The announcement by Dato’ Seri Dr. Zambry bin Abdul Kadir, BN Menteri Besar of Perak that an Eco Industrial Hub will be set up in Perak is another BN Perak Government’s “pie in the sky” announcement.
BN Perak Government is well known for making “pie in the sky” announcements of mega projects that never materialize. Amongst them, multi-million and multi-billion ringgits projects such as the Aluminium Plant, Gulf Petroleum Project, International Halal Meat Hub, Aerospace Tourism from the Ipoh Sultan Azlan Shah Airport, building luxury homes in Tronoh where residents own personal planes, producing ethanol from mangrove palms (Nipah) and the seaweed project. The list can go on.
BN Perak Government tries to give the impression that it has brought much development to Perak to deceive the people when in fact it has failed to do so. An inquiry from an interested investor is announced as if the project is taking off in Perak.
The PR Perak Government announced a project only after the details have been worked out and the project is ready to be launched.
BN Perak Government under Dato’ Seri Zambry cannot even solve the simple transport problem of his home district of Manjung.
The BN Government has announced last year that the public bus service will start operating at the beginning of this year but we see nothing out of the announcement though we are entering the month of June.
PR Perak Government has cut down unnecessary procedures and was able to issue new titles for renewal of expired land leases within 1 month after an application is made. I have received numerous complaints that such titles could not be issued even though 2 years have lapsed under BN rule.
I call on Dato’ Seri Zambry to actually serve the people rather than making rosy announcements to deceive the people . I hope the people can see clearly that the BN grab of power in Perak is for power and not to serve the people.
Dated 30th May 2011
Ngeh Koo Ham
Assemblyman for Sitiawan
MP of Beruas
DAP Perak Chairman
Perak Eco Industrial Hub is another “pie in the sky” announcement by BN perak Government. Dato’ Seri Zambry bin Abdul Kadir should prove himself by solving the simplest of the state problems like public transportation in his own house district of Manjung and issuing titles for renewal of expired leases within 1 month as was done by the PR Perak State Government.
The announcement by Dato’ Seri Dr. Zambry bin Abdul Kadir, BN Menteri Besar of Perak that an Eco Industrial Hub will be set up in Perak is another BN Perak Government’s “pie in the sky” announcement.
BN Perak Government is well known for making “pie in the sky” announcements of mega projects that never materialize. Amongst them, multi-million and multi-billion ringgits projects such as the Aluminium Plant, Gulf Petroleum Project, International Halal Meat Hub, Aerospace Tourism from the Ipoh Sultan Azlan Shah Airport, building luxury homes in Tronoh where residents own personal planes, producing ethanol from mangrove palms (Nipah) and the seaweed project. The list can go on.
BN Perak Government tries to give the impression that it has brought much development to Perak to deceive the people when in fact it has failed to do so. An inquiry from an interested investor is announced as if the project is taking off in Perak.
The PR Perak Government announced a project only after the details have been worked out and the project is ready to be launched.
BN Perak Government under Dato’ Seri Zambry cannot even solve the simple transport problem of his home district of Manjung.
The BN Government has announced last year that the public bus service will start operating at the beginning of this year but we see nothing out of the announcement though we are entering the month of June.
PR Perak Government has cut down unnecessary procedures and was able to issue new titles for renewal of expired land leases within 1 month after an application is made. I have received numerous complaints that such titles could not be issued even though 2 years have lapsed under BN rule.
I call on Dato’ Seri Zambry to actually serve the people rather than making rosy announcements to deceive the people . I hope the people can see clearly that the BN grab of power in Perak is for power and not to serve the people.
Dated 30th May 2011
Ngeh Koo Ham
Assemblyman for Sitiawan
MP of Beruas
DAP Perak Chairman
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Education Minister, Muhyiddin will fail his Form 3 Maths and Science if tests conducted in Mandarin or Tamil.
Education Minister, Muhyiddin will fail his Form 3 Maths and Science if tests conducted in Mandarin or Tamil.
- Call to stop the abrupt change of medium of instruction from next year for Maths and Science in Malaysian schools
The pupils attending national primary schools have been learning their Mathematics and Science in English since Primary One after the then Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad decided in 2003 to have the students study these subjects in English. The Government spent RM5.0 billion for the exercise!
The BN Government has now decided that these students will have to study these subjects in the Malay language when they enter Form 1 (Secondary school) next year. This is just absurd and ridiculous.
If our Education Minister who is also our Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin Bin Mohd Yassin cannot see how absurd and ridiculous the decision that was made, I challenge him to sit for a Form 3 test on these two subjects in Tamil or Mandarin. I am certain he will fail.
I call on the Government to allow these students to continue their Mathematics and Science in English which has been their medium of instruction since Primary One.
Dated this 23rd day of February 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Education Minister, Muhyiddin will fail his Form 3 Maths and Science if tests conducted in Mandarin or Tamil.
- Call to stop the abrupt change of medium of instruction from next year for Maths and Science in Malaysian schools
The pupils attending national primary schools have been learning their Mathematics and Science in English since Primary One after the then Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad decided in 2003 to have the students study these subjects in English. The Government spent RM5.0 billion for the exercise!
The BN Government has now decided that these students will have to study these subjects in the Malay language when they enter Form 1 (Secondary school) next year. This is just absurd and ridiculous.
If our Education Minister who is also our Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Dato’ Haji Muhyiddin Bin Mohd Yassin cannot see how absurd and ridiculous the decision that was made, I challenge him to sit for a Form 3 test on these two subjects in Tamil or Mandarin. I am certain he will fail.
I call on the Government to allow these students to continue their Mathematics and Science in English which has been their medium of instruction since Primary One.
Dated this 23rd day of February 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
BN Perak Govt celebrates Christmas off season.
BN Perak State Government fixing 23rd January 2011 to celebrate Christmas defeats the spirit of celebrating the event.
I note with regret that the Perak BN Government deems it fit to celebrate Christmas 2010 out of season to celebrate it only on 23rd January 2011. Christmas is celebrated worldwide on 25th December 2010.
The purpose of a celebration is to observe the significance of an event, in our instant case the birth of Christ. Apart from that, a celebration uplifts and liberates the human spirit to bring happiness, gladness and joy.
The people of Perak are starting to feel the mood of celebrating Chinese New Year which falls on 3 February 2011. Therefore, to celebrate Christmas only on 23 January 2011 when the people are in the mood of celebrating Chinese New Year will overshadow the message and significance of the Christmas event. The festivity which Christmas brings to uplift the spirit of the people will also be lost.
I hope in future the State Christmas program will be celebrated during the season of Christmas.
Dated this 12th day of January 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
我对国阵霹雳州政府在2011年1月23日过了圣诞节后才庆祝感到遗憾。全球都在2010年 12月25日庆祝圣诞节。
木威区国会议员 & 实兆远州议员
BN Perak State Government fixing 23rd January 2011 to celebrate Christmas defeats the spirit of celebrating the event.
I note with regret that the Perak BN Government deems it fit to celebrate Christmas 2010 out of season to celebrate it only on 23rd January 2011. Christmas is celebrated worldwide on 25th December 2010.
The purpose of a celebration is to observe the significance of an event, in our instant case the birth of Christ. Apart from that, a celebration uplifts and liberates the human spirit to bring happiness, gladness and joy.
The people of Perak are starting to feel the mood of celebrating Chinese New Year which falls on 3 February 2011. Therefore, to celebrate Christmas only on 23 January 2011 when the people are in the mood of celebrating Chinese New Year will overshadow the message and significance of the Christmas event. The festivity which Christmas brings to uplift the spirit of the people will also be lost.
I hope in future the State Christmas program will be celebrated during the season of Christmas.
Dated this 12th day of January 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
我对国阵霹雳州政府在2011年1月23日过了圣诞节后才庆祝感到遗憾。全球都在2010年 12月25日庆祝圣诞节。
木威区国会议员 & 实兆远州议员
BN Perak State Govt promoting falsehood in a religious event
Dato Mah Hang Soon must not be allowed to promote falsehood in a religions event. The public demand a product as advertised, not a fake one.
On 6th January, BN Perak State Government Executive Councilor, Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon announced that the well-known Christian Music group, Hillsong from Australia will take centre stage during the Perak State level Christmas and New Year celebrations at Stadium Indera Mulia in Ipoh on 23rd January, 2011.
Immediately, on the same day, the manager of Hillsong Music, Australia Mr. Timothy Whincop issued a letter confirming that the group performing at the event is not sanctioned or endorsed by Hillsong Music or Hillsong Church.
I have been given to understand that this matter has been brought to the attention of Dato’ Dr Mah. Despite the said knowledge he insisted that the group performing on 23/1/2011 be promoted as from Hillsong from Australia.
Yesterday, Hillsong issued another letter confirming that Hillsong is not and will not be performing in any event in Ipoh, Perak on 23/1/2011 and reiterates that Hillsong’s name may not be used without prior permission. Copies of their letters dated 6/1/2011 and 12/1/2011 are attached herewith.
Christianity promotes truth and respect for the rights of others. It is a shameful affair for Dato’ Mah to promote falsehood.
Dato’ Mah must let the public know exactly who is performing at the Christmas event. As the exco member in charge of consumer affairs, Dato’ Mah has the duty not to mislead the public but to describe a product accurately.
Christians and other Malaysians are upset that Dato’ Mah is not telling the truth. The public demand that they get the product as advertised, not a fake one.

Dated this 13th day of January 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Dato Mah Hang Soon must not be allowed to promote falsehood in a religions event. The public demand a product as advertised, not a fake one.
On 6th January, BN Perak State Government Executive Councilor, Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon announced that the well-known Christian Music group, Hillsong from Australia will take centre stage during the Perak State level Christmas and New Year celebrations at Stadium Indera Mulia in Ipoh on 23rd January, 2011.
Immediately, on the same day, the manager of Hillsong Music, Australia Mr. Timothy Whincop issued a letter confirming that the group performing at the event is not sanctioned or endorsed by Hillsong Music or Hillsong Church.
I have been given to understand that this matter has been brought to the attention of Dato’ Dr Mah. Despite the said knowledge he insisted that the group performing on 23/1/2011 be promoted as from Hillsong from Australia.
Yesterday, Hillsong issued another letter confirming that Hillsong is not and will not be performing in any event in Ipoh, Perak on 23/1/2011 and reiterates that Hillsong’s name may not be used without prior permission. Copies of their letters dated 6/1/2011 and 12/1/2011 are attached herewith.
Christianity promotes truth and respect for the rights of others. It is a shameful affair for Dato’ Mah to promote falsehood.
Dato’ Mah must let the public know exactly who is performing at the Christmas event. As the exco member in charge of consumer affairs, Dato’ Mah has the duty not to mislead the public but to describe a product accurately.
Christians and other Malaysians are upset that Dato’ Mah is not telling the truth. The public demand that they get the product as advertised, not a fake one.

Dated this 13th day of January 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
BN Perak State Government fixing 23rd January 2011 to celebrate Christmas defeats the spirit of celebrating the event.
BN Perak State Government fixing 23rd January 2011 to celebrate Christmas defeats the spirit of celebrating the event.
I note with regret that the Perak BN Government deems it fit to celebrate Christmas 2010 out of season to celebrate it only on 23rd January 2011. Christmas is celebrated worldwide on 25th December 2010.
The purpose of a celebration is to observe the significance of an event, in our instant case the birth of Christ. Apart from that, a celebration uplifts and liberates the human spirit to bring happiness, gladness and joy.
The people of Perak are starting to feel the mood of celebrating Chinese New Year which falls on 3 February 2011. Therefore, to celebrate Christmas only on 23 January 2011 when the people are in the mood of celebrating Chinese New Year will overshadow the message and significance of the Christmas event. The festivity which Christmas brings to uplift the spirit of the people will also be lost.
I hope in future the State Christmas program will be celebrated during the season of Christmas.
Dated this 12th day of January 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
BN Perak State Government fixing 23rd January 2011 to celebrate Christmas defeats the spirit of celebrating the event.
I note with regret that the Perak BN Government deems it fit to celebrate Christmas 2010 out of season to celebrate it only on 23rd January 2011. Christmas is celebrated worldwide on 25th December 2010.
The purpose of a celebration is to observe the significance of an event, in our instant case the birth of Christ. Apart from that, a celebration uplifts and liberates the human spirit to bring happiness, gladness and joy.
The people of Perak are starting to feel the mood of celebrating Chinese New Year which falls on 3 February 2011. Therefore, to celebrate Christmas only on 23 January 2011 when the people are in the mood of celebrating Chinese New Year will overshadow the message and significance of the Christmas event. The festivity which Christmas brings to uplift the spirit of the people will also be lost.
I hope in future the State Christmas program will be celebrated during the season of Christmas.
Dated this 12th day of January 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan
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