Sunday, December 8, 2013

Great Joy in seeing the smooth DAP Perak Chairmanship Change

New elected DAP Perak state committee


Great Joy in seeing the smooth DAP Perak Chairmanship Change

It is with great joy that I see the smooth transition of the DAP Perak chairmanship from me  today.

I became the DAP Perak Chairman in 1997 and has been its chairman since then. It has been more than 16 years yet it seems not too long ago that I took the chairman seat. I attribute it to the great joy in serving the people and the cooperation and support I received from DAP National leadership, our members and the public.

DAP Perak was at its lowest point with only the State seat of Sitiawan being represented by the DAP when I assumed the chairmanship of Perak. My only concern then was that DAP must be strong in order to become an effective opposition in Perak and Malaysia to provide the necessary check and balance needed for a healthy Malaysia.

I have achieved more than I have set out to do. DAP Perak has a strong and vibrant team with many young and capable talents now. I believe they will be able to take DAP Perak and DAP Malaysia to greater heights. I wish them every success and all my blessings. We had succeeded in winning 6 Parliamentary and 18 State Seats out of the 7 Parliamentary and 18 State Seats which DAP contested in Perak in the 12th General Election in 2008 and proceeded together with PAS and PKR to form the Perak State Government. I am glad that the coming together with DAP, PAS and PKR leaders to form the Perak State Government had precipitated the subsequent formation of Pakatan Rakyat. Seeing what DAP Perak has achieved is a great satisfaction to me and the opportunity to be part of the Pakatan Rakyat Perak Government though brief was a bonus to me.

DAP Perak has won all the 7 Parliamentary Seats and 18 State Seats which we contested in the 13th General Election on 5/5/2013.

I have suggested the DAP Perak chairmanship succession issue some 3 years ago to the DAP Perak Committee members but they felt that my service was still needed especially in leading the team in then impending 13th General Election. Although I  no longer helm the chairmanship post, I will still be around to help DAP Perak  in a different capacity.

I would like to thank Sdr Lim Kit Siang, Sdr Lim Guan Eng, the CEC, the  Perak State Committee, party members and the people of Perak and Malaysia for their kind support which I truly cherish.

Dated this 8th day of December 2013.

MP for Beruas & State Assemblyman for Sitiawan 

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