Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kenyataan media dari YB Ngeh Koo Ham pada 14hb Jun 2014

Kenyataan Media

Sejak kemerdekaaan, keharmonian kaum dan agama yang dialami di Malaysia adalah kerana peruntukan-peruntukan di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan telah dihormati dan dipertahankan. Baru-baru ini, telah berlakunya konflik dan ketegangan keagamaan kerana Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara enggan menghormati dan mempertahankan Perkara 11(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Tema ucapan saya di Parlimen adalah berkenaan dengan perpaduan negara dan keperluan untuk menyelesaikan perbalahan keagamaan. Saya berharap dapat melihat keamanan dan keharmonian antara Muslim Sunni dan Muslim Syiah. Saya juga berharap dapat melihat keamanan dan keharmonian antara orang Islam dan orang bukan Islam.

Saya merujuk kepada respon yang diberikan oleh Timbalan Menteri dalam Jabatan Perdana Menteri iaitu Datuk Razali Ibrahim berkenaan ucapan saya di Parlimen. Beliau telah menyatakan bahawa pandangan saya adalah tidak berpatutan dan akan mempengaruhi keharmonian kaum dan keagamaan di Negara ini. Saya telah menyatakan di Parlimen bahawa semua orang termasuk Muslim haruslah menghormati hak-hak seseorang untuk menganut dan mengamalkan agamanya seperti yang telah dijamin oleh Perkara 11(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Saya tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat yang dikemukakan oleh Timbalan Menteri tersebut. Malah, sebaliknya adalah benar. Keharmonian keagamaan di Malaysia sejak Merdeka adalah kerana semua pihak telah menghormati peruntukan-peruntukan di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Konflik dan ketegangan keagamaan yang berlaku baru-baru ini adalah disebabkan oleh sesetengah pihak tertentu terutamanya Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara enggan menghormati dan mempertahankan peruntukan-peruntukan Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Selama ini, masalah-masalah yang timbul apabila orang yang bukan Islam masuk Islam dan keluar dari Islam dengan sendirinya terselesai apabila Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara menghormati dan mempertahankan Perkara 11(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Lebih kurang 30 tahun yang lalu, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara akan menerima permohonan untuk menukar nama, agama, atau lain-lain butir-butir seseorang apabila satu Deed Poll dilakukan (Deed Poll adalah akuan bersumpah yang dibuat oleh pemohon yang menyatakan niatnya untuk menukar nama, agama atau butir-butir lain dan ia akan disiarkan di dalam surat khabar). Kemudian, demi mengambil kira sensitiviti orang muslim, perkara sedemikian diminta tidak disiarkan di dalam surat khabar. Pada masa itu, telah dipersetujui bahawa Majlis Agama Islam atau Jabatan Agama Islam akan mengeluarkan surat-surat pengesahan seseorang itu telah meninggalkan Islam dan itu adalah mencukupi bagi Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara membuat pindaan yang perlu ke atas kad pengenalan pemohon tersebut.

Kini, Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara memerlukan seseorang pemohon mendapatkan perintah daripada Mahkamah Syariah mengisytiharkan bahawa dia telah meninggalkan Islam. Keperluan ini adalah bercanggah dengan Perkara 11(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan kerana kebebasan memilih agama yang dianuti seseorang itu kini berada di tangan pihak yang ketiga. Perkara 11(1) menjamin hak mutlak seseorang untuk memilih agama sendiri dan sebarang keputusan yang menghalangnya dari kebebasan ini adalah bercanggahan dengan Perlembagaan dan tidak boleh diterima.

Tema ucapan saya di Parlimen pada 11/6/2014 adalah berkenaan dengan perpaduan negara dan keperluan untuk mengurangkan atau mengelakkan berlakunya perbalahan keagamaan. Saya telah merujuk kepada tinjauan “Religious Freedom Project” yang telah dijalankan Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University dan artikel “Fostering National Unity” yang ditulis oleh Wan Saiful Wan Jan, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif IDEAS (Institute for Democracy & Economic Affairs) untuk menyokong pendapat bahawa perbalahan keagamaan akan berkurangan apabila peraturan atau undang-undang kawalan ke atas keagamaan berkurangan (bermaksud pertambahan kebebasan mengamalkan agama seseorang).

Saya telah menggunakan contoh permusuhan antara Muslim Syiah dan Muslim Sunni apabila mereka menggunakan sekatan undang-undang terhadap satu sama lain walaupun mereka mempunyai banyak persamaan. Saya telah menyatakan bahawa kita tidak nampak perbalahan sebegitu rupa antara penganut-penganut agama Kristian, Buddha, Hindu, Tao, dan agama-agama lain-lain walaupun agama-agama tersebut mempunyai perbezaan yang begitu bercanggah. Hal ini adalah kerana agama-agama ini telah diamalkan secara lebih bebas dengan sedikit sahaja peraturan undang-undang mengawali mereka. Saya ingin melihat keamanan dan perharmonian antara muslim Sunni dan muslim Syiah. Saya juga ingin lihat keamanan dan keharmonian antara muslim dan orang bukan muslim.

Saya juga menyatakan bahawa Perlembagaan Persekutuan mempunyai peruntukan-peruntukan yang jelas yang dapat menyelesaikan isu-isu yang kini telah menyebabkan ketegangan keagamaan dan pertikaian di dalam negara kita.

Perlembagaan Persekutuan mempunyai peruntukan-peruntukan jelas tentang hubungan antara orang Islam dan orang bukan Islam dan sekiranya peruntukan-peruntukan tersebut dipatuhi oleh semua pihak, insiden-insiden konflik antara orang Islam dan orang bukan Islam yang tidak menyenangkan tidak akan berlaku di negara kita.

Tiga isu yang sering menyebabkan ketegangan dan konflik adalah seperti yang berikut:

i) Kebebasan individu untuk masuk agama Islam dan keluar dari agama Islam;

ii) Agama seorang individu bawah umur 18 tahun apabila salah seorang ibubapanya masuk agama Islam atau keluar dari agama Islam;

iii) Undang-undang diri/keluarga yang patut digunakan apabila salah satu pihak kepada sesuatu perkahwinan masuk agama Islam atau keluar dari agama Islam.

Punca kepada konflik yang sebegitu adalah kerana di Malaysia orang Islam mengikut satu set undang-undang diri/keluarga yang berlainan daripada mereka yang bukan Islam.

i) Kebebasan individu untuk masuk agama Islam dan keluar dari agama Islam

Perkara 11(1) memperuntukkan bahawa tiap-tiap orang berhak menganuti dan mengamalkan agamanya dan, tertakluk kepada Fasal (4), mengembangkannya.

Perkara 11(4) memperuntukkan bahawa undang-undang Negeri dan undang-undang Persekutuan bagi Kuala Lumpur, Labuan dan Putrajaya boleh dibuat untuk mengawal atau menyekat pengembangan apa-apa iktikad atau kepercayaan agama lain terhadap umat Islam.

Orang bukan Islam mesti menerima hakikat bahawa undang-undang boleh diluluskan untuk melarang mereka mengembangkan agama mereka kepada orang Islam.

Orang Islam perlu menerima hakikat bahawa seorang Islam yang mahu meninggalkan agama Islam atas kehendak sendiri haruslah dibenarkan berbuat demikian. Kebebasan beragama seharusnya dihormati kerana ia adalah kebebasan yang diberikan oleh Tuhan dan dijamin oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan kita.

ii) Agama seorang individu bawah umur 18 tahun apabila salah seorang ibu bapanya masuk agama Islam atau keluar dari agama Islam

Perkara 12(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan memperuntukkan bahawa tiada sesiapa pun boleh diwajibkan menerima ajaran-ajaran mengenai apa-apa agama atau mengambil bahagian dalam apa-apa upacara atau sembahyang sesuatu agama yang lain daripada agamanya sendiri.

Perkara 12(4) memperuntukkan bahawa bagi maksud Fasal (3), agama bagi seseorang yang berumur kurang daripada lapan belas tahun adalah ditetapkan oleh ibu bapa atau penjaganya.

Oleh itu, sekiranya salah seorang ibu bapa masuk agama Islam dan berlaku pertikaian berkenaan agama kanak-kanak tersebut, ibu atau bapa yang diberikan hak penjagaan terhadap kanak-kanak tersebut hendaklah diberi hak menentukan ajaran-ajaran agama atau pengambilan bahagian dalam upacara atau sembahyang sesuatu agama kanak-kanak tersebut sehinggalah kanak-kanak tersebut mencapai umur 18 tahun. Selepas umur 18 tahun, anak tersebut mempunyai kebebasan beragama seperti yang dijamin oleh Perkara 11(1) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

iii) Undang-undang diri/keluarga yang digunapakai apabila salah satu pihak kepada sesuatu perkahwinan masuk agama Islam atau keluar dari agama Islam.

Masalah ini dapat diselesaikan secara adil dengan menggunakan undang-undang di bawah mana perkahwinan pasangan tersebut diraikan. Sekiranya mereka berkahwin sebagai orang bukan Islam, maka Akta Membaharui Undang-undang (Perkahwinan & Perceraian) 1976 akan digunakan. Sekiranya mereka berkahwin sebagai orang Islam, Undang-undang Islam akan digunakan. Perkahwinan adalah satu bentuk kontrak antara sepasang suami isteri. Maka, undang-undang yang digunakan seharusnya undang-undang di bawah mana sesuatu perkahwinan itu diraikan.

Apabila Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara enggan menukar butir-butir dalam kad pengenalan seseorang yang telah menukar agama, maka timbulnya masalah seperti yang diperlihatkan dalam kes Zarena Abdullah Majid, yang merupakan seorang beragama Hindu dengan nama Islam, di mana perkahwinannya dengan seorang lelaki beragama Hindu telah diganggu oleh JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor). Kes Zarena hanyalah salah satu contoh dan terdapat banyak lagi kes-kes yang dalam keadaan yang serupa. Ramai pasangan dalam keadaan sebegitu bersedudukan tanpa berkahwin bukan kerana mereka tidak mahu berkahwin, tetapi masyarakat kita tidak membenarkan mereka berbuat demikian.

Ramai anak-anak luar nikah telah dilahirkan kepada pasangan yang sedemikian. Kami mencemuh pasangan-pasangan tidak berkahwin dan anak-anak luar nikah yang dilahirkan tetapi masyarakat kita yang sepatutnya dicemuh dan dikutuk kerana menyebabkan kesengsaraan kepada pasangan-pasangan yang ingin berkahwin tetapi dihalang. Anak-anak luar nikah yang dilahirkan ini telah mengalami berbagai kesengsaraan. Kesengsaraan dan kesusahan yang sedemikian seharusnya ditamatkan sekiranya kita masih menganggap diri kita sebagai masyarakat bertamadun.

Sekali lagi, saya menyeru kepada Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara supaya menerima Akuan Bersumpah sebagai bukti yang mencukupi dalam pilihan agama atau kepercayaan yang dianuti oleh seseorang itu. Sekiranya status agama seseorang itu dapat diselesaikan melalui penukaran butir-butir di dalam kad pengenalannya, maka isu-isu dan konflik-konflik dalam begitu banyak kes yang kita lihat akan terselesai dengan sendirinya.

Bertarikh 14 June 2014.

Ngeh Koo Ham
Timbalan Setiausaha Agung
DAP Malaysia,
Ahli Parlimen Beruas.

Media statement by YB Ngeh Koo Ham on 14th June 2014

Media Statement 

Malaysia has experienced racial & religious harmony since Independence because the provisions of the Federal Constitution are respected and upheld. Recent religious conflict and tension occur when the National Registration Department refused to respect and uphold Article 11(1)of the Federal Constitution. The theme of my speech in Parliament was on national unity and the need to resolve religious hostilities. I hope to see peace and harmony between Sunni Muslims and Syiah Muslims. I hope to see peace and harmony between Muslims and non-Muslims.

I refer to the respond by the Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Razali Ibrahim to my speech in Parliament. He has stated that my view is not appropriate and that it can affect racial and religious harmony in the country. I have stated in Parliament that all including Muslims should respect the rights of a person to profess and practise his / her religion as guaranteed by Article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution. I disagree with the view expressed by the said Deputy Minister. In fact, the contrary is true. Malaysia has experienced religious harmony since independence because all parties respected the provisions of the Federal constitution. The recent religious conflict and tension occur because certain quarters especially the National Registration Department refused to respect and uphold the provisions of the Federal Constitution.

The problems arising from a non-muslim converting in and out of Islam all these years resolved themselves when the National Registration Department respects and upholds the provision of Article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution.

About 30 year ago the National Registration Department would accept the application to change the name, religion or other particulars of a person when a deed poll is done (A deed poll is a sworn statement made by an applicant stating his intention to change his name, religion or other particulars and have it advertised in a newspaper). Subsequently, it was said that in order to take into account the sensitivity of the muslims, it was not advisable to have it advertised. It was then agreed that the Majlis Agama Islam or the Islamic Department of the State would issue letters confirming that a person has left the Islamic faith and that was sufficient for the National Registration Department to make the necessary amendments to the identity card.

The National Registration Department now requires an applicant to obtain an order from the Syariah Court declaring that he/she has left Islam. Such a requirement contravenes Article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution as the decision to decide one’s faith now rests with a third party. Article 11(1) guarantees absolute right to choose one’s religion and any decision otherwise to prevent him from this freedom will be unconstitutional and unacceptable.

The theme of my speech in Parliament on 11/6/2014 was on national unity and the need to reduce or prevent religious hostilities from arising. I quoted the findings from the Religious Freedom Project by Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University and the article ‘Fostering national unity’ by Wan Saiful Wan Jan, Chief Executive Officer of IDEAS (Institute for Democracy & Economic Affairs) to support the view that where there is lesser regulation of religion (read greater freedom to practice one’s religion) there will be lesser hostilities.

I quoted the example of the hostility between Syiah and Sunni Muslims when they use legal sanctions against one another though they have a lot in common. I mentioned that we do not see such hostility between Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists and other religions though they are more diverse. This is because the latter religions are practiced more freely with little legal regulation. I hope to see peace and harmony between Sunni Muslims and Syiah Muslims. I also hope to see peace and harmony between Muslims and Non-Muslims.

I then went on to say that our Federal Constitution has clear provisions to resolve the issues that are now causing religious tension and dispute in our country. The provisions in our Federal Constitution define clearly the relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims and if observed by all will not cause the numerous incidences of unpleasant conflict between muslims and non-muslims in our country.

Three (3) issues often cause tension and conflict and they are as follows:

(i) The freedom of an individual to convert to or out of Islam.
(ii) The religion of a minor when one parent converts to or out of Islam; and
(iii) The personal laws applicable when one party to a marriage converts to or out of Islam.

The reason for the such a conflict is because in Malaysia Muslims follow one set of personal laws while non-muslims follow another set of personal laws.

(i) Religious Freedom of An Individual to convert to or out of Islam
Article 11(1) provides that EVERY PERSON has the right to profess and practice his religion and subject to Article 11(4) to propage it. Artlcle 11(4) provides that State law and in respect of the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya, federal law may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam.

Non-Muslims must accept the fact that laws may be passed to prohibit them from propagating their religion to people of the muslim faith.

Muslims must accept the fact that if a muslim on his/her own free will wants to leave the religion of Islam he/she must be allowed to do so. This God given freedom of choice and guaranteed by our Federal Constitution must be respected.

(ii) The religion of a minor when one parent converts to or out of Islam
Article 12(3) of the Federal Constitution provides that no person shall be required to received instruction in or to take part in any ceremony or act of worship of a religion other than his own.

Article 12(4) provides that for the purpose of Article 12(3), the religion of a person under the age of 18 years shall be decided by his parent or guardian.

Therefore, when one parent converts to Islam, a child’s instruction in or to take part in any ceremony or an act of worship of a religion shall be determined by the parent who is given guardianship of the child until the age of 18, if there is dispute over how the child should be brought up. After the age of 18, the child who is now an adult shall be at liberty to choose the religion of his choice as guaranteed by Article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution.

(iii) The Personal laws applicable when one party to a marriage converts to and out of Islam
This problem can be easily resolved fairly by applying the law under which the couple’s marriage was celebrated. If they were married as non-muslims, the Law Reform (Divorce and Marriage) Act 1976 will apply and if the couple married as muslims, the Islamic laws will apply. Marriage is a form of contract between the couple and therefore, it is fair that the law to be applied shall be the law under which the marriage was celebrated or contracted.

Problem arises when the National Registration Department refuses to change the particulars in a person’s identity card when one changes his/her religion as happened in the case of Zarena Abdullah Majid, a Hindu with a Muslim name, whose marriage to a Hindu man was disrupted by JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor). Her case is but a tip of the ice berg. Many such couples cohabit together unmarried not because they do not want to get married but because our society do not allow them to do so.

Many children have been born out of wedlock through such unions. We scorn on unmarried couples and children born out of wedlock but in these cases our society must be scorned upon and even stand condemned for causing miseries to such couples who want to be married but prevented from doing so. Children born from such unions out of wedlock face untold miseries. These miseries and predicaments must be put to an end if we consider ourselves a civilized society.

I once again call on the National Registration Department to accept a statutory declaration as sufficient proof of the choice of the religion or personal faith that a person has made. Once the religious status of a person has been resolved through the change of the particulars in his/her identity card, the issues and conflicts in the many cases that we have seen will resolve on its own.

Dated this 14th day of June 2014.

Ngeh Koo Ham
Deputy Secretary General
DAP Malaysia
Member of Parliament for Beruas.








我在2014年6月11日的国会演讲词的重点是国民和解,以及减少或防范对宗教产生冲突事件发生的必要。我想引述伯克利研究中心的资料和民主与经济事务机构(IDEAS)首席执行员旺赛夫(Wan Saiful WanJan)所执笔《促进国民团结》的文章来支持我的观点,即对宗教有更少的管制将会有更少的敌意(文:让人享有更大的自由来信奉与实践其宗教信仰)



以下 3 个是经常导致关系紧张与冲突的课题:

1) 自由选择信奉或脱离伊斯兰教的课题 ;
2) 家长单方面改信或脱离伊斯兰教时,未成年孩子宗教信仰的课题 ;


(i) 自由选择信奉或脱离伊斯兰教




(ii) 未成年孩童被父母亲单方面信奉或脱离伊斯兰教




(iii) 婚姻中一人信奉或脱离伊斯兰教的适用法律






木威区国会议员 兼

Saturday, June 7, 2014





马来西亚所拥有的各种机构都是按照联邦宪法各条文所赋予的权力成立的,这当中包括最高元首、统治者会议、内阁、联邦立法议会、州属的地位、选举委员会、司法机构及公共服务领域等各机构。因此,每个单位与机构都有责任肯定、遵从与维护联邦宪法。联邦宪法第 4 条文清楚的阐明宪法作为马来西亚最高法律的地位,任何在独立以后通过的法令,如果与联邦宪法有所冲突,该法令必须就冲突的程度被删除与视为无效。


以下 3 个是经常导致关系紧张与冲突的课题:

1) 自由选择信奉或脱离伊斯兰教的课题 ;

2) 家长单方面改信或脱离伊斯兰教时,未成年孩子宗教信仰的课题 ;



(i) 自由选择信奉或脱离伊斯兰教




(ii) 未成年孩童被父母亲单方面信奉或脱离伊斯兰教




(iii) 婚姻中一人信奉或脱离伊斯兰教的适用法律








木威区国会议员 兼

National Registration Department is the main culprit behind the cause of the numerous incidences of religious conflict and tension between the muslims and non-muslims in the country.


The Federal Constitution has clear provisions governing the relationship between Muslim and Non Muslims in Malaysia. Recent incidences of conflict should not have happened. The National Registration Department is the main culprit behind the cause of the numerous incidences of religious conflict and tension between the muslims and non-muslims in the country.

Our beloved nation Malaya and subsequently Malaysia is founded with the coming into force of our Federal constitution.

The very existence of the various institutions in our country is because they are provided for by the provisions in our Federal Constitution. We have the institutions of the Yang DiPertuan Agong, Conference of Rulers, the Executive, the Federal Legislature, the recognition of the various states, the Election Commission, the Judiciary and the Public Services because they are provided for in our Federal Constitution . Therefore, all institutions in this country must acknowledge, respect and uphold our Federal Constitution. The Supremacy of our Federal Constitution is clearly spelt out in Article 4 of our Federal Constitution which declares that ‘This Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.'

The provisions in our Federal Constitution define clearly the relationship between Muslims and Non-Muslims and if observed by all will not cause the numerous incidences of unpleasant conflict between muslims and non-muslims in our country.

Three (3) issues often cause tension and conflict and they are as follows:

(i) The freedom of an individual to convert to or out of Islam.
(ii) The religion of a minor when one parent converts to or out of Islam; and
(iii) The personal laws applicable when one party to a marriage converts to or out of Islam.

The reason for the such a conflict is because in Malaysia Muslims follow one set of personal laws while non-muslims follow another set of personal laws.

(i) Religious Freedom of An Individual to convert to or out of Islam

Article 11(1) provides that EVERY PERSON has the right to profess and practice his religion and subject to Article 11(4) to propage it. Artlcle 11(4) provides that State law and in respect of the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya, federal law may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam.

Non-Muslims must accept the fact that laws may be passed to prohibit them from propagating their religion to people of the muslim faith.

Muslims must accept the fact that if a muslim on his/her own free will wants to leave the religion of Islam he/she must be allowed to do so. This God given freedom of choice and guaranteed by our Federal Constitution must be respected.

(ii) The religion of a minor when one parent converts to or out of Islam

Article 12(3) of the Federal Constitution provides that no person shall be required to received instruction in or to take part in any ceremony or act of worship of a religion other than his own.

Article 12(4) provides that for the purpose of Article 12(3), the religion of a person under the age of 18 years shall be decided by his parent or guardian.

Therefore, when one parent converts to Islam, a child’s instruction in or to take part in any ceremony or an act of worship of a religion shall be determined by the parent who is given guardianship of the child until the age of 18, if there is dispute over how the child should be brought up. After the age of 18, the child who is now an adult shall be at liberty to choose the religion of his choice as guaranteed by Article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution.

(iii) The Personal laws applicable when one party to a marriage converts to and out of Islam

This problem can be easily resolved fairly by applying the law under which the couple’s marriage was celebrated. If they were married as non-muslims, the Law Reform (Divorce and Marriage) Act 1976 will apply and if the couple married as muslims, the Islamic laws will apply. Marriage is a form of contract between the couple and therefore, it is fair that the law to be applied shall be the law under which the marriage was celebrated or contracted.

Problem arises when the National Registration Department refuses to change the particulars in a person’s identity card when one changes his/her religion as happened in the case of Zarena Abdullah Majid, a Hindu with a Muslim name, whose marriage to a Hindu man was disrupted by JAIS (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor). Her case is but a tip of the ice berg. Many such couples cohabit together unmarried not because they do not want to get married but because our society do not allow them to do so.

Many children have been born out of wedlock through such unions. We scorn on unmarried couples and children born out of wedlock but in these cases our society must be scorned upon and even stand condemned for causing miseries to such couples who want to be married but prevented from doing so. Children born from such unions out of wedlock face untold miseries. These miseries and predicaments must be put to an end if we consider ourselves a civilized society.

About 30 year ago the National Registration Department would accept the application to change the name, religion or other particulars of a person when a deed poll is done (A deed poll is a sworn statement made by an applicant stating his intention to change his name, religion or other particulars and have it advertised in a newspaper). Subsequently, it was said that in order to take into account the sensitivity of the muslims, it was not advisable to have it advertised. It was then agreed that the Majlis Agama Islam or the Islamic Department of the State would issue letters confirming that a person has left the Islamic faith and that was sufficient for the National Registration Department to make the necessary amendments to the identity card. I understand that the Majlis Agama Islam and the Religious Department of the States have stopped issuing such letters.

The National Registration Department now requires an applicant to obtain an order from the Syariah Court declaring that he/she has left Islam. Such a requirement contravenes Article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution as the decision to decide one’s faith now rests with a third party. Article 11(1) guarantees absolute right to choose one’s religion and any decision otherwise to prevent him from this freedom will be unconstitutional and unacceptable.

I call on the National Registration Department to accept a statutory declaration as sufficient proof of the choice of the religion or personal faith that a person has made. Once the religious status of a person has been resolved through the change of the particulars in his/her identity card, the issues and conflicts in the many cases that we have seen will resolve on its own.

Dated this 7h day of June 2014.

Ngeh Koo Ham
MP for Beruas
Deputy Secretary General of DAP Malaysia