MEDIA STATEMENTDato Mah Hang Soon must not be allowed to promote falsehood in a religions event. The public demand a product as advertised, not a fake one.On 6th January, BN Perak State Government Executive Councilor, Dato’ Dr Mah Hang Soon announced that the well-known Christian Music group, Hillsong from Australia will take centre stage during the Perak State level Christmas and New Year celebrations at Stadium Indera Mulia in Ipoh on 23rd January, 2011.
Immediately, on the same day, the manager of Hillsong Music, Australia Mr. Timothy Whincop issued a letter confirming that the group performing at the event is not sanctioned or endorsed by Hillsong Music or Hillsong Church.
I have been given to understand that this matter has been brought to the attention of Dato’ Dr Mah. Despite the said knowledge he insisted that the group performing on 23/1/2011 be promoted as from Hillsong from Australia.
Yesterday, Hillsong issued another letter confirming that Hillsong is not and will not be performing in any event in Ipoh, Perak on 23/1/2011 and reiterates that Hillsong’s name may not be used without prior permission. Copies of their letters dated 6/1/2011 and 12/1/2011 are attached herewith.
Christianity promotes truth and respect for the rights of others. It is a shameful affair for Dato’ Mah to promote falsehood.
Dato’ Mah must let the public know exactly who is performing at the Christmas event. As the exco member in charge of consumer affairs, Dato’ Mah has the duty not to mislead the public but to describe a product accurately.
Christians and other Malaysians are upset that Dato’ Mah is not telling the truth. The public demand that they get the product as advertised, not a fake one.

Dated this 13th day of January 2011.
Chairman of DAP Perak
MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan