Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Media statement dated on 22 December 2014

1. BN Perak Government mad to allow advertisement annual fees to increase by up to 66 times or 6,600% to be approved.

2. DAP Perak strongly condemns such unreasonable increase which will be a great burden to the people.

3. Call on the Manjung District Councilors who opposed the increase to walk the talk.


Sitiawan State Assemblyman, YB Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham today strongly condemns BN Perak Government for refusing the revise the unconscionable increase in the annual advertisement fees in the Manjung District of Perak.

In the just concluded Perak State Assembly the BN State Government has refused to review the decision of the Manjung District Council of Perak to increase annual advertisement fees up to 66 times or 6,600%.

The Manjung District Council has on 18/10/2013 approved the Local Government Act 1976 Advertisement (Manjung Municipal Council) By-Laws 2013 and the same was confirmed by the BN Perak Government on 29/10/2013. The new by-laws took effect recently. The said new by-laws replaces the Advertisement (Manjung District Council) By Laws 1984.

(1) Unilluminated advertisement

 1984 By-laws                                                                      
(a) First 10 sq.metres or part thereof RM30 per annum.

 2013 By-laws                                  
(a) First 1 sq.metre or part thereof RM80 per annum.

 1984 By-laws    
(b) Additional 1 sq.metre or part thereof RM3.00 per annum.  

 2013 By-laws      
(b) Additional 1 sq.metre or part thereof RM10.00 per annum.

(2) Illuminated advertisement

 1984 By-laws   
(a) First 10 sq.metres or part thereof RM60.00 per annum                                      
 2013 By-laws    
(a) First 1 sq.metre or part thereof RM60.00 per annum
 1984 By-laws   
(b) Additional 1 sq.metre or part thereof                           
 2013 By-laws    
(b) additional 1 sq.metre or RM6.00 per annum part thereof RM10.00 per annum
Under the new 2013 by-laws the annual fee for 10 sq.metres unilluminated advertisement will be RM170.00 compared with RM30.00 under the 1984 by-laws. The annual fee for 100 sq.metres unilluminated advertisement will be RM1070.00 under the 2013 by laws compared with RM300.00 under the 1984 by laws.
Under the new 2013 by-laws, the annual fee for 10 sq.metres illuminated advertisement will be RM150.00 compared with RM60.00 under the 1984 by-laws. The annual fee for a 100 sq.metres illuminated advertisement will be RM1050.00 under the 2013 by-laws compared with RM600.00 under the 1984 by-laws.

Under the 2013 by-laws, a new category ‘Billboard’ has been created. The rates are as follows:-

(a) Illuminated RM180.00 per sq.metres per annum irrespective of size.

(b) Unilluminated RM200.00 per sq.metres per annum irrespective of size.

The annual fee for a 10 sq.metres illuminated billboard under the 1984 by-laws was RM60.00 but will be RM1,800.00 under the new 2013 by laws. The annual fee for a 100 sq.metres illuminated billboard under the 1984 by-laws was RM600.00 but will be RM18,000.00 under the new by-laws.

The annual fee for a 10 sq.metres unilluminated billboard under the 1984 by-laws was RM30.00. It will now be RM2,000.00 under the new 2013 by-laws (66 times increase). The annual fee for a 100 sq.metres illuminated billboard under the 1984 by-laws was RM300.00 but will now be RM20,000.00 (66 times).

Many Manjung District Councilors who have gone to the media to oppose the increase (on the ground that they were not aware of it or they had not been appointed as councilors when the new 2013 by-laws were passed) to walk the talk.


State Assemblyman

For Sitiawan, Perak

MP for Beruas

Deputy Secretary General,

DAP Malaysia

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