Thursday, April 4, 2013

11 reasons why Perakians must replace BN with PR as the Perak State & Federal Governments


Media Conference (II) by DAP Perak State Committee at DAP Perak HQ, Ipoh on 4th April 2013 in response to the Dissolution of Parliament on 3rd April 2013

The people of Perak has at least 11 reasons to replace BN with PR as Government in both the Perak State and the Federation Malaysia in the coming 13th General Election.

The people of Perak must be reminded of the dark and tumultuous power grab in Perak on 6/2/2009 by BN.

A survey conducted not long after the power grab showed that PR would have won 40 out of 59 seats had the State Assembly been dissolved and a fresh election been conducted then.

Parliament and the Perak State Assembly have been dissolved yesterday (3/4/2013). Number 11 may be Najib’s favourite number but the people of Perak have a duty to support PR for at least the following 11 reasons:-

1. They must tell all Malaysians and the world that they are principled people who were angry with BN for its power grab in 2009 and will remain angry with BN until BN is punished and justice meted out. They will not be bought with the little goodies that BN recently showered on them which in any case are monies which belong to the people.

2. They must back those who were in the forefront fighting against the power grab. On 6/2/2009, a group of brave Perakians tried to prevent the undemocratic appointment of Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir as the Menteri Besar of Perak at the Kuala Kangsar Palace. Some of them risked their lives by laying across the road to prevent the appointment ceremony from taking place. They are now being charged in court and face possible jail sentences. We must show solidarity with them.

3. The economic boom in Perak which would have occurred under PR Perak Government was derailed by the power grab. In 2008 under the PR Government, Perak State registered an investment of RM3.2 billion the highest in the history of Perak. Huge number of local as well as foreign investors were lining up to invest in Perak due to the efficient and graft free PR Perak government. These investors have put on hold their investments awaiting a fresh election to be held which unfortunately did not occur until now.

4. Democracy must be restored in Perak. A strong message must be sent to all that any undemocratic means of power grab is not acceptable. A police state is not acceptable. The police force must not be used to overpower the State Assembly using brutal force. The incident where the legitimate State Assembly Speaker, YB V. Sivakumar being manhandled and imprisoned in order to install BN appointed Speaker must never be allowed to happen again.

5. Laws must be enacted to restore the democratic norms which were violated by BN just to ensure their power grab was successful and preserved. Laws must be enacted to ensure that the Speaker and not the Election Commission decides if an election or a by election needs to be carried out. The place to decide which Assemblyman/woman commands the support of the State Assembly must be conducted in the State Assembly and not at any other place.

6. Dato’ Seri Najib Bin Tun Razak and Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir the chief criminals in the power grab must not be allowed to lead the Perak State or the Federation of Malaysia.

7. Land grab by BN leaders and their cronies must be stopped. Since the power grab, Perak BN Government has approved 112,546.7 acres of land equivalent to an area of 455 km in length by 1 km in width. The distance of 455 km is about the distance from Alor Star to Kuala Lumpur ! Most of them approved to cronies and despite repeated demands both within and outside the State Assembly, BN Perak Government under the leadership of Dato’ Seri Zambry has refused to answer as to who the lands were approved to. Billions of Ringgit of the people’s monies were lost as the lands were approved without any open tender. Deserving cases of the landless were however ignored by the BN Government.

8. PM Dato’ Seri Najib has been proven to be a liar. He lied when he said that the Kelantan State Government gave 10,000 acres of land to DAP leaders namely, YB Ngeh Koo Ham and YB Nga Kor Ming. Witnesses have come forward to show that he is suspected of being involved in the murder of Altantuya and the second sodomy charge against Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

9. We need to save Malaysia from bankruptcy. Dato’ Seri Najib is the most irresponsible Prime Minister in the Malaysian history. He adds on about RM50.0 billion every year to our national debt. Our national debt now stands at around RM502.00 billion and if the debt continue to increase at RM50.0 billion a year we will be a bankrupt nation by 2019. Our annual repayment is now at RM22.3 billion and it will take us more than 40 years (taking into account interest on the existing debts to repay the existing loans. RM22.3 billion is about 12.0% of our Government’s yearly income. We have wronged children and grand children by requiring them to settle the debt incurred by us caused by massive corruption and wastages.

10. In solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of Malaysians who have come forward in Bersih I, Bersih II and Himpunan Rakyat to demand for clean and fair elections and various other issues affecting us and our environment.

11. The people centric policies as contained PR National Manifesto and the PR Perak Manifesto which will be unveiled soon.

Dated this 4th day of April 2013.


DAP Perak Chairman &

DAP Deputy Secretary General

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