Monday, December 31, 2012

Call on BN Perak Government to cancel the approval of prime lands to cronies and UMNO/BN related companies as it is still not too late in law.


  1. Call on BN Perak Government to cancel the approval of prime lands to cronies and UMNO/BN related companies as it is still not too late in law.
  2. Dato’ Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir owes the public an explanation why these lands were approved to these companies.
  3. These lands should be awarded through open tender with strategic areas reserved for public amenities.


The pro UMNO media and UMNO leaders recently brought out the issue of my involvement in the reforestation project in Gua Musang, Kelantan to divert public attention from the land scandals that I have exposed against the BN Perak Government in the State Assembly.

Amongst the many land scandals that I have exposed are the following:-

  1. 5.0 acres of prime land in Mukim Lumut approved to Reality Axis Sdn Bhd.
  2. 32.07 acres of prime land (lot 6593) in Mukim Kamunting approved to YBU Holding Sdn Bhd.
  3. 147.84 acres of prime land in Mukim Lumut approved to be developed by Kinta Berkat Sdn Bhd.
  4.   58 acres of town land in Bandar Lumut approved  to J & S Holdings Sdn Bhd.
  5.  40 acres of prime land at Perak Tengah (Sri Iskandar) approved to Toyo Chemicals Sdn Bhd.

The people behind the abovesaid companies are UMNO/BN leaders and cronies.

I have now been given to understand that the statutory approvals (Form 5A of the National Land Code)  for the above said lands have not been issued and premiums for the above said lands have not been paid. I have  sought legal opinions and have been informed that the above said approvals can still be cancelled without any adverse consequence to the State Government.

I call on the BN to cancel the above said approvals and have them offered for development through open tender. Some areas of the said lands must be reserved for the building of public amenities which will be required in future.

Dato’ Seri zambry Bin Abdul Kadir the BN Perak Menteri Besar has avoided answering me in the Perak State Assembly recent sitting with regard to the above said approvals.

BN Perak State Government owes the people an explanation why the above said lands were approved to the above said companies.

BN has scrutinized and questioned  the award of the 1.1 acres of land approved by PR Penang Government in Taman Maggis even though it being awarded through open tender. I challenge the BN leadership to support my call for the above said prime lands worth Hundreds of Millions ringgit to be re-awarded through open tender if not we know they are mere hypocrites.

Dated this 31st day of December 2012.

Chairman Of DAP Perak
MP For Beruas & State Assemblyman For Sitiawan

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